confederate flag?


All Trash No Trailer
That's TOS in his back yard trying to make his point
no, it's a great deal of the White Trash on my route that live in trailers or homes that are falling in. These people ar at the bottom of the eco socio nomic heap and use racism as way to feel superior to someone


Well-Known Member
no, it's a great deal of the White Trash on my route that live in trailers or homes that are falling in. These people ar at the bottom of the eco socio nomic heap and use racism as way to feel superior to someone
Say it ain't so! According to the racist bigots, only blacks and Latinos are on the bottom of the socioeconomic heap.


White Trash and Rednecks are two different animals. I'm pretty Redneck but i'm sure as hell not White Trash

Here's how you tell

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, this is the "A-TYPICAL" southerner who worships that stupid battle flag...

I live in the south,and you sir are correct.

That is not accurate. If anything its painting the southerners with a pretty broad brush. Those people are an extreme minority. In fact, in my part of Tennessee you literally have to go pretty far to find those types and they are sometimes not the type of people you think they are if you find them. Looks can be deceiving.
no, it's a great deal of the White Trash on my route that live in trailers or homes that are falling in. These people ar at the bottom of the eco socio nomic heap and use racism as way to feel superior to someone

I drove through most of the northeast states between Tennessee and New York during my last vacation and I definitely saw more trailers up there than I would driving through Tennessee and a couple of other southern states. And I've been through them all. I was actually surprised how many I saw in New York. I guess it was a shock because northerners always crack on trailers in the south. Boy talk about the kettle calling the pot black. I saw plenty of run down areas throughout the whole eastern part of the country. Rednecks and white trash aren't isolated to the south nor is racism isolated to either group. There is so much false information about all of this floating around.
White Trash and Rednecks are two different animals. I'm pretty Redneck but i'm sure as hell not White Trash

I can only take your word on whether or not you are a redneck or white trash but you are correct about the two being two separate things.