

Well-Known Member
Or it could be the Matrix is just a movie.
it seems you dont understand:

BILL MOYERS: When Joseph Campbell was a little boy, his father took him to the Museum of Natural History in New York, and he was transfixed by the totem poles and masks. Who made them, he wondered, what did they mean? He began to read everything he could about Indians, their myths and legends. By ten, he was into the pursuit that made him one of the world’s leading scholars of mythology, and one of the most exciting teachers of our time. It was said that he could make the bones of folklore and anthropology live.

The driving idea of his life was to understand the power of the stories and legends of the human race, especially those common themes and deep principles which energized our imagination down through the ages. The jealous god of Abraham is not the god of the stories of India, who shows neither wrath nor mercy, but however the mystic traditions differ, Campbell said, they’re in accord in this respect: they call men and women to a deeper awareness of the very act of living itself, and they guide us through trials and traumas, from birth to death.

Joseph Campbell once said to his students at Sarah Lawrence College, “If you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it.” That’s what he taught. Over the last two summers of his life, in hours of conversations recorded in the library of Lucasfilm in California, we talked about how mythology can still awaken a sense of awe, gratitude and even rapture. Why myths? Why should we care about myths? What do they have to do with my life?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, my first answer would be, well, go on, live your life, it’s a good life, you don’t need this. I don’t believe in being interested in subjects because they’re said to be important and interesting. I believe in being caught by it somehow or other. But you may find that with a proper introduction, this subject will catch you.

And so what can it do for you when it does catch you? These bits of information from ancient times, which have to do with the themes that have supported man’s life, built civilizations, informed religions over the millennia, have to do with deep inner problems, inner mysteries, inner thresholds of passage and if you don’t know what the guide signs are along the way, you have to work it out yourself. But once this catches you, there is always such a feeling from one or another of these traditions of information, of a deep, rich life-vivifying sort, that you won’t want to give it up.

BILL MOYERS: So myths are stories of the search by men and women through the ages for meaning, for significance, to make life signify, to touch the eternal, to understand the mysterious, to find out who we are.

CAMPBELL: People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that the life experiences that we have on the purely physical plane will have resonances within that are those of our own innermost being and reality. And so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive, that’s what it’s all finally about, and that’s what these clues help us to find within ourselves.

BILL MOYERS: Myths are clues?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life.

BILL MOYERS: What we’re capable of knowing within?


BILL MOYERS: And experiencing within.




My health and my loved ones health is my business. You do not have a right to endanger the public because you believe in some crazy right wing conspiracy theory.
The difference between between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. The CDC just came out and said two days ago that people that are vaccinated carry a higher viral load. What does that mean? It means they are more infectious and are super spreaders. People really need to wake up.


Yes you are. Living in fear of your Orange leader.
Oh yes, the typical “orange man bad” trump syndrome. How do you like the current hyper inflation? Gas prices? Supply chain breakdowns? Cyber ransom ware attacks? Critical race theory indoctrination? More mask mandates and lockdowns? The world laughing at our current leadership?
yah, Biden is doing a great job destroying our country. But who cares about all that right?! “Orange man bad”.
wake up


Well-Known Member
The difference between between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. The CDC just came out and said two days ago that people that are vaccinated carry a higher viral load. What does that mean? It means they are more infectious and are super spreaders. People really need to wake up.

The article linked to in this tweet is long, but well worth your time.

Vaccines CANNOT be rushed!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Lol, CBS news does a report on kids with kung flu, interviews one in his hospital bed. The kid is 365 pounds! Probably has blood sugar issues being so tubby.

Reporter doesn't address his self induced risk factors at all.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has issued brand new recommendations regarding the wearing of seat belts. Health experts there are now recommending people wear a seat belt, even when outside the car.
When asked how a seat belt that's not anchored to anything can protect anyone, they replied with a statement saying "SHUT UP IT'S SCIENCE!"…


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
it seems you dont understand:

BILL MOYERS: When Joseph Campbell was a little boy, his father took him to the Museum of Natural History in New York, and he was transfixed by the totem poles and masks. Who made them, he wondered, what did they mean? He began to read everything he could about Indians, their myths and legends. By ten, he was into the pursuit that made him one of the world’s leading scholars of mythology, and one of the most exciting teachers of our time. It was said that he could make the bones of folklore and anthropology live.

The driving idea of his life was to understand the power of the stories and legends of the human race, especially those common themes and deep principles which energized our imagination down through the ages. The jealous god of Abraham is not the god of the stories of India, who shows neither wrath nor mercy, but however the mystic traditions differ, Campbell said, they’re in accord in this respect: they call men and women to a deeper awareness of the very act of living itself, and they guide us through trials and traumas, from birth to death.

Joseph Campbell once said to his students at Sarah Lawrence College, “If you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it.” That’s what he taught. Over the last two summers of his life, in hours of conversations recorded in the library of Lucasfilm in California, we talked about how mythology can still awaken a sense of awe, gratitude and even rapture. Why myths? Why should we care about myths? What do they have to do with my life?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, my first answer would be, well, go on, live your life, it’s a good life, you don’t need this. I don’t believe in being interested in subjects because they’re said to be important and interesting. I believe in being caught by it somehow or other. But you may find that with a proper introduction, this subject will catch you.

And so what can it do for you when it does catch you? These bits of information from ancient times, which have to do with the themes that have supported man’s life, built civilizations, informed religions over the millennia, have to do with deep inner problems, inner mysteries, inner thresholds of passage and if you don’t know what the guide signs are along the way, you have to work it out yourself. But once this catches you, there is always such a feeling from one or another of these traditions of information, of a deep, rich life-vivifying sort, that you won’t want to give it up.

BILL MOYERS: So myths are stories of the search by men and women through the ages for meaning, for significance, to make life signify, to touch the eternal, to understand the mysterious, to find out who we are.

CAMPBELL: People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that the life experiences that we have on the purely physical plane will have resonances within that are those of our own innermost being and reality. And so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive, that’s what it’s all finally about, and that’s what these clues help us to find within ourselves.

BILL MOYERS: Myths are clues?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life.

BILL MOYERS: What we’re capable of knowing within?


BILL MOYERS: And experiencing within.


I appreciate the concept Joseph is pushing here.
There are many natural cures and medicines that ancient knew about that in less than 2 centuries have almost been forgotten.
I use hapé to help me reach a state of mindfulness.
I use CBD to help with my pain.
I use a homeopathic mixture of Biotin, Keratin & Collagen for my knees, bones and joints.

I also use any modern medicine that helps ... like the COVID vaccine.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the concept Joseph is pushing here.
There are many natural cures and medicines that ancient knew about that in less than 2 centuries have almost been forgotten.
I use hapé to help me reach a state of mindfulness.
I use CBD to help with my pain.
I use a homeopathic mixture of Biotin, Keratin & Collagen for my knees, bones and joints.

I also use any modern medicine that helps ... like the COVID vaccine.
thats cool man.

i just got my second shot yesterday. its going good, but i see these super @zub's everywhere

im trying to square the idea of not needing anything to be happy and needing justice.


I'm a star
thats cool man.

i just got my second shot yesterday. its going good, but i see these super @zub's everywhere

im trying to square the idea of not needing anything to be happy and needing justice.

I'd like to see you square the idea of living in a matrix of control, and constantly warning about the presence and dangers of such, then going ahead and lapping up everything that matrix hastily whips up for you. To put it in terms you might understand, you are like Cipher.


I'm a star
I appreciate the concept Joseph is pushing here.
There are many natural cures and medicines that ancient knew about that in less than 2 centuries have almost been forgotten.
I use hapé to help me reach a state of mindfulness.
I use CBD to help with my pain.
I use a homeopathic mixture of Biotin, Keratin & Collagen for my knees, bones and joints.

I also use any modern medicine that helps ... like the COVID vaccine.

I'm glad you guys feel better having gotten the shots. It is my sincere hope that it continues working for you and you never suffer any negative effects from it. But you can't let your sunk cost fallacy thinking cloud the fact that it is becoming more and more clear that the shots are not as effective as claimed, and are far more dangerous than has been admitted to.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I appreciate the concept Joseph is pushing here.
There are many natural cures and medicines that ancient knew about that in less than 2 centuries have almost been forgotten.
I use hapé to help me reach a state of mindfulness.
I use CBD to help with my pain.
I use a homeopathic mixture of Biotin, Keratin & Collagen for my knees, bones and joints.

I also use any modern medicine that helps ... like the COVID vaccine.
To bad it isn’t a vaccine, it doesn’t last like a real vaccine it fades away. Better of using other proven therapeutics.


Well-Known Member
I remember watching various deadly disease movies over the years. In those type of movies, there is a highly contagious disease killing a lot of people and the hero's are racing towards the cure, and they get the cure after much death and loss, and of course everyone in the movie gets the cure to the deadly disease its a no brainer. If those movies would have depicted a large percentage of people refusing to get the cure, before covid I wouldn't have viewed those movies as realistic. But here we are.

Some of the people who won't get the vaccine, their arguments don't make sense, Oh I don't want to get an experimental vaccine, but you are ok with getting a brand new virus introduced into your body that may damage your health permanently or kill you without giving your body some protection against this new virus? Oh I trust my body's immune system to fight the virus, but you don't trust your body's immune system to deal with the vaccine? Oh Covid is just the flu, but the flu is seasonal, Covid spikes all year round. You have a 99% chance of survival, but your chance of survival statically goes up with the vaccine. It is all irrational nonsense.