

Well-Known Member
Like this^^^^^^

You rip folks all day here on don't have a clue who most if not all of them are....

Why do yo have some sort of "authority"? Who mistreated you?
I guess you are mistreating me.😂 .

I’m not sure which folks i rip. This particular conversation that you inserted yourself into revolved around someone, accusing people of being nut jobs, simply because they disagreed with them. I did not question his rightness or wrongness, just the fact he called them nut jobs. Got a problem with that?


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
I don’t necessarily agree with this completely but I believe in freedom found in diversity of thought and opinion.

I let the living God be the judge.
Certainly, I can agree with that, but I do not agree that he came here for diversity of thought. He came here to call someone names.

Dehumanizing someone by calling them a name, and making them them enemy, does not advance the discussion. Imo

Make a note that I did not argue with the point of his original statement that he did not like the decision.


Binge Poster
Not the same. They are not /.

Wrong(against the law). Means something.

Sinful......absolutely nothing. Fact.

Thump your bible all day long......means squat.

Sin doesn't have any all. If so.....prove it.
I think I understand.

Before I start my question is not about abortion.

For the BC record I am personally against the practice of abortion but I am in favor a woman’s individual and freedom and their right to choose to have one or not,


Do you believe murder is wrong?


Well-Known Member
I think I understand.

Before I start my question is not about abortion.

For the BC record I am personally against the practice of abortion but I am in favor a woman’s individual and freedom and their right to choose to have one or not,


Do you believe murder is wrong?
If you're for their right to choose to have one then the baby still ends up dead. Doesn't matter what you personally are for or against. Either we allow abortions or we don't. We can agree to exceptions like rape or incest. We can agree that in some states they are more strict about it and don't make exceptions. In other states they are more relaxed about it. But saying you're against it personally but will allow it anyways is saying, and here's that twisting your words part, that you really don't stand for anything concrete when it comes to abortion.


Well-Known Member
I think I understand.

Before I start my question is not about abortion.

For the BC record I am personally against the practice of abortion but I am in favor a woman’s individual and freedom and their right to choose to have one or not,


Do you believe murder is wrong?


Well-Known Member
I wasn’t aware you were suggesting it was a law. Was simply pointing out to the word does have meaning.
I pointed out You / murder/sinful. Sin has no legal standing. Just a made up fantasy by I guess mentally how you say challenged.

And Champ.....cut the innocence crap. You are as hateful as any on BC


Well-Known Member
I pointed out You / murder/sinful. Sin has no legal standing. Just a made up fantasy by I guess mentally how you say challenged.

And Champ.....cut the innocence crap. You are as hateful as any on BC
When did I say sin had a legal standing?

And champ you are the champ hatefulness
I didn’t attack you in anyway. But somehow you come out of your way to attack me and twist it as my fault? Sorry doesn’t work that way.


Well-Known Member
Why do you believe murder is wrong?
Well, for atheists, it’s only because another man told them it was against the law. Therefore, they should have no problem following any law Another man tells him, whether he likes it or not whether, it’s legitimate or not. The only higher authority to an atheist is another human being wielding more power.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I pointed out You / murder/sinful. Sin has no legal standing. Just a made up fantasy by I guess mentally how you say challenged.

And Champ.....cut the innocence crap. You are as hateful as any on BC
I'll go out on a limb for you and , good golly, I hope you get it, indeed.

Sin in the Bible (again, this is a Christianity thread) has been defined for you. When one sins, yes, even you, you have missed the mark, and thus you have violated the highest law, God's law. It's written down in your book of make believe. You know, the one that has the ten suggestions.
In the Bible, if you murder someone,(kill physically ) that's sin. The book of fantasy say's if you hate your brother you are a murderer. Many times, God's law puts one who is following him to appeal to live at a much higher standard.
To a Christian, God's law always supersedes man's law. Abortion may be legal to the laws of man, but God's law has been violated. Divorce for any cause or reason is allowed by man's law, but God's law says the only reason or cause for divorce is fornication.
Live it up,Champ. Whether you appeal to the higher standard of law or not, does not make you free from accountability to it. There's a great day coming.