
El Correcto

god is dead
Thanks for posting that, I like theoretical history.
What makes this chiseled rock reliable? If this rock was against LGBT would it still be reliable?
Back to an earlier question & I'll leave out the lying & stealing. If God promoted you to have sex with anyone anywhere, would you serve that God?
If the god came down and said hey you I’m gonna let you screw anybody you want anywhere you want, I would voluntarily commit myself for psychiatric care and proper medication.


Engorged Member
What university did you get you Bible doctorate degree at?
Just as you ridicule the "YouTube scientists" we can also ridicule the YouTube Bible scholars, right?
Your words show that you didn't get out of preschool biblically, don't act like your a Bible professor
I don't have a doctorate degree in Bible Studies, which is analogous to devoting your career to the study of comic books. I did get out of graduate school Summa Cum Laude where I learned the value of critical thinking. The Bible is seriously lacking as a reliable source of anything but gibberish.

El Correcto

god is dead
Thanks for posting that, I like theoretical history.
What makes this chiseled rock reliable? If this rock was against LGBT would it still be reliable?
Back to an earlier question & I'll leave out the lying & stealing. If God promoted you to have sex with anyone anywhere, would you serve that God?
If you don’t want to learn history and reject all findings that run counter to your claim that morality comes from the Bible or the Jews, I can’t really have a reasonable conversation with you.
It’s always gonna fall back on these misguided questions about what god I would believe in. I don’t care about the claims of what god wants and I would assume the carbon dioxide detector in my house was faulty or something if a god did come down and speak to me.


Well-Known Member
If you don’t want to learn history and reject all findings that run counter to your claim that morality comes from the Bible or the Jews, I can’t really have a reasonable conversation with you.
It’s always gonna fall back on these misguided questions about what god I would believe in. I don’t care about the claims of what god wants and I would assume the carbon dioxide detector in my house was faulty or something if a god did come down and speak to me.
Are you under the impression the Sumerians didn't have gods? The point is most of what we consider morality and much of the basis of our laws comes from Judeo-Christian traditions and Scripture. YMMV in China and India among others.

El Correcto

god is dead
Are you under the impression the Sumerians didn't have gods? The point is most of what we consider morality and much of the basis of our laws comes from Judeo-Christian traditions and Scripture. YMMV in China and India among others.
No and no.
Our constitution drew more from the enlightenment than it did Christianity.
I know there are a lot of Christian apologists who like to make it seem like Christianity or Judaism and the enlightenment went hand and hand or that Christianity fed the enlightenment but that isn’t the case.

Theists have been pissy with not only atheists but with just thinkers and scientists in general for thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
No and no.
Our constitution drew more from the enlightenment than it did Christianity.
I know there are a lot of Christian apologists who like to make it seem like Christianity or Judaism and the enlightenment went hand and hand or that Christianity fed the enlightenment but that isn’t the case.

Theists have been pissy with not only atheists but with just thinkers and scientists in general for thousands of years.
I know it's unsettling to you but there was no bigger influence on Europe for over 1000 years than the Church. Everything, including our laws today, was affected by the Bible. Bitter pill to swallow for you I'm sure, but denying it won't change that.


Well-Known Member
or that planting 2 different crops together should result in your death.

There is some truth to that.

I have observed that wherever acres upon acres of wine grapes and marijuana are planted, hordes of Rich White Liberals also appear.

Although that has only contributed to the death of my soul.


Engorged Member
There is some truth to that.

I have observed that wherever acres upon acres of wine grapes and marijuana are planted, hordes of Rich White Liberals also appear.

Although that has only contributed to the death of my soul.
Maybe in Napa. Actually, the very wealthy of either political persuasion have a similar effect upon me. When I saw Trump's "document room" with the chandeliers it reminded me of wretched excess and the way the rich think they're so much more special than the rest of us.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Maybe in Napa. Actually, the very wealthy of either political persuasion have a similar effect upon me. When I saw Trump's "document room" with the chandeliers it reminded me of wretched excess and the way the rich think they're so much more special than the rest of us.
Who produced those products of wretched excess for a paycheck?

Same logic that believes that millions of dollars of equipment was left on the surface of the moon. Numbskulls don't realize that the money never left the economy that produced it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I know it's unsettling to you but there was no bigger influence on Europe for over 1000 years than the Church. Everything, including our laws today, was affected by the Bible. Bitter pill to swallow for you I'm sure, but denying it won't change that.
No not really, it’s pretty easy to comprehend where modernity came from and it wasn’t your Bible.


Well-Known Member
No not really, it’s pretty easy to comprehend where modernity came from and it wasn’t your Bible.
Modernity came from technological advancement as well as from Christian activists in the U.S. and Great Britain, among others. You've never heard of abolitionists? John Brown? Eli Whitney? Thomas Edison? Alexander Graham Bell? Louis Pasteur? Alexander Fleming?

El Correcto

god is dead
Modernity came from technological advancement as well as from Christian activists in the U.S. and Great Britain, among others. You've never heard of abolitionists? John Brown? Eli Whitney? Thomas Edison? Alexander Graham Bell? Louis Pasteur? Alexander Fleming?
You’re discussing people, I am discussing the philosophies. Christianity is not responsible for the rise of modernity. It wasn’t their Christian ideals that brought them to this, it was the scientific revolution and the enlightenment.
It was their secular education built on those principals, not their religious upbringing. Abolitionists were mostly fueled by the second great awakening, look up what fueled the second great awakening. It wasn’t Christianity for the sake of Christianity, it was Christians adapting to the principals brought on by the enlightenment and the continuation of the scientific revolution the Industrial Revolution.


Engorged Member
Modernity came from technological advancement as well as from Christian activists in the U.S. and Great Britain, among others. You've never heard of abolitionists? John Brown? Eli Whitney? Thomas Edison? Alexander Graham Bell? Louis Pasteur? Alexander Fleming?
That's the funniest one yet. "Modernity" from Christian activists operating from a 2,000 year old playbook. Yep. GOD invented the phone, the cotton gin and all of our scientific advances. Nope. Not. Ever. I've got an old Model G in the garage and Benz and Daimler were inspired by God to build their velocipedes.
And how about those missionaries forcing Jesus down the throats of people who didn't want HIM. Oh yeah, they were so ignorant that they didn't know they needed saving. We're giving them a gift, while we simultaneously either take their wealth or enslave them.


Well-Known Member
You’re discussing people, I am discussing the philosophies. Christianity is not responsible for the rise of modernity. It wasn’t their Christian ideals that brought them to this, it was the scientific revolution and the enlightenment.
It was their secular education built on those principals, not their religious upbringing. Abolitionists were mostly fueled by the second great awakening, look up what fueled the second great awakening. It wasn’t Christianity for the sake of Christianity, it was Christians adapting to the principals brought on by the enlightenment and the continuation of the scientific revolution the Industrial Revolution.
The abolitionists were Christians, and the intertwining of religion and science certainly happened then. They aren't mutually exclusive. You're trying to deny what was an essential part of American and European life for more than a millennia. The big cracks in the dam occurred with the proliferation of drugs in the '60's.


Well-Known Member
That's the funniest one yet. "Modernity" from Christian activists operating from a 2,000 year old playbook. Yep. GOD invented the phone, the cotton gin and all of our scientific advances. Nope. Not. Ever. I've got an old Model G in the garage and Benz and Daimler were inspired by God to build their velocipedes.
And how about those missionaries forcing Jesus down the throats of people who didn't want HIM. Oh yeah, they were so ignorant that they didn't know they needed saving. We're giving them a gift, while we simultaneously either take their wealth or enslave them.
Revisionist history as usual.

El Correcto

god is dead
The abolitionists were Christians, and the intertwining of religion and science certainly happened then. They aren't mutually exclusive. You're trying to deny what was an essential part of American and European life for more than a millennia. The big cracks in the dam occurred with the proliferation of drugs in the '60's.
I’m denying that your Bible brought about modernity, yes. I’m denying that the religion of the people was the greatest contributing factor to it.

You’re ignoring all the work that was done outside of the churches in favor of saying yup my religion built this, when it didn’t.
Jefferson would of been a heretic in Christian societies, abolitionists would of been heretics, the secular education they received would of been heretical.

The Bible is a very pro slavery book. You’re being very silly trying to claim abolitionists as Christians when they would have been condemned. If anything the slavers were closer to Christian values than abolitionists were imo.