confederate flag?


Strength through joy
North Charleston police chief fires officer for Confederate Flag photo found on Facebook

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) -- A North Charleston police officer who posted a photo of himself wearing Confederate Flag boxer shorts to Facebook has been fired.

The photo spread across the Internet on Thursday after the post had been online for a few days.

Police Chief Eddie Driggers issues a termination letter to the officer, Sgt. Shannon Dildine, saying the photo undermines the officer's "ability to improve trust and instill confidence when working with our citizens."

"Your posting in this manner led to you being publicly identified as a North Charleston Police officer and associated both you and the Department with an image that symbolizes hate and oppression to a significant portion of the citizens we are sworn to serve," Driggers wrote.

Dildine has ten days to appeal the decision.


Strength through joy
Former NAACP president vocally defends Confederate flag


Hours after "Black Lives Matter" was spray-painted on a Confederate monument in Asheville, North Carolina, H.K. Edgerton stood with a Confederate flag, telling those passing by why he wanted it to continue to fly.

Edgerton, a former president of the North Carolina NAACP and one of few African-American members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, was outside the monument waving the Confederate flag soon after the graffiti was removed.

He said the graffiti artist protested incorrectly.

"I'm not going to blame it on a Yankee, because I've seen some southern folk around here that are real questionable too, that don't know anything about who they are and their families and the honorable people in the southland of America... red, yellow, black, white and brown!" Edgerton said.


Well-Known Member
Had the South succeeded in ceceeding would they be a third world country or a powerhouse today?

Not a powerhouse as the slave based economy was in collapse around the world and war or no war, it was going to end here as well. The rise of what was industrial capitalism and wage based employment was also making slavery obsolete.


Well-Known Member
Former NAACP president vocally defends Confederate flag


Hours after "Black Lives Matter" was spray-painted on a Confederate monument in Asheville, North Carolina, H.K. Edgerton stood with a Confederate flag, telling those passing by why he wanted it to continue to fly.

Edgerton, a former president of the North Carolina NAACP and one of few African-American members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, was outside the monument waving the Confederate flag soon after the graffiti was removed.

He said the graffiti artist protested incorrectly.

"I'm not going to blame it on a Yankee, because I've seen some southern folk around here that are real questionable too, that don't know anything about who they are and their families and the honorable people in the southland of America... red, yellow, black, white and brown!" Edgerton said.
I'll let everyone draw their own conclusions about H.K Edgerton.


Well-Known Member
None that I have met who do. Would see them on their door step of their houses when I would deliver and talk to them. Before that I honestly did not know the origin of the swastika symbol.

The swastika is a fascinating symbol and yet sadly because of the Nazis, one whose history is almost lost. The symbol itself interestingly can be found world wide and dates back 1000's of years. In most cases it is a solar symbol with the cross representing the solar cross and the bent angles representing rotation to mark the path across the sky of the sun itself. In the Hindu, it represents the Hindu solar god Surya but is also found among North American Native Americans, South American indigenous tribes and even the pre-christian/pre-Roman pagan cultures of Northern Europe such as the Celts. All used in it's solar context.

How it came to be so wide spread across the planet dating back 1000's of years has spawn numerous theories but nothing conclusive to my knowledge. It's origins in name are thought to be Sanskrit/Proto Indo European and although the name Swastika in English dates to the late 1800's, the earlier svastika from the Sanskrit goes way back and gets entangled with the idea of an Aryan people ( Aryan: Sanskrit meaning noble) alleged among the peoples of the Indian subcontinent which is very much disputed now. In the 19th century however is was quite the hot topic.

Sadly the misuse by Hitler and the ignorant abuse by those that followed after him (reference pics posted earlier) have taken an interesting historical symbol and made it almost taboo for most people.

Even in jewish Kabbalistic writings from the 18th century does the swastika appear and used in a strong solar context. This is from the Kabbalistic text "Parashat Eliezer" written by Rabbi Eliezer ben Isaac Fischel of Strizhov using Hebrew surrounded by a circle and then outside the circle the text of a mystical hymn in Aramaic.

I am fascinated with this symbol in regards to its solar deity connections and its spread all across the planet with cultures many think have nor could have any connection with one another.


Well-Known Member
During the Civil War, about 70% of the white population of the south did not nor ever did own slaves and yet these same people with a passion fought fearlessly on behalf of the south against the Union cause. This to me raises the question why? The south for the most part held to a kind of English aristocracy with the big land owners as the nobility and a gentry class who acted as a kind of managerial class and a social class that maintained the allegiance to the nobility to keep things goings. The rest of the whites were little more than subsistence farmers who were seen as of an order not far above the slaves and in some cases lower than certain slaves. But why would southern whites fight to defend this?

Attorney Gordon Rhea, a former US Attorney, in an address to the Charleston Library Society in Jan. 2011' offers some worthy insight to consider.

Why Non-Slaving Owning Southerners Fought


Well-Known Member
I know the south makes for a far more interesting narrative but most people don't realize that there is an active secession movement in the Northeastern US taking place right now and it even comes from a more left tradition to boot. It won't get anywhere soon so relax but it is sparking some interesting discussions between people who often are thought to be on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Second Vermont Republic


Well-Known Member
All racists and Southern Pride folk should consider dropping the Dixie Flag altogether. You've lost the cause so accept that. That flag is now tainted because of you for whatever that means.

What you need to do now is not so much alter your beliefs, normally I'd encourage you too but lets have some fun first.

You need a new flag, one that people don't associate your views with. A flag with a fresh start and no racist or southern, well it kinda does have a "SOUTHERN" appeal to it but you need a new flag. My suggestion would be to adopt this as your new flag and fly the "friend" out of them. Put them things off the back of your truck, off the mobile home, in the infield at the NASCAR race, Dega baby! I mean everywhere and let that racial and southern pride flow and make sure everyone knows these are your new colors.

Let everyone know that the heart and soul of your beliefs lay in this new flag and ain't nobody gonna ban this Flag this time around.

Have at it boys and smoke em if you got em!

Oh, so you're upset with my idea I just offered to our southern pride folk? I don't care what the "friend" you think, it's all just great entertainment to me!

To me it is just a piece of damn cloth to which I don't pledge too, genuflect too or sing too.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
All racists and Southern Pride folk should consider dropping the Dixie Flag altogether. You've lost the cause so accept that. That flag is now tainted because of you for whatever that means.

What you need to do now is not so much alter your beliefs, normally I'd encourage you too but lets have some fun first.

You need a new flag, one that people don't associate your views with. A flag with a fresh start and no racist or southern, well it kinda does have a "SOUTHERN" appeal to it but you need a new flag. My suggestion would be to adopt this as your new flag and fly the "friend" out of them. Put them things off the back of your truck, off the mobile home, in the infield at the NASCAR race, Dega baby! I mean everywhere and let that racial and southern pride flow and make sure everyone knows these are your new colors.

Let everyone know that the heart and soul of your beliefs lay in this new flag and ain't nobody gonna ban this Flag this time around.

Have at it boys and smoke em if you got em!

Oh, so you're upset with my idea I just offered to our southern pride folk? I don't care what the "friend" you think, it's all just great entertainment to me!

To me it is just a piece of damn cloth to which I don't pledge too, genuflect too or sing too.

Funny. But there is irony in your choice of a replacement flag. The very people that are after the Confederate Flag tend to gravitate towards Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a lunatic branded a hero by many American leftists, flags and t-shirts with his photo on them. How entertaining. :-)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
North Charleston police chief fires officer for Confederate Flag photo found on Facebook

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) -- A North Charleston police officer who posted a photo of himself wearing Confederate Flag boxer shorts to Facebook has been fired.

The photo spread across the Internet on Thursday after the post had been online for a few days.

Police Chief Eddie Driggers issues a termination letter to the officer, Sgt. Shannon Dildine, saying the photo undermines the officer's "ability to improve trust and instill confidence when working with our citizens."

"Your posting in this manner led to you being publicly identified as a North Charleston Police officer and associated both you and the Department with an image that symbolizes hate and oppression to a significant portion of the citizens we are sworn to serve," Driggers wrote.

Dildine has ten days to appeal the decision.

Awesome NEWS!

Hope he enjoys the unemployment line with the rest of the horrible cops in this country.



Well-Known Member
I know HK and he's a nice guy.... go ahead and tell us your conclusion Stops
I think it's pretty self explanatory when a black man defends slavery. guess you were thinking the same thing.;) I'll say one thing, at least he's making some money off these white confederate southerners.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I know HK and he's a nice guy.... go ahead and tell us your conclusion Stops

This man is clearly devoid of rationale. It may be his distorted belief, but far from the truth.

While no one is saying that some blacks didnt fight for the south, at the time, what choice did they really have?? They were OWNED people. They did as they were told.

They had NO RIGHTS, NO FREEDOMS, and NO FREE WILL to travel out of the south.

This mans fantasy cleans up the southern confederacy and its racists origins and believes, but his fantasy isnt a reality.

I respect that he believes what he does, and would challenge him to read the words and writings of William T. Thompson and then ask him how he feels about that.



Well-Known Member
This man is clearly devoid of rationale. It may be his distorted belief, but far from the truth.

While no one is saying that some blacks didnt fight for the south, at the time, what choice did they really have?? They were OWNED people. They did as they were told.

They had NO RIGHTS, NO FREEDOMS, and NO FREE WILL to travel out of the south.

This mans fantasy cleans up the southern confederacy and its racists origins and believes, but his fantasy isnt a reality.

I respect that he believes what he does, and would challenge him to read the words and writings of William T. Thompson and then ask him how he feels about that.

He is very easy to contact TOS... and he educates himself immensely. Im sure he is familiar with the works of William Thompson. I challenge you to contact him and ask him yourself


golden ticket member