

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And where did that belief come from?
Have you ever seen so much blow without one passage?
Happy Easter!

On this day where Christians across the world remember the resurrection and celebrate the risen Jesus. I thought I would share some, not all, core beliefs of mine as they specifically relate to this day.

I believe in God the Father.

I believe in Jesus the Christ.

I believe in the Holy Spirit.

I believe Jesus is the Word made Flesh.

I believe Jesus is alive today.

I believe the Holy Spirit lives in people today and always.

I believe Jesus can be personally known apart from religion written or not.

I do not believe the religious text commonly know as the Bible is the word of God. I believe it is a word from God passed down by men who were inspired to document their imperfect faith and understanding of God. I believe much can be learned from it regard a religious and spiritual life.

I believe God loves you and God loves me with an everlasting, unconditional and infinite love.

I also believe in complete religious freedom and I respect the right to believe or disbelieve anything as your personal thought, conscience, or spirit dictates.

Again, Happy Easter to the BC Community regardless of what you believe or don’t believe. Enjoy your day!

The blow never ends.
But, did you recognize the jab/move of it all from the passive aggressive one?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I've had enough run ins with him to not want to get involved in someone else's fight but did notice the constant use of I.
Dag nab it. I thought I could get you in before you realized what happened.
Ain't never been a fight. Got to have a worthy opponent before it can be called a fight. A fair one anyway.
I need to laugh from a far.
Did God tell you directly that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected or did someone tell you this after having read the Bible?
Have you seen any issue/subject addressed that God has not given him an answer directly?


Well-Known Member
Not sure, but I believe my faith in this comes directly from God.
Seems like a pretty simple answer, either someone told you about Jesus or not. Can you explain why it is that all these denominations are Bible centric while you alone are getting direct revelation?


Well-Known Member
Dag nab it. I thought I could get you in before you realized what happened.
Ain't never been a fight. Got to have a worthy opponent before it can be called a fight. A fair one anyway.
I need to laugh from a far.

Have you seen any issue/subject addressed that God has not given him an answer directly?
May I be allowed to explore the subject directly with him to get his responses?


Binge Poster
Seems like a pretty simple answer, either someone told you about Jesus or not.
I was too young to be sure. I know my parents told me but my belief came from God. That I am sure.
Can you explain why it is that all these denominations are Bible centric while you alone are getting direct revelation?
No I can’t.

But I not all denominations ascribe to the doctrinal principle of Sola Scriptura if that is what you are meaning when you say Bible centric.


Well-Known Member
I was too young to be sure. I know my parents told me but my belief came from God. That I am sure.

No I can’t.

But I not all denominations ascribe to the doctrinal principle of Sola Scriptura if that is what you are meaning when you say Bible centric.
I don't know of any denominations who don't recognize the Bible as God's Word and its authority over the Church.

El Correcto

god is dead
OK, but I still have no idea how you expose me as a hypocrite lol I don’t recall calling anyone in Chicago a nut job. 🤷‍♂️

And oh yes, you definitely whine because it always comes back to you and have someone must’ve mistreated you. Giving you some sort of authority I suppose in your mind to complain and call people names that you don’t know.
That wasn’t your argument.
Your argument was the same argument as the one you used against me pointing out Christians who believe the Bible is the literal word of the creator wanting to enact theist executions on gays in Uganda.

Why do you care you don’t live there? Well why do you also bring up Chicago? You don’t live there do you?

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t control her medical care nor do you, and I wasn’t in that room when they made those decisions so I really don’t have a clue what went into it. You’re simply being reactionary.

I’ve already explained that can be wrong and not stripped of their humanity, and called nut jobs. Seems like your kind of rhetoric get people hurt and killed. But yet you’re on here acting like you care about someone’s health? Ironic isn’t it? One might even call it hypocritical.
No actually they are the ones stripping child rape victims of their humanity by not allowing them to seek medical care because of their theists beliefs. Since your so concerned about people being called nut jobs or their mental health called into question why don’t you hop over to the lgbt thread and criticize Christians who do it routinely, why don’t you call out the ones who done it in this thread?

That’s not the reason you take issue with me and you know it bud.
Are you sure? And what does this post have to do with anything? Are you so enamored with me, you like to revisit my posts? I’m flattered. Thank you.
I don’t even remember what the context was, sad we can’t see it.


Well-Known Member
That wasn’t your argument.
Your argument was the same argument as the one you used against me pointing out Christians who believe the Bible is the literal word of the creator wanting to enact theist executions on gays in Uganda.

Why do you care you don’t live there? Well why do you also bring up Chicago? You don’t live there do you?
Are you back? Prolly better chill. You may end up gone again.