
The Driver

I drive.
The only language some of you guys understand is racism, so I’ll say this: you’re acting like the vaccine-hesitant people in Sierra Leone. BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA BOO it’s gonn kill us!


Well-Known Member
Some businesses want to operate vaccinated only. Great opportunity for other businesses to cater to the unvaccinated.

Or both populations.
It's called capitalism, it defines winners and losers in business.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Many "Christians" in my state won't get the vaccine to protect their neighbors. Whatever happened to "love thy neighbor as thyself"?
Loving your neighbor as yourself isn't just "be nice"
If you treat your neighbor like you want to be treated, when you disagree, you explain why and give reason for your position. You welcome wholesome and good debate so you can disagree and still be a good neighbor.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
"Leftism" with a focus on democracy and human rights is preferable to this right-wing authoritarianism that's so popular in the Grand Q'Anon Party.

I think Democrats are going to find out which party voters think is authoritarian next year and in 2024. We're not living in the world of the moderate Joe Biden that was promised last November.

America is fundamentally evil, white people are all racist, no amount of spending on achieving equality between the races in all things is too much and Cuba is no big deal.