

Well-Known Member
Yes, I've seen everything you care to post. And all of that data has been filtered and screened to be as pure as the driven snow. It is generated in unreliable or corrupt fashion, and then is screened and pushed the same way.

Why do you think that somehow big Agriculture and the FDA or others could be so corrupt or pass bad science or misshape the public mind, but that Big Pharma and the CDC wouldn't?

The Driver

I drive.
Yes, I've seen everything you care to post. And all of that data has been filtered and screened to be as pure as the driven snow. It is generated in unreliable or corrupt fashion, and then is screened and pushed the same way.

Why do you think that somehow big Agriculture and the FDA or others could be so corrupt or pass bad science or misshape the public mind, but that Big Pharma and the CDC wouldn't?
They don't pass bad science, we just don't listen to the best available balance of evidence. Because we love cheeseburgers and ice cream.

When it comes to this virus we have 3 vaccines and they're all safe and effective.


Well-Known Member
They don't pass bad science, we just don't listen to the best available balance of evidence. Because we love cheeseburgers and ice cream.

When it comes to this virus we have 3 vaccines and they're all safe and effective.
Big Ag or Big Tobacco didn't pass bad science? Lol. They owned enough of the scientific machinery or at least the scientific PR machinery to do whatever they wanted for decades.


Well-Known Member
They don't pass bad science, we just don't listen to the best available balance of evidence. Because we love cheeseburgers and ice cream.

When it comes to this virus we have 3 vaccines and they're all safe and effective.
Everyone agrees they're pretty safe and pretty effective.

They do more than nothing, and they're unlikely to give you a problem. Literally everyone agrees on that. I don't know why you keep reiterating what even most vaccine skeptics acknowledge.

We just have good reasons to doubt they're As safe or As effective as we are told. And we know that young and healthy people aren't at meaningful risk from Covid. So, we responsibly choose to take that known low risk.


Well-Known Member
They don't pass bad science, we just don't listen to the best available balance of evidence. Because we love cheeseburgers and ice cream.

When it comes to this virus we have 3 vaccines and they're all safe and effective.
This is all too new to make such generalizations. There are new worries over the Delta variant. It's already happening that people who've been fully vaccinated are getting infected and hospitalized. In the U.K. saw a health minister say 60% of new hospitalizations were for fully vaccinated people. That number was corrected to 40%. And this is still primarily a risk to the elderly.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Covid nightmare is starting to unfold at the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan. 61 athletes have tested positive. 33 are from Japan, 28 are from other countries. Uh, it will spread.
So, Toyota has pulled out of Olympic advertising because the Japanese people are so angry that these games are being held in the first place, they didn't want it. The CEO of Toyota is not going to the opening ceremony. The Covid thing in Japan is intense because they don't have the vax.
In the US cases of covid are up 44 percent from last week because the people who did not get the vax, will not get the vax, are getting covid and they're spreading it to other people who are unvaccinated and children. The four states with the least vaccinated residents are Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Wyoming. They have low vaccination rates and that's where the Covid cases are.
In L.A. they overreact because the progressives who run the city use covid for political purposes, they have a mask mandate.
The whole covid thing is being used by the progressives. They're using Covid to silence opposition.
I don't believe that covid should be used to silence anyone. If you don't want to get the vaccine, you should be able to post why. Now, if you say I don't want to get it because I'm going to turn into a werewolf, you're a fool and people will know you're a fool.
In our country with all the points of view, the anti-vax people should be heard. I don't agree with them.
But, once you start down the ban road, you can put it to global warming, if you don't believe in global warming, boom, you're a non-person.
That's what they want, because you can't impose socialism and progressive policies without totalitarianism. It has never been done in the history of this planet. There hasn't been one socialist government that has come about because of a free vote. Never happens. It's always silence the opposition. Always.
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El Correcto

god is dead
The Covid nightmare is starting to unfold at the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan. 61 athletes have tested positive. 33 are from Japan, 28 are from other countries. Uh, it will spread.
So, Toyota has pulled out of Olympic advertising because the Japanese people are so angry that these games are being held in the first place, they didn't want it. The CEO of Toyota is not going to the opening ceremony. The Covid thing in Japan is intense because they don't have the vax.
In the US cases of covid are up 44 percent from last week because the people who did not get the vax, will not get the vax, are getting covid and they're spreading it to other people who are unvaccinated and children. The four states with the least vaccinated residents are Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Wyoming. They have low vaccination rates and that's where the Covid cases are.
In L.A. they overreact because the progressives who run the city use covid for political purposes, they have a mask mandate.
The whole covid thing is being used by the progressives. They're using Covid to silence opposition.
I don't believe that covid should be used to silence anyone. If you don't want to get the vaccine, you should be able to post why. Now, if you say I don't want to get it because I'm going to turn into a werewolf, you're a fool and people will know you're a fool.
In our country with all the points of view, the anti-vax people should be heard. I don't agree with them.
But, once you start down the ban road, you can put it to global warming, if you don't believe in global warming, boom, you're a non-person.
That's what they want, because you can't impose socialism and progressive policies without totalitarianism. It has never been done in the history of this planet. There hasn't been one socialist government that has come about because of a free vote. Never happens. It's always silence the opposition. Always.
I don’t want to be vaxed because I have better things to do than schedule an appointment and take time out of my weekend to go get vaxed.
I’m literally not scared of covid at all and if you are scared you should go get your vaccine and :censored2: off.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t want to be vaxed because I have better things to do than schedule an appointment and take time out of my weekend to go get vaxed.
I’m literally not scared of covid at all and if you are scared you should go get your vaccine and * off.
The hateful homo responds.
Your comment has nothing to do with the post.

El Correcto

god is dead
The hateful homo responds.
Your comment has nothing to do with the post.
You asked in that long winded rant of yours why people weren’t getting vaxed and that they should answer you.
Why do you fear death jew worshipper? It’s eternal happiness with the jew king and all your dead relatives. Your family will be along eventually. Why you so scared?


Inordinately Right
The Covid nightmare is starting to unfold at the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan. 61 athletes have tested positive. 33 are from Japan, 28 are from other countries. Uh, it will spread.
So, Toyota has pulled out of Olympic advertising because the Japanese people are so angry that these games are being held in the first place, they didn't want it. The CEO of Toyota is not going to the opening ceremony. The Covid thing in Japan is intense because they don't have the vax.
In the US cases of covid are up 44 percent from last week because the people who did not get the vax, will not get the vax, are getting covid and they're spreading it to other people who are unvaccinated and children. The four states with the least vaccinated residents are Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Wyoming. They have low vaccination rates and that's where the Covid cases are.
In L.A. they overreact because the progressives who run the city use covid for political purposes, they have a mask mandate.
The whole covid thing is being used by the progressives. They're using Covid to silence opposition.
I don't believe that covid should be used to silence anyone. If you don't want to get the vaccine, you should be able to post why. Now, if you say I don't want to get it because I'm going to turn into a werewolf, you're a fool and people will know you're a fool.
In our country with all the points of view, the anti-vax people should be heard. I don't agree with them.
But, once you start down the ban road, you can put it to global warming, if you don't believe in global warming, boom, you're a non-person.
That's what they want, because you can't impose socialism and progressive policies without totalitarianism. It has never been done in the history of this planet. There hasn't been one socialist government that has come about because of a free vote. Never happens. It's always silence the opposition. Always.
Why are you still talking about cases rather than deaths? OMG Olympic athletes got the sniffles! These are literally some of the healthiest young people on the planet, so who gives a :censored2:.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You asked in that long winded rant of yours why people weren’t getting vaxed and that they should answer you.
No rant and I didn't ask that anywhere in the post.
Why do you fear death jew worshipper? It’s eternal happiness with the jew king and all your dead relatives. Your family will be along eventually. Why you so scared?
Fear and death are not in the post either. Didn't see jew worshipper either.
You're flaming up on hardly anything these days, hateful homo.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why are you still talking about cases rather than deaths? OMG Olympic athletes got the sniffles! These are literally some of the healthiest young people on the planet, so who gives a *.
The point is the cases are showing up in the unvaxed and least vaxed states.
The Olympics are going to be in trouble. Japan doesn't have the vax.
Sniffles from covid. Yep. The numbers prove if you get the vax, you don't get the sniffles.


nowhere special
Correction. 40% of hospitalizations from Covid were vaccinated.
