

Well-Known Member
I mean, educated guesses but yeah pretty much

you can't possibly do anything else without a time machine or a direct translation document
Unlike the rest of us scholars who study this full-time are comparing texts with other manuscripts from many sources. And in the case of Hebrew and Greek they have vast resources to draw from. While it might be impossible to get the exact nuance a particular author meant with a word it's likely they are very close. Much more so than someone who dismisses something out of hand because he doesn't agree with the author's viewpoint. @Integrity has established he doesn't regard the writers of the Bible as anymore authoritative than he is in deciding what God wants and he believes he has it right more than they do in certain situations.


Binge Poster
Unlike the rest of us scholars who study this full-time are comparing texts with other manuscripts from many sources. And in the case of Hebrew and Greek they have vast resources to draw from. While it might be impossible to get the exact nuance a particular author meant with a word it's likely they are very close. Much more so than someone who dismisses something out of hand because he doesn't agree with the author's viewpoint. @Integrity has established he doesn't regard the writers of the Bible as anymore authoritative than he is in deciding what God wants and he believes he has it right more than they do in certain situations.
Your understanding is more “ authoritative” than mine?


Well-Known Member
Yes I get it.

But how was that a warning?
My point is that Jesus does suggest to live as sinless a life as you can. It certainly doesn't give us a right to condemn anyone, but does it not mean to emphasize how important it is to be on the side against sinful activities?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
"Are you a law keeper?" I sure am. If I am not a law keeper I am a law breaker or lawless. To act without law in religion is to sin (1 John 3:4; Matt. 7:23).
The scripture teaches men can be saved only by obeying "the law" of conversion, and we can worship acceptably only by following the law of worship and we can please Him in our service only when we observe His law of service.
I don't trust in law keeping, I trust in Him who gave the "perfect law of liberty." If I love the Lawgiver, I will love His law. That attitude toward the law shows the attitude I have toward the Lawgiver.
No one keeps His law perfectly so we are not justified by law. But we can have a perfect attitude toward the law by recognizing that every precept is to be believed and obeyed. We must "trust and obey for there's no other way."
Do you stumble at any of His laws? Remember, "Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over me."


Binge Poster
I guess we just disagree there. How do you speak to anyone what sin actually is then? Do you even refer to biblical teachings when talking to others about what is a sin?
I share my experience, strength, and hope with them.

Sometimes, but usually no. I do share my understanding of the teachings and the “Good News” when I feel led by the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
I share my experience, strength, and hope with them.

Sometimes, but usually no. I do share my understanding of the teachings and the “Good News” when I feel led by the Holy Spirit.
So your kinda like a prosperity evangelist? You stick with the positives and avoid negativity when it comes to sin?


Binge Poster
So your kinda like a prosperity evangelist? You stick with the positives and avoid negativity when it comes to sin?
I am definitely more positive than negative when sharing my religious/ spiritual life and practices. I stick with the positives until someone is ready to discuss their shortcomings.

I have walked thorough the 4th and 5th Step of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous many times in my 33 + years of participating in the AA Fellowship/Program.


Well-Known Member
I am definitely more positive than negative when sharing my religious/ spiritual life and practices. I stick with the positives until someone is ready to discuss their shortcomings.

I have walked thorough the 4th and 5th Step of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous many times in my 33 + years of participating in the AA Fellowship/Program.
Thank you for clarifying more. I disagree with some of the ways you think, but I do believe we're on the same team so to speak. I always tell my wife that it takes all kinds to attract people to Christ. My pastor has been mine for over 15 years now and I love the way he brings people to Christ and our mission to outreach. My mother is the old school fire and brimstone type. I cringe at it but as long as the goal is to honestly try to bring people to salvation and try to love and respect one another then I can work with that.


Well-Known Member
You do know there are other verses saying the same thing? If a brother in Christ is involved in sinful activities we are to say so to him and shun him if he refuses to change.