Well-Known Member
I'm supposed to believe (at least from flush & it seems like your in his group) that water baptism is when you join with Christ & actually become saved. Your sins are remitted at that point & you are not saved until this occurs.We aren't told of the disciples baptism but we are told of the tongues of fire that rested on their heads as they received the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:3. Does that mean that we all are supposed to receive the Holy Spirit that way? No other examples are given of such, making the Apostles unique. But every example of conversion of Christians involved a symbolic immersion in water. Symbolic of Christ's burial and resurrection. Nowhere is there an example of someone just saying he wanted to be saved and he was then saved. The Apostle Paul was baptized. So was the Ethiopian eunuch. So was Cornelius. I'm going to go with their examples of conversion rather than any other way.
The disciples never did this so we have to infer that they weren't actually saved. If we take flushes viewpoint.
Many others spoke in tounges and received the baptism of the holy spirit. Paul even wrote a couple chapters about it to the Corinthian church.
I agree with you that baptism is symbolic and it always occurs with those who believe. I don't believe that it is a saving act is all I'm saying.