

Well-Known Member
you need to own up to Christian’s slaughtering people and quit using your purity fallacy as some kind of get out of jail free card. That is what I’m telling you. Anytime a Christian ran government or Christian people commit atrocities you just declare them not Christian and move on. No they certainly are Christians, all of them.

Focus on the deaths that didn’t just come from disease. The treatment was barbaric and it’s not even just the new world, take a look at the scramble for Africa and learn about that.
Learn about the Congo, Haiti, South Africa, Philippines, etc.

Christians slaughtered their way around the globe. Killing indiscriminately in some cases.
You are saying the religion was responsible for killing those people. No, the people claiming to be Christian killed those people. And they will answer for it. Vastly different from Islam where the Koran commands them to make war on unbelievers.

Another thing you need to understand was the brutality of war back then in terms of how personal it was. People got up close and eviscerated others. Even bows and arrows required much closer proximity than guns, artillery, missiles, bombs. It was a brutal world and everyone was brutal, not just Christians.

And I've read extensively on those locations and others. Can you name a non Christian country where they lived in peace and harmony?


Well-Known Member
You’re so wrong about most your history. Christians are far from non violent.

You cry about atheist communists and ignore the centuries of theists rule that ended much the same and led to communism because of it’s brutal conditions.
The early church was known for their nonviolence. A major reason it spread so far. It was a repudiation of the Roman Empire and it's brutal suppression of other peoples.


Well-Known Member
Christianity murdered far more on religious grounds and a larger chunk of the global population.
I don't support whoever started the link, but the history lesson is compelling.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
you need to own up to Christian’s slaughtering people and quit using your purity fallacy as some kind of get out of jail free card. That is what I’m telling you. Anytime a Christian ran government or Christian people commit atrocities you just declare them not Christian and move on. No they certainly are Christians, all of them.

Focus on the deaths that didn’t just come from disease. The treatment was barbaric and it’s not even just the new world, take a look at the scramble for Africa and learn about that.
Learn about the Congo, Haiti, South Africa, Philippines, etc.

Christians slaughtered their way around the globe. Killing indiscriminately in some cases.
Even if you are totally correct in your assessment of Christians (as opposed to Christianity), all you have proven is that Christians are superior intellectuals to their opponents.

Your posts prove that is still the case even today.


Engorged Member
you need to own up to Christian’s slaughtering people and quit using your purity fallacy as some kind of get out of jail free card. That is what I’m telling you. Anytime a Christian ran government or Christian people commit atrocities you just declare them not Christian and move on. No they certainly are Christians, all of them.

Focus on the deaths that didn’t just come from disease. The treatment was barbaric and it’s not even just the new world, take a look at the scramble for Africa and learn about that.
Learn about the Congo, Haiti, South Africa, Philippines, etc.

Christians slaughtered their way around the globe. Killing indiscriminately in some cases.
My favorite current religious killer is Vladimir Putin, Orthodox Christian. Slaughtering thousands in a war that he says is religiously justified and using his shill Patriarch Kirill to back him up.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
you need to own up to Christian’s slaughtering people and quit using your purity fallacy as some kind of get out of jail free card. That is what I’m telling you. Anytime a Christian ran government or Christian people commit atrocities you just declare them not Christian and move on. No they certainly are Christians, all of them.

Focus on the deaths that didn’t just come from disease. The treatment was barbaric and it’s not even just the new world, take a look at the scramble for Africa and learn about that.
Learn about the Congo, Haiti, South Africa, Philippines, etc.

Christians slaughtered their way around the globe. Killing indiscriminately in some cases.
Even if everything you say is true, why would he need to own up for someone else? Another ridiculous argument.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Vlad. Christian. Violent. Killer.
For the millionth time what Putin is doing isn't Christian and he will be held accountable for it.

Tell that to the Christian conservatives who will apparently be moving to Tuckerville, Russia next year.



Well-Known Member
Tell that to the Christian conservatives who will apparently be moving to Tuckerville, Russia next year.

The U.S. is full of diverse ideas within "Christendom." But ultimately the New Testament is our guide. And nowhere does it command Christians to take up arms against anyone. I believe that self defense is allowed, but there are Christians who are total pacifists. What Putin is doing isn't Christian. Never has been and those who claim to be Christians and are making war on others will answer for it.


Engorged Member
For the millionth time what Putin is doing isn't Christian and he will be held accountable for it.
Vlad is forgiven. Patriarch Kirill says all of the Russian soldiers and their atrocities have also been forgiven. Funny how this odd religion seems to contradict itself constantly.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The principles and what is written in the Bible are the "proof".
It is the authoritative standard in the life of a Christian.
Anyone and everyone can and does the blah blah blah.