Above right, from a brochure for the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It solicits the sorts of unverified reports that officials and major media censure as dangerous elsewhere. By Clayt
“There are many reasons why the VAERS data is usually insufficient to prove causality between vaccination and adverse events, including:
- There is no reliable denominator to establish event rates – and no “control” group against which to measure adverse events.
- Reports are often messy or incomplete.
- Underreporting has been a consistent and documented issue. (One CDC studyshows that the system may capture as few as 12% of adverse events, meaning the total for COVID-19 vaccines could be as high as 10.8 million.)
- On the other hand, overreporting is also an issue, as noted in this 2003 CDC review: “Other potential reporting biases include increased reporting in the first few years after licensure, increased reporting of events occurring soon after vaccination, and increased reporting after publicity about a particular known or alleged type of adverse event.”
- In the case of childhood vaccinations, vaccine sets are co-administered, making it nearly impossible to know which specific vaccine caused the adverse event.
So why continue using an unreliable system – apart from the fact it was required by Congress? Experts agree that VAERS
can be extremely useful in picking up signals of causation, which can be confirmed with further study.”
So you see why there will be no further Studies they can just use VAERS and say it doesn’t prove anything. So we don’t need to study. Even though the original used for the reporting website was to do exactly that.
Remember behind everyone of those numbers is the actual human being whose life was either ruined or finish.