
El Correcto

god is dead
That gives you an out to support Islam because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Their extremists are throwing gays off buildings. Yet it's Christians you loathe. This I suspect is how you would like to see matters handled. Slaughter all those who even remotely say they disagree with your lifestyle.

If you're familiar with 1st Century Christianity you know that many Christians died after refusing to renounce Jesus. That still happens in parts of the world. The difference though is they died without committing violence against non believers. Muslims are actually commanded to make war against non believers and the ones who are killing others are actually trying to obey those commands. By the way spent 4 months in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan which are Muslim majority countries. Was treated very well. No one tried to kill me. You may have noticed that Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States are sponsoring golf tournaments and other big time sporting events full of Christian athletes. Not being killed. So I guess your vision of how the world is isn't anywhere near your fevered dreams
Okay why don’t those athletes try espousing religious views that are non Muslim in Saudi Arabia?
Why don’t you go back over there and let the Muslims know they are all going to hell for not worshipping Jesus as god? Why don’t you go call out their sin to them, that is your duty as a Christian is it not? See how that goes for you bud. It’s completely fine for non-believers to live under Islamic rule in their faith.

Let me know when Saudi Arabia starts allowing Christian churches or better yet why don’t you go try and build one.

To most Muslims you are still people of the book, not an equal but granted protected status as long as you pay. For truly non-believers that isn’t the case.

El Correcto

god is dead
That gives you an out to support Islam because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Their extremists are throwing gays off buildings. Yet it's Christians you loathe. This I suspect is how you would like to see matters handled. Slaughter all those who even remotely say they disagree with your lifestyle.

If you're familiar with 1st Century Christianity you know that many Christians died after refusing to renounce Jesus. That still happens in parts of the world. The difference though is they died without committing violence against non believers. Muslims are actually commanded to make war against non believers and the ones who are killing others are actually trying to obey those commands. By the way spent 4 months in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan which are Muslim majority countries. Was treated very well. No one tried to kill me. You may have noticed that Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States are sponsoring golf tournaments and other big time sporting events full of Christian athletes. Not being killed. So I guess your vision of how the world is isn't anywhere near your fevered dreams.
Muslims are not my friends you’re just making wild accusations. I’ve made nothing but negative comments about all the abrahamic religions from Judaism to the Latter Day Saints it’s all garbage.

No actually that’s how I imagine the Christians posting rocks and gays being thrown off buildings feel. I’m sure they wouldn’t lose much sleep over that happening here.


Well-Known Member
Okay why don’t those athletes try espousing religious views that are non Muslim in Saudi Arabia?
Why don’t you go back over there and let the Muslims know they are all going to hell for not worshipping Jesus as god? Why don’t you go call out their sin to them, that is your duty as a Christian is it not? See how that goes for you bud. It’s completely fine for non-believers to live under Islamic rule in their faith.

Let me know when Saudi Arabia starts allowing Christian churches or better yet why don’t you go try and build one.

To most Muslims you are still people of the book, not an equal but granted protected status as long as you pay. For truly non-believers that isn’t the case.
Wow, you described the Ottoman Empire. Not ISIS.

No one tried to dominate me or force me to recant Christianity in the countries I visited.

El Correcto

god is dead
Wow, you described the Ottoman Empire. Not ISIS.

No one tried to dominate me or force me to recant Christianity in the countries I visited.
Tell me more about how wonderful Islam and the Middle East is.

You brought them up as if them killing gays or wanting to kill gays was a bad thing I thought, but now it appears you think kind of highly of them.


Well-Known Member
Tell me more about how wonderful Islam and the Middle East is.

You brought them up as if them killing gays or wanting to kill gays was a bad thing I thought, but now it appears you think kind of highly of them.
Did I tell you Islam is wonderful? I think it's without a doubt the wrong path to God. But in the run up to invasion after 9/11 a lot of people were saying, myself included, that a large percentage of Muslims are willing to physically attack us, and most of the rest are supportive of that. There's definitely a significant percentage willing but I believe that varies from country to country, and often region to region within a country.

The two countries I visited are nominally Muslim but some there are very observant. I saw men with the traditional garb and beards, and even more in Western clothing. Some women were covered head to toe, but a lot more wore Western clothes. They were very friendly to me, at least the ones in Western gear. The few who were openly unpleasant were mostly of the ethnic Russian minority. At any rate I felt more welcome there than most places I've been.

El Correcto

god is dead
Did I tell you Islam is wonderful? I think it's without a doubt the wrong path to God. But in the run up to invasion after 9/11 a lot of people were saying, myself included, that a large percentage of Muslims are willing to physically attack us, and most of the rest are supportive of that. There's definitely a significant percentage willing but I believe that varies from country to country, and often region to region within a country.

The two countries I visited are nominally Muslim but some there are very observant. I saw men with the traditional garb and beards, and even more in Western clothing. Some women were covered head to toe, but a lot more wore Western clothes. They were very friendly to me, at least the ones in Western gear. The few who were openly unpleasant were mostly of the ethnic Russian minority. At any rate I felt more welcome there than most places I've been.
Good for you, I don’t want to live in a country full of religious idiots, but you do you.


Staff member
Good for you, I don’t want to live in a country full of religious idiots, but you do you.

I wonder what your reaction would be if some of the other posters told you they didn’t want to live in a country full of homosexual idiots.

Seems to me that maybe describing either group with a blanket insult might be a little unfair.

El Correcto

god is dead

I wonder what your reaction would be if some of the other posters told you they didn’t want to live in a country full of homosexual idiots.

Seems to me that maybe describing either group with a blanket insult might be a little unfair.
I’d probably tell them to avoid the mods on this site then.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Just to get your Creationist juices flowing, scientists have discovered several species that can basically impregnate themselves. No male required. Typically, reptiles on islands with no males, but there are other examples. Glory!
The exception doesn't disprove the rule.


Well-Known Member
OK, so who is Jordon Peterson? BTW I saw some data the other day that said that only 31% of Americans belong to and regularly attend church services. Not surprising given the extremist rulings and disciplines some denominations are adopting. In fact just a few weeks ago the Southern Baptist Convention voted out all female ministers. And at a time when it faces a growing shortage of ministers.

The religion industry has growing problem. Too much capacity. Too many high utility bills just to heat, light and cool way too many empty pews.


Well-Known Member
OK, so who is Jordon Peterson? BTW I saw some data the other day that said that only 31% of Americans belong to and regularly attend church services. Not surprising given the extremist rulings and disciplines some denominations are adopting. In fact just a few weeks ago the Southern Baptist Convention voted out all female ministers. And at a time when it faces a growing shortage of ministers.

The religion industry has growing problem. Too much capacity. Too many high utility bills just to heat, light and cool way too many empty pews.
That's still over 110 million people who attend regularly. Plus many millions more who are sympathetic to Christianity. We've gotten a pretty good view of the world the Left envisions recently. Attack Christianity all you want but you aren't offering anything better.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Just to get your Creationist juices flowing, scientists have discovered several species that can basically impregnate themselves. No male required. Typically, reptiles on islands with no males, but there are other examples. Glory!
At last!
We were so worried about queers being able to procreate! Thank God!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
OK, so who is Jordon Peterson? BTW I saw some data the other day that said that only 31% of Americans belong to and regularly attend church services. Not surprising given the extremist rulings and disciplines some denominations are adopting. In fact just a few weeks ago the Southern Baptist Convention voted out all female ministers. And at a time when it faces a growing shortage of ministers.

The religion industry has growing problem. Too much capacity. Too many high utility bills just to heat, light and cool way too many empty pews.
Who mentioned religion?? You are a prime example of deflection and misdirection. I blame your dementia.

Jordan Peterson: In terms of education Peterson seems to have a relatively impressive track record. He was accepted into, and studied at the University of Alberta and later McGill University, which are considered two of the best/most prestigious universities in Canada (Source: Times Higher Education, IDP, US News.) He also had a 5 year associate professorship at Harvard University Psychology Department before moving to the University of Toronto, where he is currently employed. Harvard University and the University of Toronto are also widely considered two of the top research institutions in the world (Source: Times Higher Education, dailyhive, UofT.)

The h-score essentially gauges your impact on the field of science as a whole. It answers the question: “Have you help move your field forward?”
It depends on field but, Average is ~10, successful is 20, outstanding is 40, 60 is the realm of Nobel Laureates. What is Dr. Peterson’s score? As of 2018 Peterson has an h-index of 51 on Google Scholar...

His point, by the way, was that the TRANS movement has placed us on the same path that led to NAZI GERMANY. Remember, 'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.'