confederate flag?


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about "both sides".
I am highlighting the issue that thousands of white men and boys died fighting slavery.
Not all whites back then abused those brought over from Africa and many gave their very lives to stop it.
A very, very, small percentage may have tried to stop it. It doesn't change the brutality that existed for anyone who was not white.


Nine Lives
How many weeks of open debate after how many years of contention?
The flag has been there for 50 years.
It was an emotional, knee-jerk reaction.
I'm not saying I disagree with it ... just that the impetus was derived from the shooting incident and reversed a long-standing decision in less than 1% of the "debate" period of the 50 years.

I am glad the decision was made at the State level and not at the National level ... in which case I would be totally against the decision.

10 point

Well-Known Member
My bad. Yes, she can jabber incoherently about "southern pride" and all the other gibberish attempting to dispel that which that flag has represent.

Which is simply to say, nothing has been banned at all. Your mother can wear the shirt and the general public may be inclined to view her as a racist old biddy.
"Old biddy"?
Now you're sexist and disrespectful toward seniors?
I got it.


Strength through joy
Governor Nikki Haley signed it. Look up the politics of South Carolina. Simple Google material.
I know to which party she belongs .
I have NEVER stated to which party I am with .
But that has never stopped those on the left from making wild assumptions .


Nine Lives
A very, very, small percentage may have tried to stop it. It doesn't change the brutality that existed for anyone who was not white.
It was pretty brutal for most whites too!
I'm very glad I live now than in the 1830s.
People born in the 1900s were very lucky from a historical perspective.


Staff member
The flag has been there for 50 years.
It was an emotional, knee-jerk reaction.
I'm not saying I disagree with it ... just that the impetus was derived from the shooting incident and reversed a long-standing decision in less than 1% of the "debate" period of the 50 years.

I am glad the decision was made at the State level and not at the National level ... in which case I would be totally against the decision.

This is not the first time the subject has come up. In the past, it's been poo pooed as just a bunch of civil rights complainers. This time, it had strong, decisive wide-ranging support.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I am many things. I don't know how you are tying those things to me, but it's weak and desperate on your part.
You typed it.
Own it.

I'm never desperate or weak. It doesn't mean that much to me to be desperate and by no means does weakness have anything to do with this post.
"Deflection" fits your response better.


Bad Moon Risen'
Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!

There are what, 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants in this country finding work and raising families. Now, if these 11 MILLION lawbreakers were deported as they should be, the unemployed poor impoverished minorities would be able to actually work and feel good about earning their living, instead of allowing it to be handed to them
Why is it when a Cuban sets his foot on our shores he has the opportunity to apply for citizenship after one year, but if a Mexican does he is illegal?
We deported Elian Gonzales back home and the conservatives had a fit.
Go figure.


Staff member
I know to which party she belongs .
I have NEVER stated to which party I am with .
But that has never stopped those on the left from making wild assumptions .
I said your side of the aisle. I never said you were a republican. You've made it clear over the years who you sympathize with.


Nine Lives
Why is it when a Cuban sets his foot on our shores he has the opportunity to apply for citizenship after one year, but if a Mexican does he is illegal?
We deported Elian Gonzales back home and the conservatives had a fit.
Go figure.
That's an incredible spin job.
My respects to you.


Staff member
You typed it.
Own it.

I'm never desperate or weak. It doesn't mean that much to me to be desperate and by no means does weakness have anything to do with this post.
"Deflection" fits your response better.
I own that I typed that the common assumption would be that she's a racist old biddy. No different than how we think "thug" when a young man saunters into a room with pants sagging and.over sized ball cap turned at angle.