
El Correcto

god is dead
Me: Christians are extremely homophobic and their cult is a hateful death cult.
Christian: No no you just don’t get it all those passages about murdering gays and it being righteous to do so, those aren’t what you are saying those are!!

Also Christians:

But me I get openly called out by an pissy little hypocrite mod and banned for the slightest little insults towards people who consider murdering people like me a joke.

What you can’t call someone a Pharisee how dare you! Why I never!
So help me out with this.

You can belittle a poster, and his strongly held beliefs, by calling him a Pharisee. Said poster has not (as far as I could follow) called you names based on any of your defining beliefs or characteristics during this exchange.

Can you justify that for me?
You just got out of a week off. I'm really tempted to give you another.
How can you justify such horrible posts! How dare you sir, those are “firmly held beliefs”!

Lmao, you people are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Me: Christians are extremely homophobic and their cult is a hateful death cult.
Christian: No no you just don’t get it all those passages about murdering gays and it being righteous to do so, those aren’t what you are saying those are!!

Also Christians:

View attachment 435492
But me I get openly called out by an pissy little hypocrite mod and banned for the slightest little insults towards people who consider murdering people like me a joke.

What you can’t call someone a Pharisee how dare you! Why I never!

How can you justify such horrible posts! How dare you sir, those are “firmly held beliefs”!

Lmao, you people are ridiculous.
Why aren't you attacking Jews? The Talmud belongs to them.


Well-Known Member
Romans 1:32 doesn’t. Righteous decree that gays deserve death.
Paul was a Jew who converted to Christianity. He went from killing homosexuals to saying they were worthy of death but under the New Law we no longer do that. Your reward or punishment will be determined in judgement by the life you lived. You are free to accept or reject that.

El Correcto

god is dead
Paul was a Jew who converted to Christianity. He went from killing homosexuals to saying they were worthy of death but under the New Law we no longer do that. Your reward or punishment will be determined in judgement by the life you lived. You are free to accept or reject that.
Yeah okay, but why do Christians on this site openly mock and agree with murdering homosexuals?
Why when I come back from my first ban and put “god is dead” under my name is that an excuse to not enforce to ToS against Christians because I’m “provoking” them. Yet Christians posting about homosexuals being murdered and laughing about it isn’t consider provokation towards me and I get held to the standard?

Why is it that you take bigger issue with me pointing out the open hostility towards gays by Christians on this site than you do the Christian hatred of gays? Why are you not on their asses when they are caught up laughing about people being murdered or even agreeing with the idea of murdering people?

Instead you immediately hop on me pointing out the hypocrisy of it to defend the cult. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
Yeah okay, but why do Christians on this site openly mock and agree with murdering homosexuals?
Why when I come back from my first ban and put “god is dead” under my name is that an excuse to not enforce to ToS against Christians because I’m “provoking” them. Yet Christians posting about homosexuals being murdered and laughing about it isn’t consider provokation towards me and I get held to the standard?

Why is it that you take bigger issue with me pointing out the open hostility towards gays by Christians on this site than you do the Christian hatred of gays? Why are you not on their asses when they are caught up laughing about people being murdered or even agreeing with the idea of murdering people?

Instead you immediately hop on me pointing out the hypocrisy of it to defend the cult. Why is that?
Because they respond to you. You provoke everything, making constant accusations. Absolutely they shouldn't be saying kill gays or anyone else. That's not Christianity. You need to understand that anyone can claim to be anything but it's their actions that reveal their true selves. And so you know I in no way am a perfect Christian. Who is? I do know that the New Testament doesn't sanction the murder of anyone.

El Correcto

god is dead
Because they respond to you. You provoke everything, making constant accusations. Absolutely they shouldn't be saying kill gays or anyone else. That's not Christianity. You need to understand that anyone can claim to be anything but it's their actions that reveal their true selves. And so you know I in no way am a perfect Christian. Who is? I do know that the New Testament doesn't sanction the murder of anyone.
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Yes it does. The New Testament philosophy sanctions governments like Hitler and even says god placed Hitler there to enact god’s will.
Just because Christians claim their religion doesn’t sanction the murder of individuals by individuals doesn’t mean they don’t sanction evil at all.

El Correcto

god is dead
Think about the people murdered by Christians during the Holocaust.
Jews are wrong doers for not accepting Christ in Christian doctrine, deserving of god’s wrath.
Homosexuals are wrong doers, deserving of the same, as pointed out in Roman’s 1:32.

So when Hitler using his authority granted by god punished Jews and Gays in the Holocaust that was completely okay by Christian doctrine, he wielded the sword with god’s authority to punish wrong doers.


Well-Known Member
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Yes it does. The New Testament philosophy sanctions governments like Hitler and even says god placed Hitler there to enact god’s will.
Just because Christians claim their religion doesn’t sanction the murder of individuals by individuals doesn’t mean they don’t sanction evil at all.
You are 100% correct in that we are to obey the law. As long as they don't violate God's law. The state can sanction execution for crimes committed, it's not murder. But the state isn't free to execute you because you're gay. If they do Christians must stand up to that. And no doubt there are those who claim Christianity who would be fine with the state killing you. They would be wrong to do so. And when Hitler first came into power it took time for people to realize what he was about. Christians were wrong to support him and there were Christian clergy who paid dearly for standing against him. I forget the chapter and verse but if I've got the quote right Jesus said "not everyone who sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven."


Well-Known Member
Think about the people murdered by Christians during the Holocaust.
Jews are wrong doers for not accepting Christ in Christian doctrine, deserving of god’s wrath.
Homosexuals are wrong doers, deserving of the same, as pointed out in Roman’s 1:32.

So when Hitler using his authority granted by god punished Jews and Gays in the Holocaust that was completely okay by Christian doctrine, he wielded the sword with god’s authority to punish wrong doers.
And you would be wrong.

El Correcto

god is dead
You are 100% correct in that we are to obey the law. As long as they don't violate God's law. The state can sanction execution for crimes committed, it's not murder. But the state isn't free to execute you because you're gay. If they do Christians must stand up to that. And no doubt there are those who claim Christianity who would be fine with the state killing you. They would be wrong to do so. And when Hitler first came into power it took time for people to realize what he was about. Christians were wrong to support him and there were Christian clergy who paid dearly for standing against him. I forget the chapter and verse but if I've got the quote right Jesus said "not everyone who sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven."
Where is your scripture for Christians are not allowed to sanction god’s decrees through government?

God laid out the “natural law” for gays, kill ‘em for being gay.
The New Testament reaffirms god’s Old Testament decrees as righteous.

So no you’re incorrect and so are the Christians claiming their religion isn’t one of genocide through government against those who don’t follow god. Your religion lays out what evil doers are and grants government the authority to punish them.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yes Christians have secularized and their religion has been warped to fit modernity. But that doesn’t mean they are correct when they go against what their book teaches, from a Christian perspective.

Christians have used government to murder gay men. It is biblically correct to do so and completely a okay for them to do according to God.

El Correcto

god is dead
And you would be wrong.
You have 0 scripture to back this up. I am making a completely biblical argument for why it is okay to murder gay men for being gay and all you have to say is welllll.

Show me your scripture for why this is wrong since that is where you people claim morality comes from.

El Correcto

god is dead
This is just like your argument against the Bible being pro slavery.
Wellll modern Christians fought against it.

Yes but that isn’t what Christianity teaches or what god condones.


Well-Known Member
Where is your scripture for Christians are not allowed to sanction god’s decrees through government?

God laid out the “natural law” for gays, kill ‘em for being gay.
The New Testament reaffirms god’s Old Testament decrees as righteous.

So no you’re incorrect and so are the Christians claiming their religion isn’t one of genocide through government against those who don’t follow god. Your religion lays out what evil doers are and grants government the authority to punish them.
I've already told you that the Apostle Paul made it clear that the "Law of Sin and Death" is over. He was no different than others in that time who loathed homosexuality. But those times of killing sinners was over. There are certain things that the state has sanctioned that are worthy of death. Premeditated taking another's life. Betraying your country. But Christians aren't advocating taking homosexual lives. Christians have an obligation to tell you participating in that behavior will cause you to lose your soul. That it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I've already told you that the Apostle Paul made it clear that the "Law of Sin and Death" is over. He was no different than others in that time who loathed homosexuality. But those times of killing sinners was over. There are certain things that the state has sanctioned that are worthy of death. Premeditated taking another's life. Betraying your country. But Christians aren't advocating taking homosexual lives. Christians have an obligation to tell you participating in that behavior will cause you to lose your soul. That it.
That is all your opinion. I’m asking for scripture.
We still kill sinners to this day, murderers among other crimes escalated to capital offenses.
Christians and churches support this to this very day, look at the statistics for yourself.

Just because Christians are no longer advocating for that(debatable from the posts I’ve seen here and abroad), doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t condone or encourage it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I've already told you that the Apostle Paul made it clear that the "Law of Sin and Death" is over. He was no different than others in that time who loathed homosexuality. But those times of killing sinners was over. There are certain things that the state has sanctioned that are worthy of death. Premeditated taking another's life. Betraying your country. But Christians aren't advocating taking homosexual lives. Christians have an obligation to tell you participating in that behavior will cause you to lose your soul. That it.
You have yet again provided a very weak argument filled with your own modern morality. We are discussing the morality provided by the Bible, I insist if you want to continue this conversation you quit talking out of your ass and start providing scripture that limits Christian ability to condone the death penalty from government for being a wrong doer.


Well-Known Member
You have 0 scripture to back this up. I am making a completely biblical argument for why it is okay to murder gay men for being gay and all you have to say is welllll.

Show me your scripture for why this is wrong since that is where you people claim morality comes from.
To be honest I am in no way as well versed as I was 30 years ago. Pulling most of this from memory. But I do know what it teaches and I know you're taking things out of context to attack Christianity.


Well-Known Member
That is all your opinion. I’m asking for scripture.
We still kill sinners to this day, murderers among other crimes escalated to capital offenses.
Christians and churches support this to this very day, look at the statistics for yourself.

Just because Christians are no longer advocating for that(debatable from the posts I’ve seen here and abroad), doesn’t mean the Bible doesn’t condone or encourage it.
What other crimes are we killing people for?


Well-Known Member
You have yet again provided a very weak argument filled with your own modern morality. We are discussing the morality provided by the Bible, I insist if you want to continue this conversation you quit talking out of your ass and start providing scripture that limits Christian ability to condone the death penalty from government for being a wrong doer.
Christians are to refuse to obey any law that violates God's law.