You miss again. And again. I don't know how to word it so you will see the point.
Whether you suck di**s.
You shoot somebody.
You steal a loaf of bread.
You lie.
If you are born a

sucker. If you are born a killer. If you are a born thief. If you are a born liar.
If you are given an opportunity to any of these things you HAVE to do it. You have NO choice.
The end result of somebody having NO choice, whether good or bad, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.
GET IT. If you base one thing on born that way and have NO choice in the matter, there is NO stopping place .
If one has NO choice, there is NO guilt. NO accountability. Therefor the murderer, the thief , the liar, CANNOT be charged for what they have done. They were simply doing what they were BORN to do and had NO choice in the matter.