confederate flag?


Staff member
I said I get it.

I am only saying that not everyone views the flag that way.

I'm sorry if it offends some folks. Take it down from state/federal property. Fine.

But don't forget the people WHO WERE WHITE SKINNED that died fighting slavery. Thousands of them.

The flag means different things to different people.
It's not the flag of slavery to everyone. My mom's from Alabama. She doesn't see it that way either.
Your mom and anyone else is free to wear the rebel flag all she wants. She doesn't get to tell others what to think about her or her choice to do so.


Nine Lives
I think you are really missing the point of the argument to take the flag down. Whether you or anyone else who wants to deny it, that flag represents the fight to keep slavery legal. Taking it down from a government building does not infringe on anyone's right to buy or fly the flag for their own belief of what it represents. It does however acknowledge to the African-American community what it represented to them and in light of the shooting in Charleston SC , was the right thing to do.

The fact that taking the flag down was an emotional, knee-jerk reaction is what bothers me the most.
Well maybe it's the only thing that bothers me about it.
Since I don't live in SC, I was not even aware of it.


Staff member
The fact that taking the flag down was an emotional, knee-jerk reaction is what bothers me the most.
Well maybe it's the only thing that bothers me about it.
Since I don't live in SC, I was not even aware of it.
It's been flying for years and has had that racist sentiment attached to it for years. How is this "knee jerk teaction"?


Well-Known Member
I said I get it.

I am only saying that not everyone views the flag that way.

I'm sorry if it offends some folks. Take it down from state/federal property. Fine.

But don't forget the people WHO WERE WHITE SKINNED that died fighting slavery. Thousands of them.

The flag means different things to different people.
It's not the flag of slavery to everyone. My mom's from Alabama. She doesn't see it that way either.
Yes, many people died on both sides of the civil war. But that number pales in comparison to the number of slaves and native Americans that died at the hands of the white man.


Nine Lives
Your mom and anyone else is free to wear the rebel flag all she wants. She doesn't get to tell others what to think about her or her choice to do so.
Of course she does ... no one has to agree with her or pay any attention to her.
No she doesn't.
People are free to believe anything they want.
C'mon dude ... pay attention.

You said "tell" which is speech.
She can tell anybody "what to think about her or her choice to do so."
Nobody has to believe what she is telling them.

10 point

Well-Known Member
She doesn't get to tell others what to think about her or her choice to do so.

I don't think you grasp having a southern mother.

She told us kids what to think, how to respond politely, and how often we were to do all the above until we got married.

Seriously tho, symbols of hate (including the kkk uniform) should not be protected speech issues and if you're going to police some we need to police all or that in itself becomes racist.


Staff member
C'mon dude ... pay attention.

You said "tell" which is speech.
She can tell anybody "what to think about her or her choice to do so."
Nobody has to believe what she is telling them.
My bad. Yes, she can jabber incoherently about "southern pride" and all the other gibberish attempting to dispel that which that flag has represent.

Which is simply to say, nothing has been banned at all. Your mother can wear the shirt and the general public may be inclined to view her as a racist old biddy.


Nine Lives
Seriously tho, symbols of hate (including the kkk uniform) should not be protected speech issues and if you're going to police some we need to police all or that in itself becomes racist.
Well, luckily for us, you are not on the Supreme Court.
I think even the old maid Ruthie will disagree with you though.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Yes, many people died on both sides of the civil war. But that number pales in comparison to the number of slaves and native Americans that died at the hands of the white man.
I'm not talking about "both sides".
I am highlighting the issue that thousands of white men and boys died fighting slavery.
Not all whites back then abused those brought over from Africa and many gave their very lives to stop it.


Strength through joy
Because now, after all these years, the glare of public sentiment became too much for politicians to stomach. But it wasn't a new battle.
Was Dylann Roof holding or waving the battle flag while he was killing people ?
Was he wearing the flag as his clothing ?
No .
So why did the weak minded politicians decide that now was the time to blame a flag for their own failed policies ?


Nine Lives
My bad. Yes, she can jabber incoherently about "southern pride" and all the other gibberish attempting to dispel that which that flag has represent.

Which is simply to say, nothing has been banned at all. Your mother can wear the shirt and the general public may be inclined to view her as a racist old biddy.


Staff member
Was Dylann Roof holding or waving the battle flag while he was killing people ?
Was he wearing the flag as his clothing ?
No .
So why did the weak minded politicians decide that now was the time to blame a flag for their own failed policies ?
You tell me. They were predominantly from your side of the aisle.


Bad Moon Risen'
Your mom is the idiot and you are whatever is worse. Not enforcing the border and immigration laws is more costly. The cost of incarcerating illegals and paying for social programs that they use is bad enough. Then there's also the issue of them eroding this nation's language and culture. And lastly, but more importantly, there's also the millions of Americans and legal immigrants that have been victims of the crimes of illegals. And that includes of murder. Only an idiot cant see that.

Weren't you accusing me of wanting my cake and wanting to eat it too? LOL! Cant your feeble little mind recognize the contradiction in your statements? On one hand you whine about minimum wage being too low and Corporate America underpaying everyone. On this hand you are saying that we need illegals because if we don't have them anymore then wages will go up! Man you truly are one confused nutcase!

The amount of so-called actors is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that there are multi millions of people here that are not supposed to be and there are more than a negligible amount amongst them that are hardened criminals. Even the so-called petty criminals are a problem. Either way they should not be here. It is going to take you experiencing pain and suffering due to the actions of these criminals in order for you to see that there is a problem.
Bet you have no problem with your ancestors coming here and eroding the Native American language & culture.