Contract proposals for 2018

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10 Pt

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How about a minimum $ amount paid out to the local when dishonesty is proven against supervisors in hearings to cover their time for processing an Art 17a violation against the company.


Well-Known Member
Getting 29 pkgs assigned to section 6100 when there's 5 assigned to RDL is on the dispatcher and the belt supe. Don't tell me that they don't all get the bulk stop report.

I am fortunate in that my loader doesn't just look at the report for my pkg car and toss it away. He uses it to build a custom load and will let me know when he has to move stuff around.


Got the T-Shirt
Back on topic...
How about a minimum $ amount paid out to the local when dishonesty is proven against supervisors in hearings to cover their time for processing an Art 17a violation against the company.

That's an "out of box" type of thinking, we need. I like it.

Nothing motivates the company more.... when they have to reach into their wallet.



Well-Known Member
Any termination or last chance agreement will be fulfilled by a trial by combat between the center manager and the employee. Based upon the severity of the offense, the combat can range between a simple full contact competition or a fight to the death. If a stalemate results, it will be referred to arbitration where 3 union representatives and 3 company representatives will face off in a steel cage no holds barred competition. Results of arbitration combat will be final and binding.

To be held at Midieval Times in the jousting ring while the Service Providers feast on huge chicken legs.

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament

10 Pt

That's an "out of box" type of thinking, we need. I like it.

Nothing motivates the company more.... when they have to reach into their wallet.

That would generate more funding for the union than the part-time turn over.


Got the T-Shirt
Just to exemplify my commitment to this thread;

There is some work that needs to be done, to "clean up" article 37.

This is just one example.

(b) It is the policy of the Employer to cooperate with a package car driver who desires to be relieved of overtime, subject to the understanding that such package car driver will complete his/her assignment, and subject to the provisions below.

How many Package Car Drivers....

Have experienced cooperation, from the company, when signing the 9.5 list ??



Package Center Manager
Intergrad, is nothing more than a training tool.

The Qualification process.... begins, when the driver is put "on road".

And I, have had many drivers qualified.... by filing a grievance.

Based on the fact, management people couldn't produce the same results.


qualified by performance or could not drive the truck?

If qualification begins when the driver is put "on road", why is the clock ticking for the 1st day of the training school?

I stick by my statement, if you cannot drive the truck with no packages on it then you should be disqualified.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
qualified by performance or could not drive the truck?

If qualification begins when the driver is put "on road", why is the clock ticking for the 1st day of the training school?

I stick by my statement, if you cannot drive the truck with no packages on it then you should be disqualified.
Did you pass intergrad?


Package Center Manager
So the coach of a sports team should be able to play all the positions?

The CEO's (managers) of microsoft, apple, samsung should know how to write code.

I do not expect the manager of Outback to know how to cook my steak but I do expect him to hire someone who can.

The person that puts your car together do you expect them to do it right every time or just some of the time because that is what you are asking us to accept.

The example's could go on and on.
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My Senior Picture
Did not go to Intergrad, learned the job from the first day on the job. Already knew how to drive a manual transmission in a large vehicle. Earned the job the hard way.
Intergrad is nothing more than a tool to shift liability from the Company to the driver, just like the DOK.


My Senior Picture
So the coach of a sports team should be able to play all the positions?

The CEO's (managers) of microsoft, apple, samsung should know how to write code.

I do not expect the manager of Outback to know how to cook my steak but I do expect him to hire someone who can.

The person that puts your car together do you expect them to do it right every time or just some of the time because that is what you are asking us to accept.

The example's could go on and on.
This post speaks volumes.
Just how fat are you???

10 Pt

I am fortunate in that my loader doesn't just look at the report for my pkg car and toss it away. He uses it to build a custom load and will let me know when he has to move stuff around.
They are taped inside the back door here daily. The belt supes are as green as the ever changing preload employees.

10 Pt

Did not go to Intergrad, learned the job from the first day on the job. Already knew how to drive a manual transmission in a large vehicle. Earned the job the hard way.
With 40% less stops.

10 Pt

So the coach of a sports team should be able to play all the positions?

The CEO's (managers) of microsoft, apple, samsung should know how to write code.

I do not expect the manager of Outback to know how to cook my steak but I do expect him to hire someone who can.

The person that puts your car together do you expect them to do it right every time or just some of the time because that is what you are asking us to accept.

The example's could go on and on.
I believe most all operational management people had to drive at least 30 days to be "promoted" to amnesia.
Next lame excuse please.

10 Pt

...but little to no control over the number of stops on the car...

The quality of the DOL should be a combined effort between the bid driver and management.
Captain obvious strikes again.
Are you in queue? Been a bad boy?
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