Contract leader O'brien


Well-Known Member
i already put a call out to mr skillman
i look forward to working with him
i can't wait to put the ;liars back on youtube!
bogus charges on me were laughable
ill continue to expose the boston bully, ugly sweater murph, lost my post hall, and the over 70 noballs leader pigfa


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried by you. You actually help my confidence in attaining what is right. Your illogical and this straight up shows.
I'm not trying to change your mind brother
I will tell you for sure local 623 will be vote no because of my hard work. As long as my co workers know the truth that's all that matters to me

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
More Boston bully siding with management
Lmfao. Your intelligence level is that of an infant. If tested, I guarantee you are mentally disabled. I feel bad for you. I really feel bad for your dog even more. How did he die btw? I'm sure you won't tell the truth but living with you, I'd put money on a suicide.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao. Your intelligence level is that of an infant. If tested, I guarantee you are mentally disabled. I feel bad for you. I really feel bad for your dog even more. How did he die btw? I'm sure you won't tell the truth but living with you, I'd put money on a suicide.
Brother I told you about my dog no expecting to be made fun of. Please lay off the dog comments and let me get through these difficult times. Thanks brother

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Brother I told you about my dog no expecting to be made fun of. Please lay off the dog comments and let me get through these difficult times. Thanks brother
You can't even remember who you tell things to. It wasn't me. I'll offer you the same sympathies that you offer others...NONE.


Well-Known Member
You can't even remember who you tell things to. It wasn't me. I'll offer you the same sympathies that you offer others...NONE.
you and lead are the same person in my eyes
both good brothers but have different opinions
i promise you its already a done vote no in 623
im willing to wager if you'd like brother

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
you and lead are the same person in my eyes
both good brothers but have different opinions
i promise you its already a done vote no in 623
im willing to wager if you'd like brother
I really don't care. If 623 has already based an opinion without a single proposal on the table then piss off. Once again, you will not hold me hostage with stupidity.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care. If 623 has already based an opinion without a single proposal on the table then piss off. Once again, you will not hold me hostage with stupidity.
Brother the Boston bully had lied before and he's on the company's side.
Philly is a vote no !

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Brother the Boston bully had lied before and he's on the company's side.
Philly is a vote no !
You know nothing of Sean. Nothing! Stop pretending you do. You have zero knowledge of feeder information because your a 35 hour 22.3 jobber.


Well-Known Member
You know nothing of Sean. Nothing! Stop pretending you do. You have zero knowledge of feeder information because your a 35 hour 22.3 jobber.
I know the Boston bully lied to us.
I know a little about feeders brother.
I do know he personally has something against the leadership of local 251.
I would bet the 8 sleeper that went 49 miles away to a different local has to do with the Boston bully and his political moves to try to get Tdu's finest to fail.
The Boston bully is the perfect example where you don't have to be good at what you do to be moved up. He's loyal to the liars at the marble palace and ups. He gets rewarded for being jimmy "I'm not my dad" and ups's best friends.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I know the Boston bully lied to us.
I know a little about feeders brother.
I do know he personally has something against the leadership of local 251.
I would bet the 8 sleeper that went 49 miles away to a different local has to do with the Boston bully and his political moves to try to get Tdu's finest to fail.
The Boston bully is the perfect example where you don't have to be good at what you do to be moved up. He's loyal to the liars at the marble palace and ups. He gets rewarded for being jimmy "I'm not my dad" and ups's best friends.

Yup, he hates them so much he tells them good job. You sir are odd.


Well-Known Member
Isn't this the Boston bully talking about the executive board of 251?
Boston bully doesn't know what he wants to do. Typical politician.



Well-Known Member
Did the representation go down the tubes?
Did the local go broke ?
Looks like the members are happy with Tdu. They keep winning elections


wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Isn't this the Boston bully talking about the executive board of 251?
Boston bully doesn't know what he wants to do. Typical politician.

Yup, 4 years ago during an election. Then praised them a few days ago. Obviously you've never ran in an election. Anything ever happen? Nope. Why?

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Did the representation go down the tubes?
Did the local go broke ?
Looks like the members are happy with Tdu. They keep winning elections

Difference between 251 and 623, at least 251 will digest all the information and proposals before casting an opinion. You are the epitome of the word scab. Sorry it took me a while. I was busy eating a $200 meal with my family thanks to my negotiated wage. I ran out earlier to pick up my prescription which cost me 90 cents. I also bought new shoes today. I have an autism fundraiser on Saturday night. It's Sean's event. Do you need tickets? I doubt you donate to anything but yourself though.

10 Pt

I'll go down fighting. I guarantee another vote no in philly.
This Teamcare crap is not identical and in some ways better
So it's better in some ways?
im not anti union brother I'm anti liar the teamster have done nothing but lie
its a NO VOTE AGAIN IN 623
Yes, we got lied to. That's the part that is concerning.
Went from a once a month punch to once a week. No one told us that either. We got that. We expect the company to lie to us but when the union leadership lies or hides important issues that we should be told it's aggravating. We got that too.

But some of our union brother's insurance got better. Their original plans sucked.

Zero deductable on Rxs wasn't going to last and with the money we make a $5 copay is nothing. Really, it's true.

But the lying and deceptive part has got to change because credibility in leadership is a must or the union will suffer as a whole. Four yrs later people are still mad. At what? Mad because they didn't get the whole story.

Let's see what happens next year. Relationships can be fixed and we all need to try to move forward for the good of the union ... which is us and our families.