Confederate Flag at UPS (on topic)


Fight the power.
Played 5 positions and won the game by himself because he is the only player worth a damn on the Cavs?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Ever seen a White Miss America contest? How about an all white college?
Uh oh. Sounds like racism.:rolleyes:

I've seen BET.
Ever seen WET? White Entertainment Television?

Didn't think so...

Same thinking in both quotes. On the outset, racism would be the call.
Racism is a type of prejudice that represents internal beliefs, ideals, and feelings.
Discrimination is the action taken based on those beliefs.
Reverse discrimination? No such thing. Discrimination is discrimination.
The development of all black colleges, all black contest, and all black entertainment, can be traced historically because of segregation. White people did not let black people engage or participate because of their color.

I have never pre judged a McCoy. I don't hate or want to kill anybody with the last name of McCoy, even though I am a direct descendant of Devil Anse Hatfield.
It wasn't my war.

The people runnin' the show don't want the war to end. Black and white pawns on the chessboard. You're gettin' played.

Frankie's Friend

Same thinking in both quotes. On the outset, racism would be the call.
Racism is a type of prejudice that represents internal beliefs, ideals, and feelings.
Discrimination is the action taken based on those beliefs.
Reverse discrimination? No such thing. Discrimination is discrimination.
The development of all black colleges, all black contest, and all black entertainment, can be traced historically because of segregation. White people did not let black people engage or participate because of their color.

I have never pre judged a McCoy. I don't hate or want to kill anybody with the last name of McCoy, even though I am a direct descendant of Devil Anse Hatfield.
It wasn't my war.

The people runnin' the show don't want the war to end. Black and white pawns on the chessboard. You're gettin' played.
If there was a white chick pitching a fit because she was excluded vs a noncaucasion chick excluded what would happen?
I'm not racist whatsoever. Some of my good friends are
1. Black
2. Hispanic
3. Middle Eastern
4. Chinese and Vietnamese

Friends. Not acquaintances.
I'm just tired of all the bellyaching about being oppressed when it's just showboating in many cases.
Get a job.
Marry your (pregnant) girlfriend.
Raise your kids to be respectful.
Enjoy life.
That's a good start imo.