Cold out there


nowhere special
Amazing how we can do this two months in advance. KUDOS to you Brownslave. My cover guys always say, "oh Crap shes off, the weather is gonna blow", and it usually does. -2 right now. I would be walking in the door, glad I am not!

I would always take a week this time of year. People would ask me why take it in winter. They just couldn't grasp the concept of enjoying not working in the cold for a week.


Well-Known Member
-25 this morning on the way in, bitter all day, and snow starts by 4 pm, with heavy snow by 7 tonight ... eeuww.... lol...


nowhere special
Its not even warming up as much as forecast. Still only -3. Outside that is. Nice and toasty sitting inside under a blanket.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
We got a heat wave here. +30. Day off today and just got out of the shower myself. Working on the motorcycle project in the garage today. Glad I'm not in the freezing lands....