

Binge Poster
I am finding some institutional churches are preaching a “bait and switch” method of religion. Not all of them that I see are doing this but some are.

They are preaching the “Good News” of the living person of the Father God, through the living person of Jesus the Son, by the power of the living person of the Holy Spirit. They are preaching the saving power of this living God. They are preaching follow this living God and just when the bait is taken by those seeking the real person of the living God they then switch it out with a religious book, not a person.

Some say “you preached a living God who loves me and wanted a relationship with me, I believed it hook line and sinker and I bow down to that God, the one you preached about but then you tried to tell me that I too had to bow down to your religious book. Why are you switching out the person of a real and living God, with a religious book?”


Well-Known Member
I am finding some institutional churches are preaching a “bait and switch” method of religion. Not all of them that I see are doing this but some are.

They are preaching the “Good News” of the living person of the Father God, through the living person of Jesus the Son, by the power of the living person of the Holy Spirit. They are preaching the saving power of this living God. They are preaching follow this living God and just when the bait is taken by those seeking the real person of the living God they then switch it out with a religious book, not a person.

Some say “you preached a living God who loves me and wanted a relationship with me, I believed it hook line and sinker and I bow down to that God, the one you preached about but then you tried to tell me that I too had to bow down to your religious book. Why are you switching out the person of a real and living God, with a religious book?”
Seems to me that those who claim they are directly speaking to, and being spoken to, our Father are the ones putting limits on God. If he speaks directly to us then why doesn't he openly present himself to humanity? Why not appear above the battlefields of Ukraine and tell them to stop? Why not appear in the wards of covid patients and bring healing comfort? Why not stop droughts and famines? No, he just appears in secret to those who have an insiders access according to some.

That religious book is our guide given to us by God. We also pray to him. We draw closer to him by shunning those things he calls sin in that religious book. And that's the crux of the matter. Those who claim the Bible is just a book written by men don't like the limits placed on them in that book. They want to do whatever they want and still be acceptable. Cain was the same way. He wanted things his way and when he didn't get approval he slew his brother Abel. Seems some here want to figuratively slay those who choose to follow the book given to them by God rather than to submit to God's will.


Binge Poster
Seems to me that those who claim they are directly speaking to, and being spoken to, our Father are the ones putting limits on God. If he speaks directly to us then why doesn't he openly present himself to humanity? Why not appear above the battlefields of Ukraine and tell them to stop? Why not appear in the wards of covid patients and bring healing comfort? Why not stop droughts and famines? No, he just appears in secret to those who have an insiders access according to some.

That religious book is our guide given to us by God. We also pray to him. We draw closer to him by shunning those things he calls sin in that religious book. And that's the crux of the matter. Those who claim the Bible is just a book written by men don't like the limits placed on them in that book. They want to do whatever they want and still be acceptable. Cain was the same way. He wanted things his way and when he didn't get approval he slew his brother Abel. Seems some here want to figuratively slay those who choose to follow the book given to them by God rather than to submit to God's will.
God’s will be done!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Lying deceives another, killing takes another’s life, stealing takes another’s property, cheating betrays the one you’re committed to.

How does homosexuality hurt another person in this world? In this life? Forget the unverifiable claims you make about an after life or a god or sin, tell me how does two men screwing each other hurt anyone else?
You list wrong and then give ''your'' reason why it's wrong. You have it all figured out why these things are wrong but can't see what you're doing as wrong. Wonder why that might be?
I don't have to reason why lying, stealing, or cheating is wrong. It's written down. That's enough. I can say the same about homosexuality. The One who wrote the book says it is an abomination.
Lev. 18:22-23 -- "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any beast, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before a beast to mate with it. It is perversion."
Lev. 20:13-16 -- "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is wickedness. They shall be burned with fire, both he and they, that there may be no wickedness among you. If a man mates with a beast, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the beast. If a woman approaches any beast and mates with it, you shall kill the woman and the beast. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood is upon them."
The Lord’s referenced the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in Matthew 10:14-15 and Luke 10:10-12..It happened.

But, you're in luck. The Corinthian church had those who "were" thinking like you, but repented (turned from that) and obeyed the gospel and were forgiven. Not killed. You live in a good century.

I can't forget about an after life, God, or sin anymore than you can forget about secular humanism.

As far as hurting anyone else, "it doesn't" is your cry. With the concerted effort by the government, media, and LGBTQ screaming for indoctrination, not only accept but, approve the practice and remove all stigma from the perversion, the cry is working.
The behavior is very destructive for a society, families, and morality. The military has internal strife like has never been seen.
If "two men screwing each other" would leave it there, it wouldn't be a problem. But, that's not the deal we have now.
Removing choice does not remove punishment, after all society will not have a choice in how they deal with you if there is no choice. Does a wall have a choice in destroying your vehicle and possibly your life if you ran into it? I see crime as much the same way. You are running into society and against other’s self interest. Sometimes that wall is made of paper, other times reinforced concrete.
Yes, it does. No accountability means no responsibility . Society already recognizes that.
Inanimate objects is not what we're talking about.
Self interest is the problem. Selfish. It doesn't matter what the wall is made of.
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Well-Known Member
I do listen to Osteen at times, but I get the feel of a motivational speech like that of Tony Robbins instead of learning how to grow spiritually. I suppose if it truly leads people to salvation then more power to em. Gospel teaching matters though. The living Christ doesn't promise prosperity in what we "want" necessarily. Watch and let me know your opinion of the pastor of the church I've been with for over 15 years now. The 19 minute mark on is kind of relevant to all of the recent discussions of this thread



Binge Poster
I do listen to Osteen at times, but I get the feel of a motivational speech like that of Tony Robbins instead of learning how to grow spiritually. I suppose if it truly leads people to salvation then more power to em. Gospel teaching matters though. The living Christ doesn't promise prosperity in what we "want" necessarily. Watch and let me know your opinion of the pastor of the church I've been with for over 15 years now. The 19 minute mark on is kind of relevant to all of the recent discussions of this thread

I have to get outside. My retaining wall ( the project that keeps giving) needs some attention but I will check it out later and will be sure to give my opinion. Thanks for sharing this!!


All Trash No Trailer


Binge Poster
I do listen to Osteen at times, but I get the feel of a motivational speech like that of Tony Robbins instead of learning how to grow spiritually. I suppose if it truly leads people to salvation then more power to em. Gospel teaching matters though. The living Christ doesn't promise prosperity in what we "want" necessarily. Watch and let me know your opinion of the pastor of the church I've been with for over 15 years now. The 19 minute mark on is kind of relevant to all of the recent discussions of this thread

I watched it. Seemed ok to me. Similar to the local church preaching I attend. I can take it or leave it. My church seems to give mixed messages as to what “ Good News” as well.

I have attended my local church faithfully since 1994. It was Baptist Distinctive at the time but a local Presbyterian Church split and a huge # of Presbyterians moved in and started to usurp the leadership, changing the polity and some Theology.

This appears to me to have caused Jesus to be replaced by the Bible as the foundation of our faith.

I think this is a result of people going to seminary and becoming pastors as a job and not as a spiritual calling and these teaching are coming out of the seminaries of our day.

From 1963-1994 I exclusively attended my local Roman Catholic Congregation.

When your Pastor at the point you mentioned“bible, bible, bible.” It would have resonated with me more if he said “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”.

Any questions you have I will gladly answer but I will not be responding to anyone other than you about this unless it is appropriate and impossible for the sake of furthering the discussion.


Well-Known Member
I watched it. Seemed ok to me. Similar to the local church preaching I attend. I can take it or leave it. My church seems to give mixed messages as to what “ Good News” as well.

I have attended my local church faithfully since 1994. It was Baptist Distinctive at the time but a local Presbyterian Church split and a huge # of Presbyterians moved in and started to usurp the leadership, changing the polity and some Theology.

This appears to me to have caused Jesus to be replaced by the Bible as the foundation of our faith.

I think this is a result of people going to seminary and becoming pastors as a job and not as a spiritual calling and these teaching are coming out of the seminaries of our day.

From 1963-1994 I exclusively attended my local Roman Catholic Congregation.

When your Pastor at the point you mentioned“bible, bible, bible.” It would have resonated with me more if he said “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”.

Any questions you have I will gladly answer but I will not be responding to anyone other than you about this unless it is appropriate and impossible for the sake of furthering the discussion.
I'm glad you have found a church that is a good fit. Churches can be so toxic as it is. I did think the sermon talked about the topic this thread has been about lately. And I'm glad you noticed the "bible bible bible" part. It's where we do disagree. It's important to have respectful dialogue even when we disagree on specifics.


Binge Poster
I'm glad you have found a church that is a good fit. Churches can be so toxic as it is. I did think the sermon talked about the topic this thread has been about lately. And I'm glad you noticed the "bible bible bible" part. It's where we do disagree. It's important to have respectful dialogue even when we disagree on specifics.

I am faithful to my imperfect church. When I became a member in 1996 I would have given it a 10 out of 10. Currently it lacks much, I give it a 3 out of 10. I would not become a member today but that ship has sailed, IMO it is not the best fit but I believe it is where I should be. God’s will be done.

I am often interested in checking different worship services out, one of the blessings of Covid was the accessibility to the actual worship services of what seems to be countless churches of different types and styles.

I feel prompted to share a bit about my spiritual journey with you.

I watch all sorts of institutional church worship services to supplement and to fill the gaps that I perceive exist in the institutional church that I have so long been affiliated with. I say this with no criticism or judgement, just observation and experience. I love the community of faith and the institutional church that I attend regardless of its imperfections , faults and failures of which I have observed many over the years.

My personal school of thought or personal theology if you will, has always been to take a higher view of the Universal Church and a lower view of the visible or institutional church, commonly referred to as “the Local Church”.

I do recognize the significant importance of the local church in the spiritual activity and participation in the life of a believer with regards to being a member of the worldwide body of Christ.

I have watched some of my friend’s church services at times, I frequently(almost every week) watch “Lakewood Live” out of Houston, and I regularly watch the “Daily TV Mass” out if Toronto. I also still attend 2 addiction recovery communities per week.

All of these in a smaller or larger way have provided what I view as much needed aspects of a spiritual life that, over the years, I found lacking during my journey with Christ at my local church,

I trust I am following the Holy Spirit’s leading and not just sharing my earthly opinions. God’s will be done.

Question about Joel Osteen:

Has your exposure to Lakewood Church been through Joel Osteen’s tv broadcasts or through the online worship services at the Lakewood Church out of Houston.?

My Pastor and the pastor that I watched seem to like to throw shade at Osteen by snarkily referring to the title of one of Joel Osteen’s book “Your Best Life Now”. Curious as to whether these pastor’s , yours and mine, have even read this book. Have you read the book. I have.

Why would anyone think that God doesn’t want us to lead a life with heavenly perspective and that a life with God on the throne of our lives is not our best possible life now? I don’t get it.

I appreciate your perspective and your open mindedness that I believe is a result of your heart being open to our awesome God.


Well-Known Member
Been researching human interaction and biblical history. Found this documentary. Not sure of the guy but his sources are very interesting. The oldest Bible reference was the draw.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
@El Correcto ..Hey Homo..thought I'd take your obsession (dinos/humans/ Christians) to the right thread. Leave the queer speak in the LGBTQ thread.

There aren’t separate sets of ‘evidences’ for evolution and creation—we all deal with the same evidence. We all live on the same earth, have the same fossils, observe the same animals, etc. The difference is in how we interpret what is studied. I don't see a problem.
I can take the fairy tale book and see how it backs the science, fossils, and archeological findings, you can't.
You can take what ever the "latest" that has been put out by the renowned folks that are in the know and buy it hook, line and sinker. I can't.
How sweet it is.