confederate flag?


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Now with the removal of the confederate flag completed when will the blacks in America see their lives improved ?
Will the cycle of being uneducated , having out of wedlock children , committing criminal acts , and life in prison stop ?


Now with the removal of the confederate flag completed when will the blacks in America see their lives improved ?
Will the cycle of being uneducated , having out of wedlock children , committing criminal acts , and life in prison stop ?
Really? Wtf does your ignorant post have to do with the Confederate flag and its representation of America's history of slavery?


Engorged Member
Really? Wtf does your ignorant post have to do with the Confederate flag and its representation of America's history of slavery?

It gives him the opportunity to regurgitate the Republican narrative concerning Black people. You see, to the GOP, most Black people are either rappers, thugs, or criminals. They don't see the vast majority of Blacks working hard, living law-abiding lives, and wanting the same things for their families and children that "we" do. They'd prefer to focus on problem urban areas like Oakland, Detroit, and, of course, Ground Zero for everything bad about Black people...Chicago.

Any opportunity to associate bad things with Obama is snapped-up and twisted into their narrative.


Engorged Member
Uncle Tom? That's pretty hateful.

Dude, this fool is the definition of a "Tom". Besides being obviously delusional, he is Whitey's boy all the way. Of course, the fools and tools on the Right seize upon this nut case and extrapolate the "fact" that a lot of Black people think like Step and Fetch It in his silly-ass uniform.

What a dumb POS. Not you...him.


Strength through joy
For many black Americans, Confederate flag debate a distraction

As calls grow to remove the Confederate flag from public spaces across America's South, Vanessa White says she questions whether that would mark real progress for black Americans like her.

The 57-year-old Compton, California construction worker has seen and endured too much, she says, to be excited. Over the years, five members of her family have been killed by guns: her two brothers, at the ages of 28 and 38; her nephew, at 19; her niece, at 16; and her niece's mother, at 28. All of them had dropped out of school in their teens.

"We never felt like we were allowed near normal life," said White, speaking from the tidy, two-story home she purchased last year in the struggling suburb south of Los Angeles.

Across the country, African Americans are applauding a fast-growing movement to remove the Confederate flag from public life after last week's racially charged massacre of nine black worshipers in a Charleston church. But even many of those who support the effort suspect it will do little to address what they see as fundamental racial injustices - from mass incarceration of black men to a lack of economic and educational opportunities.

White’s view, she says, was shaped by exposure to racism as a child and also by a family she describes as dysfunctional. Her single mother was an alcoholic, and her brothers began committing crimes at an early age. She says she grew up never feeling like a real person because of her race.

In South Los Angeles, residents interviewed said that while they welcomed the prospect of the Civil War-era flag finally being purged from public grounds, they did not see its removal as a watershed moment for race in America.


Engorged Member
For many black Americans, Confederate flag debate a distraction

As calls grow to remove the Confederate flag from public spaces across America's South, Vanessa White says she questions whether that would mark real progress for black Americans like her.

The 57-year-old Compton, California construction worker has seen and endured too much, she says, to be excited. Over the years, five members of her family have been killed by guns: her two brothers, at the ages of 28 and 38; her nephew, at 19; her niece, at 16; and her niece's mother, at 28. All of them had dropped out of school in their teens.

"We never felt like we were allowed near normal life," said White, speaking from the tidy, two-story home she purchased last year in the struggling suburb south of Los Angeles.

Across the country, African Americans are applauding a fast-growing movement to remove the Confederate flag from public life after last week's racially charged massacre of nine black worshipers in a Charleston church. But even many of those who support the effort suspect it will do little to address what they see as fundamental racial injustices - from mass incarceration of black men to a lack of economic and educational opportunities.

White’s view, she says, was shaped by exposure to racism as a child and also by a family she describes as dysfunctional. Her single mother was an alcoholic, and her brothers began committing crimes at an early age. She says she grew up never feeling like a real person because of her race.

In South Los Angeles, residents interviewed said that while they welcomed the prospect of the Civil War-era flag finally being purged from public grounds, they did not see its removal as a watershed moment for race in America.

Your earlier post read like a FOX News script about stereotyped blacks. This sounds like the opinion of one black woman, who happens to live in Compton, which isn't a great place. If you've ever been there, you'd know. Go 40 miles south and talk to a suburban black homeowner in Orange County and ask the same question(s). Same goes for the rest of the country.

You can't make blanket statements about blacks based on what happens in Compton, Oakland, Richmond, Chicago, or Detroit. These are all inner city crap areas, and don't represent the big picture.


Strength through joy
But the media will only go to Compton , Richmond , Chicago or Detroit for the stories that they wish to publish . What goes on outside of these areas is of no concern to their editor since good news doesn't sell newspapers .