

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Foolishness. If something isn't specifically mentioned in the Bible means it is silent on the subject. Not something to base doctrine on.
Something to consider: There are some things God specifically spelled out, commanded, Specific Authority.
Other things he authorized were by General Authority. Approved Apostolic examples ( if they did it, practiced it, we need to appeal to it) Acts 20:7 (First day of the week)And necessary inference. Eph. 5:19, Col.3:16 (singing)That is we can necessarily conclude from the way something reads, context can authorize.
Either one, Specific or General carries the same weight of authority. If something practiced or not practiced cannot be found in these two realms , one does not have the authority from scripture to teach or practice it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why you worried about it?
It seems you’re looking for an out so not to be accountable for what you know.
You’re no exception. Many who want to justify the life they live that they know is opposite of what the Bible says, and do not want to humble themselves and repent, think they’ve really found something. Lol
Your plan won’t hold up on judgement day, homo.
Not at all, I’m just asking you to clarify your beliefs.
I find your beliefs very ridiculous and without any real merit.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not at all, I’m just asking you to clarify your beliefs.
I find your beliefs very ridiculous and without any real merit.
Pretty clear, I think. Work on comprehension. I know accountability/ responsibility for choices you make are foreign to your thinking.

I find your findings not surprising.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Oooohhhh you got me now!

Tell you what. You post any question you have, one comment at a time and I'll answer everyone to the best of my ability, one at a time. Those you have, or those in your two post above. Any and all, one at a time. One day at a time. You could call it @Integrity question of the day.
If you want to smear the Lord's Church, that's fine. But, don't hide. Bring it all out publicly so all can choose to learn (that of coarse is not your motive), laugh, mock, or accept.
I challenge you to do it. My money is on you won't. You continue to be spineless.

El Correcto

god is dead
You believe it's normal to have anal sex with other men, correct?

Just want to establish a base line for what you believe is "ridiculous".
Are you really trying to invoke same sex isn’t natural arguments to defend a guy who believes people that don’t acknowledge an old dead Jew as god are going to be tossed into a pit of sulfur and fire? That people and dinosaurs were alive at the same time?

You can feel free to disagree with same sex relations being natural, I do believe you’re wrong on that but at least we are discussing reality at that point. This man is so far removed from reality it is a joke.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Are you really trying to invoke same sex isn’t natural arguments to defend a guy who believes people that don’t acknowledge an old dead Jew as god are going to be tossed into a pit of sulfur and fire? That people and dinosaurs were alive at the same time?

You can feel free to disagree with same sex relations being natural, I do believe you’re wrong on that but at least we are discussing reality at that point. This man is so far removed from reality it is a joke.
Reality check:
Those who believe Jesus is the Christ: 2.56 Billion (worldwide)
Those who believe in a literal Hell: 203 million (America) 327 million total population
Those who believe dinosaurs and people were on the earth at the same time: 138 million (America) 327 million total population
Those who believe it's normal for men to have anal sex with other men: No data. Sources say too many people puked after being asked the question and became too sick to respond.

El Correcto

god is dead
Reality check:
Those who believe Jesus is the Christ: 2.56 Billion (worldwide)
Those who believe in a literal Hell: 203 million (America) 327 million total population
Those who believe dinosaurs and people were on the earth at the same time: 138 million (America) 327 million total population
Those who believe it's normal for men to have anal sex with other men: No data. Sources say too many people puked after being asked the question and became too sick to respond.
Reality check:
I don’t care how many others you are going along with, you are still wrong and delusional.

El Correcto

god is dead
Just for the "reality check" of how many people are removed from reality. "This man" seemed singular. It wasn't meant for a defense.
I think not a lot of people enjoy learning about science or philosophy and it’s easier to just go along with the socially acceptable answers provided by their religious upbringings or communities.

I don’t see how else you end up believing the nonsense you do, but yes you certainly aren’t alone in that nonsense.

Maybe explain to me why you went to an evolution website to copy and paste what it was trying to teach you was wrong as fact so that you could post it here as your opinion on evolution instead of reading from educators on why it was wrong?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think not a lot of people enjoy learning about science or philosophy and it’s easier to just go along with the socially acceptable answers provided by their religious upbringings or communities.

I don’t see how else you end up believing the nonsense you do, but yes you certainly aren’t alone in that nonsense.
The answers I found and believe are in scripture. I don't believe "that nonsense" because of my upbringing or a religious community. My conclusions were and have been objective.
To accept what's written is to agree with actual science, not theory. As well as historical and archeological evidence
Maybe explain to me why you went to an evolution website to copy and paste what it was trying to teach you was wrong as fact so that you could post it here as your opinion on evolution instead of reading from educators on why it was wrong?
Probably tired. Wasn't thinking. Mistake on my part.
I've read and continue read the "educators" and their "opinions" that you spout as fact. A lot of it, I have a real hard time not laughing at what they are selling.
Sheep herders who spoke words that came from God, it ain't funny.