The sup is trying to harass you. I have a friend who worked at another large company. The one black chick tried to state that all whites were slave owners. My friend replied to her - My ancestors came to America in 1911, I don't care to hear about your American civil war issues. We weren't here. Needless to say - the black chick never brought it up again. Now when the issue about the dreamers come up - my friend now also states - my ancestors learned English, came over Legally and fought in WWI to get their citizenship. Dreamers need to get in line and most importantly if they are deported their children should go back also to wherever their parents came because in other countries just because you were born there doesn't make you a citizen. Plus please change the US to have English as the official language. I, for one am sick of everyone pulling the race card. Just don't be surprised if you get jumped sometime - as there are a LOT of ticking time bombs out there who feel they can force their opinions on you. Be careful and smart.