

I'm a star
Could one sue an employer for damages if they remove all precautions such as masking? Maybe. Same for theme parks, theaters, etc.

Only in extreme cases has anyone ever been able to sue anyone else for transmitting communicable diseases. That, and masks don't work. Why not sue for businesses not requiring people to carry lucky rabbits feet? I'd actually enjoy seeing such a case going to court, and a lawyer presenting the dozens of Random Control Test studies, all showing that masks don't slow the spread of respiratory illness causing viruses, and have the case dismissed with prejudice.

I would also love to see law suits from people who have been harmed by mask wearing, against everyone who ever enforced mask wearing. What's the inverse of a class action lawsuit? Where a small group of people sue every business and government agency in the country? That would be awesome.


I'm a star
If we are going forward we need that protection. It's on the individual now to get the shot or be prepared for possible consequences.

I'll stick with risking the virus, and taking a proven therapeutic like Ivermectin over being forced to be a guinea pig for an experimental medical protocol designed to fill the pockets of pharma and their wholly owned politicians.


Well-Known Member

Mask meet trash :gunsmilie


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Amazing how some on here post as if they've been deprived of oxygen for quite some time.

Make sure to listen to your big government and the ever changing rules.

Talk about


I'm a star
Amazing how some on here post as if they've been deprived of oxygen for quite some time.

Make sure to listen to your big government and the ever changing rules.

Talk about

Wearing a mask will lower blood oxygen levels, long term oxygen deprivation to the brain results in cognitive impairment. Many didn't have the excess cognitive capacity to spare.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Wearing a mask will lower blood oxygen levels, long term oxygen deprivation to the brain results in cognitive impairment. Many didn't have the excess cognitive capacity to spare.
Many mask wearing things were really sad. Such as, kids wearing masks, children playing sports outdoors, people riding bikes, people out walking, people riding in their cars by themselves, and the list goes on. What made these people think this was helping them? The leaders that promoted this should be held accountable somehow, but that will never happen.

Quote this post 5 years from now to see how absurd, harmful, and obscene our response to this was and how we were all manipulated. smh


Well-Known Member
I pretty much trapped now into wearing a mask the rest of my life. Gotten so used to mouthing curse words at customers , my fellow UPSer's, family and the general public under my mask if i stop wearing one now. I would prolly slip sometime and get fired or my butt kicked.