Confederate Flag at UPS (on topic)


Well-Known Member
The sup is trying to harass you. I have a friend who worked at another large company. The one black chick tried to state that all whites were slave owners. My friend replied to her - My ancestors came to America in 1911, I don't care to hear about your American civil war issues. We weren't here. Needless to say - the black chick never brought it up again. Now when the issue about the dreamers come up - my friend now also states - my ancestors learned English, came over Legally and fought in WWI to get their citizenship. Dreamers need to get in line and most importantly if they are deported their children should go back also to wherever their parents came because in other countries just because you were born there doesn't make you a citizen. Plus please change the US to have English as the official language. I, for one am sick of everyone pulling the race card. Just don't be surprised if you get jumped sometime - as there are a LOT of ticking time bombs out there who feel they can force their opinions on you. Be careful and smart.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I agree. They are antithetical to one another. As is the idea that the Confederacy fought for “real” American values and a righteous cause.

I’m glad my Confederate ancestors lost the war. If they hadn’t, African Americans might still be enslaved today. Or well past the end of the Civil War at the very least.
or maybe everyone would have gotten their suht together and the full cival rights movement would have started in the early 20's. History is funny that way.
That we can agree on. Just because we don’t like something that happened in the past doesn’t mean everything associated with that time was evil. That’s where the south gets a bad rep from a broad brush stroke that everyone’s “uneducated and ignorant” to quote someone here, based on a flag of a generation.

Somehow we all still forget, that we as a nation, killed and relocated the native Americans that had this land first, wonder how they feel about the American flag?
If I visit iran you betcha I am going to burn an american flag to the ground. It's tricky but then again, all about context.


Bad Moon Risen'
I am a loader at a hub in Pennsylvania. Can I be fired for wearing a hat that displays the Confederate Flag?
Just wear a plain white hat to symbolize the real Confederate flag.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
100% agree on the PC culture/sensitivity. But southern values would probably be better defended while flying the American flag.
That's true because the North and the coasts no longer believe in American values.
The North should fly the Euro flag and the South, the American flag.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I’m American first, we all are. I’m just tired of seeing my southern heritage attacked and every time slavery or skin color is used as a reason.
I am Georgian first and American second.
I don't care anything about Southern heritage.
I don't care about the Confederate flag at all.
I don't care anything about the American flag either.
Both are symbols of oppression.