confederate flag?


All Trash No Trailer
No it doesn't. You don't get to make that decision for everyone. You ignoramuses will never get the true meaning because you are emotionally incapable of it. The flag is here to stay. Southern pride is here to stay. Deal with it.
its not on the Georgia State flag any longer!!! Deal with it!


Well-Known Member
You suggested it and your comparison is garbage. The NAZIs were an evil regime that was simultaneously practicing genocide and trying to conquer the world.

The Confederacy was standing up to northern aggression that was precipitated under the guise of freeing slaves but in reality had slaves of their own and only fought to keep the south part of the Union for financial/economic reasons. The south was well on their way to eventually ending slavery anyway. The fact that the north had slaves, and using your logic, the American flag should be under attack too. But that's not a can of worms you are willing to happen now isn't it?


Fly that flag wherever.

Just not at the State House.

End of story.


Strength through joy
The African American Monument on the South Carolina State House grounds was erected in 2001 as part of a bi-partisan compromise reached in 2000 to move the Confederate battle flag from the State House dome and place it at the Confederate Soldier’s Monument. Given the recent outcry to remove the battle flag from the State House grounds completely, the people of South Carolina view this as a reneging of the 2000 compromise. Therefore, the people of South Carolina implore the South Carolina State Legislature to pass legislation calling for the removal of the African American Monument from the State House grounds. It has been stated that the battle flag must be removed due to it being offensive to the African American community, and invoking upon that community reminders of the dark history of slavery. To the same point, the African American Monument depicts slave ships, mistreatment and words such as “segregation” and “Jim Crow”. This being the case, it is undeniable that this monument can and does serve to invoke in the white community feelings of shame, humiliation and offense, serving as a constant reminder of the dark history of slavery. Therefore, we the people of South Carolina and citizens the world over implore the Legislature of South Carolina to order the removal of this monument from State Grounds.


Nine Lives
The African American Monument on the South Carolina State House grounds was erected in 2001 as part of a bi-partisan compromise reached in 2000 to move the Confederate battle flag from the State House dome and place it at the Confederate Soldier’s Monument.
Therefore, we the people of South Carolina and citizens the world over implore the Legislature of South Carolina to order the removal of this monument from State Grounds.
I am assuming this is somewhat serious ... that makes it funny in many different ways.

It does highlight the stupidity of it all in SC.


Well-Known Member
The African American Monument on the South Carolina State House grounds was erected in 2001 as part of a bi-partisan compromise reached in 2000 to move the Confederate battle flag from the State House dome and place it at the Confederate Soldier’s Monument. Given the recent outcry to remove the battle flag from the State House grounds completely, the people of South Carolina view this as a reneging of the 2000 compromise. Therefore, the people of South Carolina implore the South Carolina State Legislature to pass legislation calling for the removal of the African American Monument from the State House grounds. It has been stated that the battle flag must be removed due to it being offensive to the African American community, and invoking upon that community reminders of the dark history of slavery. To the same point, the African American Monument depicts slave ships, mistreatment and words such as “segregation” and “Jim Crow”. This being the case, it is undeniable that this monument can and does serve to invoke in the white community feelings of shame, humiliation and offense, serving as a constant reminder of the dark history of slavery. Therefore, we the people of South Carolina and citizens the world over implore the Legislature of South Carolina to order the removal of this monument from State Grounds.
Yea we surely don't want a reminder of this country's dark past, do we?;)


Well-Known Member
If any of y'all have such a hard-on about this particular flag, please feel free to continue to fly it.

No one's stopping you.

There's no 'ban'.


Strength through joy
Anti-American ‘Afrikans’ issue :censored2: on Flag Challenge

**Warning Graphic**

Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, has issued a challenge for her supporters. She has proposed that, “with only $6, you too can help a young Afrikan clean their ass with the rag of oppression!”


Well-Known Member
Anti-American ‘Afrikans’ issue :censored2: on Flag Challenge

**Warning Graphic**

Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, has issued a challenge for her supporters. She has proposed that, “with only $6, you too can help a young Afrikan clean their ass with the rag of oppression!”

Seems apropo to me.


Retired 23 years
Anti-American ‘Afrikans’ issue :censored2: on Flag Challenge

**Warning Graphic**

Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, has issued a challenge for her supporters. She has proposed that, “with only $6, you too can help a young Afrikan clean their ass with the rag of oppression!”

I bet under normal conditions those two don't bother to wipe at all---or they use their left hand.


All Trash No Trailer
Anti-American ‘Afrikans’ issue :censored2: on Flag Challenge

**Warning Graphic**

Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, has issued a challenge for her supporters. She has proposed that, “with only $6, you too can help a young Afrikan clean their ass with the rag of oppression!”
and that makes the Confederate Flag non racist how?


All Trash No Trailer
It was never racist to begin with.


Well-Known Member
It was never racist to begin with.
Didn't it first get resurrected after being put away for 80 years in 1948 when Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond ran for President? It was not around before that, ever since R.E Lee told everyone to furl the flag.

It always was and always will be a symbol of Slavery.

This country need to apologize, and a little penance wouldn't hurt, either.