
Off the leash

Well-Known Member


I'm a star
How parents aren’t withdrawing their kids en masse from this abusive atmosphere is beyond me

They are. The stats I've seen is at least 10% nationwide are keeping their kids from entering kindergarten. I haven't seen stats for kids who were already in school. In my state, 25,000 were pulled from public schools over the last year. Sounds like quite a bit more won't be returning next year unless they get their act together.
The process underway to vilify and ostracize the unvaxxed is undeniable. They have a lot of Holocaust similarities (striking similarities in some cases). A process is a process. Identifying (vaccine passports masks and stickers), demonizing (Trump voters are to blame...or so the MSM is portraying it in that manner even though many democrats don’t want the shots either), and marginalizing (jab or job...choose wisely or face ruination) are processes that were applied to the Jews under Hitler (right up until the “Final solution “), which are currently being used today.

History tells me that these tactics are unacceptable.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes please why the friend…k friend don’t you? You obviously know only Democrat talking points. If you had an original thought it would be your first.
I don't own a TV. Talking points?..Democrat?...Original thought? You're the biggest parrot on here.

You are obviously an idiot.
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