
El Correcto

god is dead
I really don't get his logic. He lives in a country where he can openly show displays of affection toward another man, marry him too and adopt babies, yet claims he's being targeted for death. When I ask where that's happening he says Uganda! It's easier to play the victim I guess.
I also live in a state ready to reject gay rights dumb dumb. All because they appeal to a radical Christian world view of what a human being is or should be when it comes to sexuality.

El Correcto

god is dead
When public officials can use their office to discriminate against gays and hide behind freedom of religion and the AG won’t step in to defend the agencies that officials sue that is a problem in my eyes.

You should not be allowed to use your public office as a pulpit for your religious beliefs and openly discriminate against gays by denying them their equal rights.


Well-Known Member
I find Christ followers to just be annoying Christians who put Christianity above anything else in their life. People who pull their kids out of school to fill their head with biblical studies from fraudsters like apologia. Science taught through a creationist world view, rejection of reality and pure delusions.
People who bill themselves as Christ followers tend to be the worse of the worse when it comes to science because they are by the book Christians, literal interpretations of the Bible. They believe the Old Testament is real.

But to answer your question yes the Pharisees had a seat at the table. Their opinions mattered to the Christian leaders in the New Testament, they even went as far as to reject their view of Christianity over the gentiles but send a stern warning to the gentiles to avoid certain behaviors that would run afoul of the Pharisees and Jewish law.
The Pharisees lived in Judea, where most were Jews.

Not all Christians have a literal interpretation of the Bible. For many the Old Testament is allegorical. I for one have many questions about the geological and archeological record and am searching for answers. But I do know the principles in the New Testament we are to live by won't harm myself or others if I live by them. That societies are much stronger if they adhere to those principles. And the world could live in peace if we all did. May not ever happen, but those principles are goals worth striving for.


Well-Known Member
I also live in a state ready to reject gay rights dumb dumb. All because they appeal to a radical Christian world view of what a human being is or should be when it comes to sexuality.
You have Federal protections. No one is taking your rights away. The problem with many gays is they want special rights.

El Correcto

god is dead
The Pharisees lived in Judea, where most were Jews.

Not all Christians have a literal interpretation of the Bible. For many the Old Testament is allegorical. I for one have many questions about the geological and archeological record and am searching for answers. But I do know the principles in the New Testament we are to live by won't harm myself or others if I live by them. That societies are much stronger if they adhere to those principles. And the world could live in peace if we all did. May not ever happen, but those principles are goals worth striving for.
He asked specifically about “Christ followers”
People who call themselves Christ followers do so because they view Christianity as too watered down. They are the modern day puritans. Radical Christians who view other Christians as not true Christians.


Well-Known Member
He asked specifically about “Christ followers”
People who call themselves Christ followers do so because they view Christianity as too watered down. They are the modern day puritans. Radical Christians who view other Christians as not true Christians.
There are quite a few different denominations, including the Catholic Church, who believe they are the only true Christians.


Well-Known Member
Marriage isn’t a special right, equal rights are not special rights. What is wrong with treating all Americans the same in the eyes of the law?
You are getting equal treatment. However gays want to force others to violate their religious beliefs by catering to gays. There's this push to force others to use "correct" pronouns. Some companies are even firing people for not using the pronoun a trans person prefers. Special rights. License to mess with people.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I find Christ followers to just be annoying Christians who put Christianity above anything else in their life. People who pull their kids out of school to fill their head with biblical studies from fraudsters like apologia. Science taught through a creationist world view, rejection of reality and pure delusions.
People who bill themselves as Christ followers tend to be the worse of the worse when it comes to science because they are by the book Christians, literal interpretations of the Bible. They believe the Old Testament is real.

But to answer your question yes the Pharisees had a seat at the table. Their opinions mattered to the Christian leaders in the New Testament, they even went as far as to reject their view of Christianity over the gentiles but send a stern warning to the gentiles to avoid certain behaviors that would run afoul of the Pharisees and Jewish law.
What's annoying is that the intellectually vacuous ignore scientific paradoxes that are explained colloquially in Scripture, because doing so requires a belief in a Being that their tiny mind can't contain, therefore He doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
No one should have a license to exploit children for their own sexual paradigm.

El Correcto

god is dead
You are getting equal treatment. However gays want to force others to violate their religious beliefs by catering to gays. There's this push to force others to use "correct" pronouns. Some companies are even firing people for not using the pronoun a trans person prefers. Special rights. License to mess with people.
Yeah if you go around bullying your coworkers in the work place you can end up fired. If you sexually harass people in the workplace you can get fired. Christians want special treatment to be able to be pricks to gays and transgender people in the workplace.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you go around bullying your coworkers in the work place you can end up fired. If you sexually harass people in the workplace you can get fired. Christians want special treatment to be able to be pricks to gays and transgender people in the workplace.
Says who? Someone at work thumping you on the head with a Bible? Can you share where laws are being passed allowing Christians to discriminate and pick on you?

El Correcto

god is dead
Says who? Someone at work thumping you on the head with a Bible? Can you share where laws are being passed allowing Christians to discriminate and pick on you?
Says you bud, you are the one throwing a hissy fit about people not being allowed to bully trans people in the work place misgendering the trans coworker and what not. As if having to show your coworkers a bit of respect is some back breaking task for Christians.

Yes your actions have consequences in the work place. I can’t go around insulting people who believe in god, I have to play along with their delusions and be nice.


Well-Known Member
Says you bud, you are the one throwing a hissy fit about people not being allowed to bully trans people in the work place misgendering the trans coworker and what not. As if having to show your coworkers a bit of respect is some back breaking task for Christians.

Yes your actions have consequences in the work place. I can’t go around insulting people who believe in god, I have to play along with their delusions and be nice.
I don’t know where you work, but where I work I never see that. Those topics really never come up because we all work together. If it’s happening to you Maybe you’re just a jerk?

El Correcto

god is dead
Gays don’t go to work and request special rooms to go get gay in. Christians and Muslims are routinely in the news wanting to be religious in the work place.

Wah wah we want prayer room wah wah.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t know where you work, but where I work I never see that. Those topics really never come up because we all work together. If it’s happening to you Maybe you’re just a jerk?
He is the one that brought it up.
I didn’t bring up bullying in the work place.
He thinks having to show coworkers respect is some monumental task being forced on Christians. Probably needs to turn off the Tucker Carlson.