
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well when you consider that engaging in homosexual acts will damn you for eternity if the threat of hell doesn’t scare them then I don’t think the death penalty will either.

Why would potential execution not scare someone if they don't believe they'll burn in a fiery lake forever for behavior your tips for life book says is bad? Help me understand your thought process here.


Well-Known Member
That is not actually what I asked. See the 2 quotes below.

Not exactly what I said.

Things aren’t always as they appear.

First responsibility yes.

My right, not my responsibility to request, not insist.

Primarily yes


I would say the local school board has authority and final say as to what’s allowable.

You said:

I said:


Well-Known Member
I’ve never heard anyone give me a reason that someone who has a gay proclivity, which can be changed contrary to common brainwashing, has to act on their desires to have sexual relations with the same sex


Well-Known Member
Why would potential execution not scare someone if they don't believe they'll burn in a fiery lake forever for behavior your tips for life book says is bad? Help me understand your thought process here.
Because this life really isn’t that long. If you’re not concerned with how you’ll spend eternity you’re already lost and nothing the government threatens you with is gonna change your ways


Well-Known Member
What would parents need to protect their kids from if there wasn't graphic sexual material in the school library? Aren't you against graphic sexual material in the school library?

How would parents protect their kids when there is graphic sexual material in the school library when they're not at the school library?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Religion of peace.
Well when you consider that engaging in homosexual acts will damn you for eternity if the threat of hell doesn’t scare them then I don’t think the death penalty will either.
Why would potential execution not scare someone if they don't believe they'll burn in a fiery lake forever for behavior your tips for life book says is bad? Help me understand your thought process here.
Because this life really isn’t that long. If you’re not concerned with how you’ll spend eternity you’re already lost and nothing the government threatens you with is gonna change your ways

Do you think I wouldn't fear my own execution because I don't believe I'll burn in a fiery lake forever for not being in the Christian club?


Well-Known Member
What is going on in Uganda is likely a reaction to a huge problem with AIDS there. Blaming gays for its spread. Doesn't make it ok to execute them.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I wouldn't fear my own execution because I don't believe I'll burn in a fiery lake forever for not being in the Christian club?
Actually I think if you believe there's no afterlife then you would want to stay alive as long as possible.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Actually I think if you believe there's no afterlife then you would want to stay alive as long as possible.

A reasonable take. And probably true for those who don't believe in heaven or hell but do believe that there's some kind of self-awareness after death.

when you consider that engaging in homosexual acts will damn you for eternity if the threat of hell doesn’t scare them then I don’t think the death penalty will either.
Do you think I wouldn't fear my own execution because I don't believe I'll burn in a fiery lake forever for not being in the Christian club?
It doesn’t matter what you believe lol. The truth is the truth and well I thought that was stupid isn’t gonna be an excuse

Feel free to actually respond to my question if you'd like.


Well-Known Member

You are going to have to do a better job with the quotes for me to even entertain this further.

All over the place.
Just go back and read the thread. If you are going to say that objectionable sexual materials shouldn't be removed from school libraries because you want them to because other parents might not object to them so who are we to draw the line as to what is objectionable then you are morally ambivalent. Heck, morally bankrupt.


Well-Known Member
A reasonable take. And probably true for those who don't believe in heaven or hell but do believe that there's some kind of self-awareness after death.

Feel free to actually respond to my question if you'd like.
There’s nothing to talk about if you’ve decided that your life is for nothing and cut yourself off from salvation then that’s your decision. It’s a foolish one but it’s your decision