Why is anyone even seriously engaging this guy about the contract. From what he says it seems like he doesn't realize we vote on the parts of the contract individually. Why should I wait to see if the supplements are good to make up my mind on the master? My BA says to vote no, and he has all the same concerns I do, and in fact I had to point out some potential issues to him.
My main concern about the master all along has been the devaluation of ground delivery labor. While trying to verify my understanding before writing this post, I found that, according to Article 41section 2a, the master does not override the supplements in regards to 22.4 progression or top rate. 22.4 progression is in section 4, which is not mentioned in section 2a. As such, in theory, supplements could adjust the pay for 22.4 so that it is in line with RPCD pay.
The problem is with everything else about the 22.4 language, which can't be fixed in the supplements. So the argument that we should read the "whole contract" before deciding to vote no on the master has zero basis in reality. Sorry if that fact is upsetting to some people, but denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
It also seems to me that they are trying to siphon money away from everyone else to prop up failing pensions. If that's the case, I would be more understanding if they were just honest about it, but that would mean they would have to owe us one if we went along with it.
I want the rpcd progression wages to go up, but only enough to match inflation, not put new drivers 20-30k ahead of the most recent crop of drivers, that extra money can go to prop up failing pensions. I don't think we should deal with new part timer pay any more, let the company do whatever they please with that. But let's give a boost to part timers who've put in some time. Fix the 22.4 language, or just eliminate it and hire more rpcd's. The contractual wage increases aren't terrible, but they aren't great. We can get a good contract, just need to try again. What's the big deal?