confederate flag?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Here is a link to Lacambe cemetery in Normandy France. It's a German cemetery that was established for German Battle Dead
The soldiers are honored,yet there isnt a flag from the Third Reich to be found.The Confederate Cemeteries here can honor the dead without flying the flag of racism and hatred

View attachment 46896
Just because many people inaccurately portray the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate (including those that use it for such) doesn't give you the right to tell people they can't use it. And to compare it to the NAZI flag is deplorable.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just because many people inaccurately portray the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate (including those that use it for such) doesn't give you the right to tell people they can't use it. And to compare it to the NAZI flag is deplorable.

And for you to try and give the rebel flag legitimacy, which at the time of its original use (you werent a part of) and try and give it a new 21st century meaning despite its origins and the very racist symbolism assigned to it by the flags creator is also very deplorable.

Its like wearing a hooded white outfit with a pointed cap and telling us that its your "graduation" gown.

Grow up.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here is a link to Lacambe cemetery in Normandy France. It's a German cemetery that was established for German Battle Dead
The soldiers are honored,yet there isnt a flag from the Third Reich to be found.The Confederate Cemeteries here can honor the dead without flying the flag of racism and hatred

View attachment 46896

Great point.


p.s. i would rate you "winner" if I could, but that was taken away long ago.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
And for you to try and give the rebel flag legitimacy, which at the time of its original use (you werent a part of) and try and give it a new 21st century meaning despite its origins and the very racist symbolism assigned to it by the flags creator is also very deplorable.

Its like wearing a hooded white outfit with a pointed cap and telling us that its your "graduation" gown.

Grow up.

For this forum's only hateful racist, that being you, to unilaterally take it upon himself to define the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate for every American is deplorable.


All Trash No Trailer
Just because many people inaccurately portray the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate (including those that use it for such) doesn't give you the right to tell people they can't use it. And to compare it to the NAZI flag is deplorable.
i never said they couldnt use it. I DID however draw comparasions to the use of a flag of hatred,racism and genocide to "honor" the dead isnt used in German Cemeteries,and I certainly question why the need for a flag that has the same meanings to many HAS to be used to honor the dead in Confederate Cemeteries. it's a very valid point

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
i never said they couldnt use it. I DID however draw comparasions to the use of a flag of hatred,racism and genocide to "honor" the dead isnt used in German Cemeteries,and I certainly question why the need for a flag that has the same meanings to many HAS to be used to honor the dead in Confederate Cemeteries. it's a very valid point
You suggested it and your comparison is garbage. The NAZIs were an evil regime that was simultaneously practicing genocide and trying to conquer the world.

The Confederacy was standing up to northern aggression that was precipitated under the guise of freeing slaves but in reality had slaves of their own and only fought to keep the south part of the Union for financial/economic reasons. The south was well on their way to eventually ending slavery anyway. The fact that the north had slaves, and using your logic, the American flag should be under attack too. But that's not a can of worms you are willing to happen now isn't it?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For this forum's only hateful racist, that being you, to unilaterally take it upon himself to define the Rebel flag as a symbol of racism and hate for every American is deplorable.

I find it amusing how you call me a racist, and all I do, is "MIRROR" the thoughts and suggestions of people like yourself.

You dont like it when the door swings the other way, and I understand that, but until you and the others learn to drop your hatred for people of color, I will continue to match your comments while directing them back at you.

The "rebel" flag means NOTHING to you. It has NOTHING to do with you.

You ignore the words of the flags creator, and the words of the leaders of the south, claiming the flag and the south to be a land of WHITE SUPREMACY.

You can ignore it all you want, but it doesnt make your position true.

You want to worship a false idol? You want to relish a man made creation above other things?

Then you sir, are no Christian.



All Trash No Trailer
You suggested it and your comparison is garbage. The NAZIs were an evil regime that was simultaneously practicing genocide and trying to conquer the world.

The Confederacy was standing up to northern aggression that was precipitated under the guise of freeing slaves but in reality had slaves of their own and only fought to keep the south part of the Union for financial/economic reasons. The south was well on their way to eventually ending slavery anyway. The fact that the north had slaves, and using your logic, the American flag should be under attack too. But that's not a can of worms you are willing to happen now isn't it?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I find it amusing how you call me a racist, and all I do, is "MIRROR" the thoughts and suggestions of people like yourself.

You dont like it when the door swings the other way, and I understand that, but until you and the others learn to drop your hatred for people of color, I will continue to match your comments while directing them back at you.

The "rebel" flag means NOTHING to you. It has NOTHING to do with you.

You ignore the words of the flags creator, and the words of the leaders of the south, claiming the flag and the south to be a land of WHITE SUPREMACY.

You can ignore it all you want, but it doesnt make your position true.

You want to worship a false idol? You want to relish a man made creation above other things?

Then you sir, are no Christian.


Don't you have a Black Panther meeting to attend? Oh by the way.....the rebel flag has plenty to do with me. I had relatives that died fighting for the Confederacy (and the North as well). And guess what? All of the letters written by them and their families during that time clearly show that neither of them were fighting over slavery. To attack the flag dishonors their memory. The flag is also important to me because it is a symbol of Southern pride and there is nothing you damn liberals can do to get rid of it. It doesn't matter which racists fools you dig out of the history books and attempt to lump the rest of an entire region of the South with. The flag is here to stay. Deal with it. Get over it.


Well-Known Troll
The "rebel" flag means NOTHING to you. It has NOTHING to do with you.


With no due respect, how in the hell do you know what it means to him or has to do with him?

Ah, I almost forgot. You love to make outlandish & ridiculous statements based in absolutely no truth or facts. Carry on then, I suppose


All Trash No Trailer
What did you fix exactly? All I see is what you changed to fit your horribly inaccurate view of history. And i also noticed you refused to address what I said about the American flag. But I know why you abstained from that issue.
The American Flag flew over the nation that practiced Genocide against the Native Americans. Hitler even remarked that he felt the USA had no right to critique the treatment of the jews by the NAZI government due to the USA's treatment of the Indians.

There,happy? still dosent change the fact that the confederate flag is one that represents hatred,racists and ignorance.


All Trash No Trailer
Don't you have a Black Panther meeting to attend? Oh by the way.....the rebel flag has plenty to do with me. I had relatives that died fighting for the Confederacy (and the North as well). And guess what? All of the letters written by them and their families during that time clearly show that neither of them were fighting over slavery. To attack the flag dishonors their memory. The flag is also important to me because it is a symbol of Southern pride and there is nothing you damn liberals can do to get rid of it. It doesn't matter which racists fools you dig out of the history books and attempt to lump the rest of an entire region of the South with. The flag is here to stay. Deal with it. Get over it.
They were fighting to support a government that VERY much supported Slave Owning as well as treating Human Beings a property. Lighten up Francis: there is no attack on any one's long dead ancestors rather the attack is against a symbol of racist hatred.

I dont get this whole "heritage" hooey ,or Southern Pride garbage to embrace this symbol of hatred either

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The American Flag flew over the nation that practiced Genocide against the Native Americans. Hitler even remarked that he felt the USA had no right to critique the treatment of the jews by the NAZI government due to the USA's treatment of the Indians.

There,happy? still dosent change the fact that the confederate flag is one that represents hatred,racists and ignorance.

No it doesn't. You don't get to make that decision for everyone. You ignoramuses will never get the true meaning because you are emotionally incapable of it. The flag is here to stay. Southern pride is here to stay. Deal with it.


Staff member
Don't you have a Black Panther meeting to attend? Oh by the way.....the rebel flag has plenty to do with me. I had relatives that died fighting for the Confederacy (and the North as well). And guess what? All of the letters written by them and their families during that time clearly show that neither of them were fighting over slavery. To attack the flag dishonors their memory. The flag is also important to me because it is a symbol of Southern pride and there is nothing you damn liberals can do to get rid of it. It doesn't matter which racists fools you dig out of the history books and attempt to lump the rest of an entire region of the South with. The flag is here to stay. Deal with it. Get over it.
What is Southern pride from 1900 on?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
They were fighting to support a government that VERY much supported Slave Owning as well as treating Human Beings a property. Lighten up Francis: there is no attack on any one's long dead ancestors rather the attack is against a symbol of racist hatred.

I dont get this whole "heritage" hooey ,or Southern Pride garbage to embrace this symbol of hatred either

Of course you don't get it and that explains the whole obsession with falsely labeling the flag as a symbol of hate. Either way its here to stay. And thats just the way it is.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Don't you have a Black Panther meeting to attend? Oh by the way.....the rebel flag has plenty to do with me. I had relatives that died fighting for the Confederacy (and the North as well). And guess what? All of the letters written by them and their families during that time clearly show that neither of them were fighting over slavery. To attack the flag dishonors their memory. The flag is also important to me because it is a symbol of Southern pride and there is nothing you damn liberals can do to get rid of it. It doesn't matter which racists fools you dig out of the history books and attempt to lump the rest of an entire region of the South with. The flag is here to stay. Deal with it. Get over it.

The liberals dont have to get rid of it, the CONFEDERACY Surrendered it to the north when they lost the war and their cause.

The only flag that matters in the confederacy today is this one..


This is where your relatives southern pride ended.

You are welcomed to fly this one as a reminder of what was the confederacy and your relatives legacy.
