climate catastrophe


Well-Known Member
As a christian I have the duty to spread what I believe to be is the truth. If I am wrong then I am wrong and I will accept being wrong.

If I believe these vaccines are deadly, am I supposed to stay quiet as a christian?
Until you know and not based on conspiracy then yes. You went to great length discussing how the vaccines spike proteins are killing millions and are designed that way to depopulate the Earth. You don't know that and unless you've got irrefutable proof it's wrong to say it.
Until you know and not based on conspiracy then yes. You went to great length discussing how the vaccines spike proteins are killing millions and are designed that way to depopulate the Earth. You don't know that and unless you've got irrefutable proof it's wrong to say it.
You are accusing me of being a bad christian for quoting doctors.


Well-Known Member
You are accusing me of being a bad christian for quoting doctors.
I'm accusing you of buying into a conspiracy theory without proof. There aren't millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions dying of heart attacks and strokes. If you choose to spread that then take it up with God.
I'm accusing you of buying into a conspiracy theory without proof. There aren't millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions dying of heart attacks and strokes. If you choose to spread that then take it up with God.
You are attacking my character as a Christian because I stated a personal belief about what conflicting doctors are saying.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Google says that men can get pregnant so what's the standard of truth here?
chris hedges got a show on RT called on contact, now its on the real news. you can look up any of his guests and hteyre probably all pretty legit

ralph nader radio hour and check out all his guests

is so easy to find out the truth.