
El Correcto

god is dead
Science is a way of thinking about the physical world. It's not a god.

"Leftism" with a focus on democracy and human rights is preferable to this right-wing authoritarianism that's so popular in the Grand Q'Anon Party.
Oh buddy you are in for a rude awakening if you are brainwashed into believing that’s what your leftist cult is about.

The Driver

I drive.
I think Democrats are going to find out which party voters think is authoritarian next year and in 2024. We're not living in the world of the moderate Joe Biden that was promised last November.

America is fundamentally evil, white people are all racist, no amount of spending on achieving equality between the races in all things is too much and Cuba is no big deal.
Such a drama queen.

El Correcto

god is dead
Which part isn't true? Are Democrats from the local to national levels not pushing all of the above right now?


Strength through joy
I predict that the next major break out of infected CoVid people will be in Milwaukee.

65,000 Bucks fans flood downtown Milwaukee to celebrate their first NBA title in 50 years - despite COVID cases surging 160% in two weeks in Wisconsin​



Well-Known Member
"Try to imagine, for example, a campaign to mock attempts to improve airline safety in the wake of a crash that killed hundreds. Or try to envision a political class that would ridicule and undermine engineers who were trying to shore up the foundations of condominiums in Florida in the days after a horrific building collapse there.
None of that, however, even comes close to the genuine depravity of the current burst of performative anti-vax demagoguery we are seeing right now… Faced with all of this, much of the right's reaction has ranged from the puerile to the criminally reckless."

Charlie Sykes, conservative commentator

El Correcto

god is dead


Well-Known Member
I do think there would be more Republicans running out to receive the God Emperor's miracle vaccine if he were still President.
Devotion to donald seems to extend to the belief ,egged on by GOP politicians and right-wing media that the vaccine is now a Democratic plot, even though their fearless leader keeps taking credit for its development.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why do Republicans hate daddy Trump's vaccine?
I don’t feel one way or another about the vaccine. I’m just sick of hearing about covid. Covid is a political tool for the left to further centralize control just like every other media manufactured crisis, directed at booting opposing party out of power and shutting up their dissenters.
Same with the capitol riots.

I’m not scared of dying from covid, even with all the :censored2: I’ve talked on it and people freaking out over it. We have the vaccine, it’s over move on snowflakes.


Well-Known Member
Devotion to donald seems to extend to the belief ,egged on by GOP politicians and right-wing media that the vaccine is now a Democratic plot, even though their fearless leader keeps taking credit for its development.
Could've sworn Democrats were saying Trump failed to deliver on the vaccine and Biden deserves the credit. When y'all get your story straight let us know.