

Inordinately Right
I remember watching various deadly disease movies over the years. In those type of movies, there is a highly contagious disease killing a lot of people and the hero's are racing towards the cure, and they get the cure after much death and loss, and of course everyone in the movie gets the cure to the deadly disease its a no brainer. If those movies would have depicted a large percentage of people refusing to get the cure, before covid I wouldn't have viewed those movies as realistic. But here we are.

Some of the people who won't get the vaccine, their arguments don't make sense, Oh I don't want to get an experimental vaccine, but you are ok with getting a brand new virus introduced into your body that may damage your health permanently or kill you without giving your body some protection against this new virus? Oh I trust my body's immune system to fight the virus, but you don't trust your body's immune system to deal with the vaccine? Oh Covid is just the flu, but the flu is seasonal, Covid spikes all year round. You have a 99% chance of survival, but your chance of survival statically goes up with the vaccine. It is all irrational nonsense.
Democrats pushed anti vaccine rhetoric.
Here we are.


Well-Known Member
Also, I have to point out that republican elected officials have just been disasters in their talking points about Covid. They are responsible for a lot of unnecessary deaths. Finally some of them are coming around to reality that they are getting people killed by not promoting vaccines.

Also, a lot of what republicans predicted would be the response to Covid once trump was gone, that no one would care that it would be declared a non issue, that they wouldn't discuss Covid at all has been proven false

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I'm glad you guys feel better having gotten the shots. It is my sincere hope that it continues working for you and you never suffer any negative effects from it. But you can't let your sunk cost fallacy thinking cloud the fact that it is becoming more and more clear that the shots are not as effective as claimed, and are far more dangerous than has been admitted to.
Everything has risks but I'm alive and almost all of the people who died from COVID did not get the vaccine.
Might be a case of synchronicity but those odds are really bad!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I remember watching various deadly disease movies over the years. In those type of movies, there is a highly contagious disease killing a lot of people and the hero's are racing towards the cure, and they get the cure after much death and loss, and of course everyone in the movie gets the cure to the deadly disease its a no brainer. If those movies would have depicted a large percentage of people refusing to get the cure, before covid I wouldn't have viewed those movies as realistic. But here we are.

Some of the people who won't get the vaccine, their arguments don't make sense, Oh I don't want to get an experimental vaccine, but you are ok with getting a brand new virus introduced into your body that may damage your health permanently or kill you without giving your body some protection against this new virus? Oh I trust my body's immune system to fight the virus, but you don't trust your body's immune system to deal with the vaccine? Oh Covid is just the flu, but the flu is seasonal, Covid spikes all year round. You have a 99% chance of survival, but your chance of survival statically goes up with the vaccine. It is all irrational nonsense.


I'm a star
Everything has risks but I'm alive and almost all of the people who died from COVID did not get the vaccine.
Might be a case of synchronicity but those odds are really bad!

You realize they are including data from before the vaccine was widely available, and they have stopped testing people who are fully vaccinated who are getting hospitalized, right? That's before you even consider the fact that the tests for covid are being pulled due to false positive rates.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I remember watching various deadly disease movies over the years. In those type of movies, there is a highly contagious disease killing a lot of people and the hero's are racing towards the cure, and they get the cure after much death and loss, and of course everyone in the movie gets the cure to the deadly disease its a no brainer. If those movies would have depicted a large percentage of people refusing to get the cure, before covid I wouldn't have viewed those movies as realistic. But here we are.

Some of the people who won't get the vaccine, their arguments don't make sense, Oh I don't want to get an experimental vaccine, but you are ok with getting a brand new virus introduced into your body that may damage your health permanently or kill you without giving your body some protection against this new virus? Oh I trust my body's immune system to fight the virus, but you don't trust your body's immune system to deal with the vaccine? Oh Covid is just the flu, but the flu is seasonal, Covid spikes all year round. You have a 99% chance of survival, but your chance of survival statically goes up with the vaccine. It is all irrational nonsense.
You been watching too many movies


Well-Known Member
You realize they are including data from before the vaccine was widely available, and they have stopped testing people who are fully vaccinated who are getting hospitalized, right? That's before you even consider the fact that the tests for covid are being pulled due to false positive rates.
That’s a lot of misinformation packed into a short post.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You realize they are including data from before the vaccine was widely available, and they have stopped testing people who are fully vaccinated who are getting hospitalized, right? That's before you even consider the fact that the tests for covid are being pulled due to false positive rates.
Don't overthink this.
How many people who got the COVID vaccine died from COVID?

I fully support people making their own choices.
I got my two COVID vaccine shots that TRUMP developed and I don't worry about dying from COVID.
Works for me.
If you didn't get your COVID vaccinations and you want me to adjust my behaviors, go friend**k yourself!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Don't overthink this.
How many people who got the COVID vaccine died from COVID?

I fully support people making their own choices.
I got my two COVID vaccine shots that TRUMP developed and I don't worry about dying from COVID.
Works for me.
If you didn't get your COVID vaccinations and you want me to adjust my behaviors, go friend**k yourself!
More than there telling you, you dam sheep 🐑


I'm a star
Don't overthink this.
How many people who got the COVID vaccine died from COVID?

I fully support people making their own choices.
I got my two COVID vaccine shots that TRUMP developed and I don't worry about dying from COVID.
Works for me.
If you didn't get your COVID vaccinations and you want me to adjust my behaviors, go friend**k yourself!

You're right. I debated about whether I should have brought up something that half the population can't do anything about, since being aware won't help, and worrying about it could hurt. I guess I just hoped people would catch the drift and not make claims that aren't supported by the data.

Anyway, since you are much closer to the CDC than I am, would you mind going there and licking everyone squaw in da nuts for me? Thanks.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
You're right. I debated about whether I should have brought up something that half the population can't do anything about, since being aware won't help, and worrying about it could hurt. I guess I just hoped people would catch the drift and not make claims that aren't supported by the data.

Anyway, since you are much closer to the CDC than I am, would you mind going there and licking everyone squaw in da nuts for me? Thanks.
Old man jingles is nutty lol


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see you square the idea of living in a matrix of control, and constantly warning about the presence and dangers of such, then going ahead and lapping up everything that matrix hastily whips up for you. To put it in terms you might understand, you are like Cipher.
actually i was warning about a pandemic before this happened. i compared it to much worse than terrorist hype. but people wont give me credit because theyre immature and dont like my politics.

cipher was a cynic and was into superficial things like fame and being a movie star. he sold out his friends for the deep state. i dont do that. he was also into diets which hurt animals and pollute and i tried to cut back at least. but what i like about cipher is he is a skeptic and i think some skepticism is good. the idea u can do anything if u put ur mind to it is obviously BS>

the matrix was a system of exploitation. u are in favor of that, not me right? u support capitalism. i would say alot of what you believe is wrong, but you would say the same about me so no sense arguing about that.


Well-Known Member
You realize they are including data from before the vaccine was widely available, and they have stopped testing people who are fully vaccinated who are getting hospitalized, right? That's before you even consider the fact that the tests for covid are being pulled due to false positive rates.
seems unlikely zub


I'm a star
seems unlikely zub

There you go, supporting the system of control out of one side of your mouth, while trashing it the other. You are a living contradiction. It's not the economic system that is exploitive, it's the people in power, yet, you believe everything they tell you while saying we need to give power back to the people. You don't even know if they are the ones who are making you believe socialism is a good goal.

BTW, the matrix would have been better if they were using people's brains for processing power rather than their body heat for energy. It would have made more practical sense, and would have provided a better allegory for the system of control. The matrix really is an artifact of collectivist thinking, and controlling belief is how it really works. That's why they couldn't not overcome the matrix collectively, but needed the "One", the individual, to break through the illusory barriers, to show people that by embracing individuality, the matrix loses all control. Being made to believe the Matrix was about the evil of capitalism is part of the control scheme.