For this forum's only hateful racist, that being you, to unilaterally take it upon himself to define the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate for every American is deplorable.
I find it amusing how you call me a racist, and all I do, is "MIRROR" the thoughts and suggestions of people like yourself.
You dont like it when the door swings the other way, and I understand that, but until you and the others learn to drop your hatred for people of color, I will continue to match your comments while directing them back at you.
The "rebel" flag means NOTHING to you. It has NOTHING to do with you.
You ignore the words of the flags creator, and the words of the leaders of the south, claiming the flag and the south to be a land of WHITE SUPREMACY.
You can ignore it all you want, but it doesnt make your position true.
You want to worship a false idol? You want to relish a man made creation above other things?
Then you sir, are no Christian.