

Well-Known Member
The Covid nightmare is starting to unfold at the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan. 61 athletes have tested positive. 33 are from Japan, 28 are from other countries. Uh, it will spread.
So, Toyota has pulled out of Olympic advertising because the Japanese people are so angry that these games are being held in the first place, they didn't want it. The CEO of Toyota is not going to the opening ceremony. The Covid thing in Japan is intense because they don't have the vax.
In the US cases of covid are up 44 percent from last week because the people who did not get the vax, will not get the vax, are getting covid and they're spreading it to other people who are unvaccinated and children. The four states with the least vaccinated residents are Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Wyoming. They have low vaccination rates and that's where the Covid cases are.
In L.A. they overreact because the progressives who run the city use covid for political purposes, they have a mask mandate.
The whole covid thing is being used by the progressives. They're using Covid to silence opposition.
I don't believe that covid should be used to silence anyone. If you don't want to get the vaccine, you should be able to post why. Now, if you say I don't want to get it because I'm going to turn into a werewolf, you're a fool and people will know you're a fool.
In our country with all the points of view, the anti-vax people should be heard. I don't agree with them.
But, once you start down the ban road, you can put it to global warming, if you don't believe in global warming, boom, you're a non-person.
That's what they want, because you can't impose socialism and progressive policies without totalitarianism. It has never been done in the history of this planet. There hasn't been one socialist government that has come about because of a free vote. Never happens. It's always silence the opposition. Always.
And yet no hospitals are overrun. And the southern and Republican states will never reach the body count of the enlightened liberal states.

Can you guess why we just don't care?


I'm a star

Seriously, people just love passing around narratives that fit what they want to believe without even questioning anything. If you believe anything being reported about covid anymore, I have a couple bridges, some beach front property in Iowa, some blinker fluid, and some photos of Elvis shaking hands with Bigfoot (taken last week) you might be interested in buying.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
View attachment 345199

Seriously, people just love passing around narratives that fit what they want to believe without even questioning anything. If you believe anything being reported about covid anymore, I have a couple bridges, some beach front property in Iowa, some blinker fluid, and some photos of Elvis shaking hands with Bigfoot (taken last week) you might be interested in buying.
The Dems are flat out wacky