Contract proposals for 2018

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10 Pt

@10 Pt ....

Are you going to continually whine ??

Or, proffer constructive ideas ??

People like you, are what's wrong with the Teamsters.

@BigUnionGuy , are you going to continually whine about TDU? There's a specific question that is qualified.
People like you have a hard time acknowledging truth and that's what's wrong with the Teamsters.

I offered a constructive idea earlier about safety committee agenda needing changed.
The rest of the posting by others were comprehensive enough that I didn't feel the need to elaborate further.
Your note taking must not be up to date.


For everyone's sake let's try and keep this thread on topic and civil please. I think we are doing something constructive here. Let's put other political differences aside here and make this a a good resource to brainstorm on actual contract proposals. This isn't Facebook after all.

10 Pt

For everyone's sake let's try and keep this thread on topic and civil please. I think we are doing something constructive here. Let's put other political differences aside here and make this a a good resource to brainstorm on actual contract proposals. This isn't Facebook after all.
I don't disagree and there's nothing political about what I said. I appealed for the same thing HOPING that the degrading of dues paying members would subside so that we could move forward without labels and division.
I have reached out to other posters in the last few weeks to promote peace and civility. You know that is true.

Some like it divisive. Have at it.


I don't disagree and there's nothing political about what I said. I appealed for the same thing HOPING that the degrading of dues paying members would subside so that we could move forward without labels and division.
I have reached out to other posters in the last few weeks to promote peace and civility. You know that is true.

Some like it divisive. Have at it.
It wasn't just for you my friend it was for all. Let's keep it on track. Proposals please.


Well-Known Member
For everyone's sake let's try and keep this thread on topic and civil please. I think we are doing something constructive here. Let's put other political differences aside here and make this a a good resource to brainstorm on actual contract proposals. This isn't Facebook after all.
u say that and then your idol runs out of the local 804 meeting without answering members questions
cock a doodle dooooo

10 Pt

It wasn't just for you my friend it was for all. Let's keep it on track. Proposals please.
I got that brother. I agree with what you're saying and I put actions behind my words lately. You know this as well. I don't think we're going forward until the attitudes get more respectful towards everybody in this Union. I won't quit reaching out just because of one person on here the degrading the rest of us that dont totally agree on issues.
Staying on topic is important. Sometimes you just get tired of hearing the garbage.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the build quality of them as I don't have to pay for them, but it is embarrassing to interact with people and have my shirt, pants, and coat all different shades of brown.
Ha! I've got shirts sourced from four different countries in my closet.


Well-Known Member
Substitute vacation language is in NMA Art 16 Sec 4.

Thank you for that information. I have read that before and have used it.

I'd still like to see the company give us additional paid time like how funeral leave is done.

My wife's company gives both men and woman 2 months paid on top of any vacation or state fmla. Not saying we need 2 months but a little extra would be nice.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
More life insurance included in benefits. I'm sure the company can get it a lot cheaper than we can get it ourselves.

Better disability insurance or option to opt into a better plan. Same as above with company getting it cheaper than we can.

A higher starting wage for part-time employees or at worst getting them out of their own part-time wage progression that negates the slightly increased starting wage they are now getting. They should get the same raises everyone else gets right away not $.50 a year on their anniversary date.

A real discount for employees to ship things with UPS. Even if it's limited to a few packages a month there is no reason we shouldn't be able to ship for about 60% of retail cost. Maybe exclude peak season since we are already at capacity to make it work better.


Well-Known Member
Surepost needs to be totally looked at... Proximity stops are not being done, at least not here , and they aren't suppose to be sending surepost business to business which they are also doing..
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