climate catastrophe


Well-Known Member
theres no way these capitalists are following hte golden rule of the bible which is treat others as you would want to be treated.
If they give them jobs so that they can support themselves are they not treating them right? What you want is people to work hard to build up a business, get wealthy, then share that wealth with you.


Well-Known Member
Farming in this country is socialist then. Those :censored2:ers get paid to not plant.
They do plenty of planting and those subsidies make sure they don't over plant as well as see them through droughts, early freezes, etc. Back to the supermarket with you where food comes from.


Well-Known Member
If they give them jobs so that they can support themselves are they not treating them right? What you want is people to work hard to build up a business, get wealthy, then share that wealth with you.
jeff bezos would quit if he was treated the way he treats his workers LOL
Let me guess, they did it with a virus. Will try again until they get it right. Am I close?
Theres no biblical evidence to support this, so this is my theory, and I am a mere man and not the Lord Jesus Christ.

But I believe the trump shots are a method of depopulation. Not the virus. I believe they manipulate our dna and they turn our bodies into spike protein factories. These spike proteins cross the blood brain barrier, attack your organs and reproductive organs, and cause micro blood clots in your capillaries. You also exhale these spike proteins and "shed" them to other individuals because your body is making so much of the spike proteins that it tries to get rid of them, one way being when you exhale your breath.

At the very least, these shots are ineffective. But I believe theres more to it than that.