hall admitted he knew there were UPS management people on the call. Of course there was. And he blamed TDU for leaking the "secret phone number and code".
Our supervisors know every word spoken at our local membership meetings. Does that mean TDU has a spy feeding the info to management?
No! It means management will always find a way to keep up to date on what is going on. Remember. We're talking UPS here!
But they never pass up an opportunity to slam TDU. No matter how absurd it sounds.
So what was the reason for the "Secret Conference Call" when IBT knew it was going to be compromised?
A shop steward who wanted to listen in had to stop what he was doing at 12 noon, EDST, and hope to get a place on the call.
When will our union officials get up to speed and just put out something on the website? "We don't want to scare the public!"
Why not?!? UPS will take notice when the customer base gets antsy. And the major shippers? You think they don't have their people all over this? Please?
So here we are asking each other what was said and what it meant.
If someone recorded it please put it on line. That way the MEMBERS will know what was said. So far it seems we are the only ones in the dark.
Maybe management will get us updated Monday.
hall DID NOT ADMIT that there were NO UPS managers or personnel on the line. That is NOT TRUE. In fact, he stated that there were PROBABLY management personnel on the line listening.
It does not change the fact that TDU posted the phone number for everyone to see. While its important for as many members to hear what is going on, that information should only come from stewards, business agents or locals.
hall needs to speak FREELY, as well as the callers who have to identify themselves on the line and MAY face retaliation if they say anything against the company.
TDU "jeopardized" the security of the call and for that, they deserve to be called A-HOLES.
If you support an action such as what TDU did, then you have no right to participate in these telephonic conferences. Those of us who "GET" called by the negotiation committee directly will ultimately be the ones who get to participate if TDU cant pull their collective heads out of their Ashes.
What will end up happening is that these tele-conferences will only be limited to select members and general members will all be affected.
This will ALL fall onto the backs of TDU.
Now, if TDU wants to be a part of the negotiation information arena, then by all means, post the bullet points afterwards so everyone who wishes to use TDU as a source can do so.
The "free" speech that is used during the conversation from ANYONE should never be allowed to be heard by UPS management.
I dont care how many of you Defend TDU, its wrong and they need to STAY OUT OF THE WAY.
If they want to be respected as a functioning member group, then they need to "backthephuqueoff".