
El Correcto

god is dead
@El Correcto ..Hey Homo..thought I'd take your obsession (dinos/humans/ Christians) to the right thread. Leave the queer speak in the LGBTQ thread.
Makes no difference to me.
There aren’t separate sets of ‘evidences’ for evolution and creation—we all deal with the same evidence. We all live on the same earth, have the same fossils, observe the same animals, etc. The difference is in how we interpret what is studied. I don't see a problem.
You don’t interpret anything, you blatantly lie and ignore large portions of the findings that don’t suit your delusions.
I can take the fairy tale book and see how it backs the science, fossils, and archeological findings, you can't.
No you can’t. The archeological findings do not back most of the Jewish lore surrounding their coming to Israel, doesn’t back the Jewish lore of Noah, etc.
You ignore radiometric dating(if you even know what that is) that places dinosaur extinction well before human beings on this earth.
You believe in the fairytale creationist myth of genesis, which is not how human beings arrived on this earth.
You can take what ever the "latest" that has been put out by the renowned folks that are in the know and buy it hook, line and sinker. I can't.
Conspiratorial thinking, because you cannot stand on facts.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Makes no difference to me.

You don’t interpret anything, you blatantly lie and ignore large portions of the findings that don’t suit your delusions.

No you can’t. The archeological findings do not back most of the Jewish lore surrounding their coming to Israel, doesn’t back the Jewish lore of Noah, etc.
You ignore radiometric dating(if you even know what that is) that places dinosaur extinction well before human beings on this earth.
You believe in the fairytale creationist myth of genesis, which is not how human beings arrived on this earth.

Conspiratorial thinking, because you cannot stand on facts.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
" If a thing is free to be good, it is also free to be bad. Free will is what has made evil possible, so why then has God given us free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy. A world of automatons, of creatures who work like machines would hardly be worth creating." - C.S. Lewis


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Romans 4:5 But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness
In Rom. 4 Paul -” Was Abraham justified by works; that is, was Abraham justified by perfect obedience to law? No, he was not (Rom. 4:3). Who did David say would be blessed? Did David say the blessed are those who never sin? No, David described the blessed man as the forgiven man (Rom. 4:6-8).
God makes one righteous by faith, not by works (Rom. 4:11). Justification is by the system of faith. It is not “through the law,Moses” or by works of perfect obedience.
Paul is not saying, “But to him that obeyeth not, his faith is counted for righteousness.” No, he is stating a fact. He is not making an argument. He is stating a simple truth.
The one who sins, the one who depends upon God for forgiveness, that is the one that “works not.” If the one who has sinned believes on God, “his faith is counted for righteousness.” His works cannot avail, for he has sinned. If he had never sinned, his works would obtain the reward of justification. God would owe it to him to declare him righteous in His sight. Only to one who never sinned would God owe salvation
. So, the one who “works” is the one who never has sinned. The one who “works not” is the transgressor who must rely on God for righteousness. If he is forgiven, it is a matter of grace, not debt. His faith is the means by which God declares him righteous.

Whatever terms or conditions God sets forth can never alter the fact that forgiveness is a matter of grace. Again, the man who “works” is the man who never sins. The man who “works not” is the sinner who cannot depend upon perfect obedience for righteousness.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
You list yet another Roman passage where Paul contrasts justification by grace against justification by works. As has been shown, you make the Calvin conclusion there are no conditional works which we must perform in order to be justified. Many passages that teach the necessity of man's obedience. Among these are Matt. 7:21, Heb. 5:9, 2 Thess. 1:7-9, James 2:24, and Acts 2:38.
Jesus clearly teaches that obtaining everlasting life involves human labor (John 6:27-29). In this very Roman letter which so strongly emphasizes justification by grace (not alone), Paul shows the importance of obedience when he observes that the very purpose of gospel preaching was to produce obedience (Rom. 1:5; 16:25-26).

You and Calvin think if human work is involved in obtaining salvation, how can the salvation be of grace? The answer is that the works we perform do not earn the salvation which we receive. The very opportunity to obey God is a gift of grace. God requires that we meet certain conditions, but when we have met those conditions we still do not deserve to stand justified before God. Even after meeting His conditions for forgiveness, we still deserve to be punished rather than forgiven; yet, by His grace He forgives us so that we are just in His sight.

You think if we have to meet conditions to receive our salvation, then our salvation is not a gift of grace. Not true.
You just got a call the you won a brand new jeep. Come on down to the show room and get it!
What conditions did you have to meet in order to get your free jeep?
Get up, find your car keys, go to the garage, start your car, drive to the showroom, get out, etc.
Was the jeep still free?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Galatians 2:16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.
Galatians 3: 24 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
We are saved by grace. But not grace alone. We are saved by faith. But not faith alone.
We cannot be acceptable to God if we do not work righteousness (Acts 10:35). The sinner must hear, believe, repent, confesss his faith and be baptized for the remission of sins. Anything short of this or in addition to this is not from God and will not bring His favor. When a child of God (A New Testament Christian)sins he is cleansed by the blood of Christ, but not without confessing his sins (1 Jno. 1:7). He must do something in order to be pardoned by Divine grace.

If you could be saved by the law of Moses, (a system of works), or by some meritorious works of your own devising, then you would indeed annul God’s grace; but you can never do this. When one obeys the voice of the Lord and keeps His commandments he can never make void His grace. Such requirements can in no way could be interpreted as works of merit. Even faith is a work, yet not of merit (Jno. 6:29; Gal. 5:6).

“Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.”
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Before I comment on the next few verses that you posted that,
"As you can see, it is by faith alone."- @FromOffTheStreets
maybe to just let me know you're still around, can you give me the passage that says baptism is a work? If you find it or don't find it, can you let me know?
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Well-Known Member

I am faithful to my imperfect church. When I became a member in 1996 I would have given it a 10 out of 10. Currently it lacks much, I give it a 3 out of 10. I would not become a member today but that ship has sailed, IMO it is not the best fit but I believe it is where I should be. God’s will be done.

I am often interested in checking different worship services out, one of the blessings of Covid was the accessibility to the actual worship services of what seems to be countless churches of different types and styles.

I feel prompted to share a bit about my spiritual journey with you.

I watch all sorts of institutional church worship services to supplement and to fill the gaps that I perceive exist in the institutional church that I have so long been affiliated with. I say this with no criticism or judgement, just observation and experience. I love the community of faith and the institutional church that I attend regardless of its imperfections , faults and failures of which I have observed many over the years.

My personal school of thought or personal theology if you will, has always been to take a higher view of the Universal Church and a lower view of the visible or institutional church, commonly referred to as “the Local Church”.

I do recognize the significant importance of the local church in the spiritual activity and participation in the life of a believer with regards to being a member of the worldwide body of Christ.

I have watched some of my friend’s church services at times, I frequently(almost every week) watch “Lakewood Live” out of Houston, and I regularly watch the “Daily TV Mass” out if Toronto. I also still attend 2 addiction recovery communities per week.

All of these in a smaller or larger way have provided what I view as much needed aspects of a spiritual life that, over the years, I found lacking during my journey with Christ at my local church,

I trust I am following the Holy Spirit’s leading and not just sharing my earthly opinions. God’s will be done.

Question about Joel Osteen:

Has your exposure to Lakewood Church been through Joel Osteen’s tv broadcasts or through the online worship services at the Lakewood Church out of Houston.?

My Pastor and the pastor that I watched seem to like to throw shade at Osteen by snarkily referring to the title of one of Joel Osteen’s book “Your Best Life Now”. Curious as to whether these pastor’s , yours and mine, have even read this book. Have you read the book. I have.

Why would anyone think that God doesn’t want us to lead a life with heavenly perspective and that a life with God on the throne of our lives is not our best possible life now? I don’t get it.

I appreciate your perspective and your open mindedness that I believe is a result of your heart being open to our awesome God.
I listen to Joel Osteen on SiriusXM (has his own channel). I have a hard time watching him on tv (he's got an eye blinking issue lol). He does have a different way of approaching things though that I feel serves a purpose in my life. He is not the person I go to for furthering myself in my overall Christian path. That would be pastor Bruce and the connect groups within our church. Outside of that I listen to various people I feel helps me grow in my walk and knowledge. I still to this day listen to Billy Graham both on XM and on his Roku channel. David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Chip Ingram, Tony Evans, John Hagee, and Tim Lahaye are also ones I read/listen to. I am always open to listen to anyone that is recommended by people. Like I've said, for me the most important thing is to help guide people to salvation. From there things are gospel driven from my church activities, while my relationship with Christ is an internal one. I will read the book you suggested also to see what I think.


Binge Poster
I listen to Joel Osteen on SiriusXM (has his own channel). I have a hard time watching him on tv (he's got an eye blinking issue lol). He does have a different way of approaching things though that I feel serves a purpose in my life. He is not the person I go to for furthering myself in my overall Christian path. That would be pastor Bruce and the connect groups within our church. Outside of that I listen to various people I feel helps me grow in my walk and knowledge. I still to this day listen to Billy Graham both on XM and on his Roku channel. David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Chip Ingram, Tony Evans, John Hagee, and Tim Lahaye are also ones I read/listen to. I am always open to listen to anyone that is recommended by people. Like I've said, for me the most important thing is to help guide people to salvation. From there things are gospel driven from my church activities, while my relationship with Christ is an internal one. I will read the book you suggested also to see what I think.
I actually didn’t recommend it I just asked if you read it. It wasn’t bad but I probably wouldn’t recommend it.

I would recommend A.W. Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God” and Andrew Murray’s “Experiencing the Holy Spirit”.

El Correcto

god is dead
" If a thing is free to be good, it is also free to be bad. Free will is what has made evil possible, so why then has God given us free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy. A world of automatons, of creatures who work like machines would hardly be worth creating." - C.S. Lewis
Good fiction writer, terrible philosopher who focused on mostly bad apologetics.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm in good company... › view › surprising-resultsSurprising Results About Physicians' Belief in God

A University of Chicago study concluded that a whopping 76% of doctors stated that they believe in God, compared with only 39% of scientists, and about 70% of Americans overall.
There is a huge difference between believing in god and believing the numerous other stupid things you believe. Those people would probably write you a script for some schizo pills if you showed them your browncafe rants.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Have you noticed that those in this thread professing to be 'Christian' exhibit behavior (through their posts) that is undeniably not Christian?
Can you be more specific so we can discuss what post you consider undeniably “not Christian “?
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There is a huge difference between believing in god and believing the numerous other stupid things you believe. Those people would probably write you a script for some schizo pills if you showed them your browncafe rants.
You’re the rant king, or queen, homo. When you flame up, it’s hilarious.

El Correcto

god is dead
You’re the rant king, or queen, homo. When you flame up, it’s hilarious.
You accuse me of flaming up, but really it is just another deflection, like you trying to drag other’s faith in god into this.

Those people aren’t saying they believe dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time, people used to live for hundreds of years, they believe in magic or miracles and all the other silly nonsense you believe or take literally from the Bible.

So no you’re not in good company, you are just projecting your silly beliefs onto people who just acknowledge faith in a god.