

nowhere special



Inordinately Right


nowhere special
The Associated Press ran with this story so it's in a ton of mainstream outlets and countless local stations. Most people will never know it was completely fake.
They will parrot the original story and ignore the "correction" And of course the NYT didn't issue a real retraction. Just a stealth edit.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The Associated Press ran with this story so it's in a ton of mainstream outlets and countless local stations. Most people will never know it was completely fake.
I guarantee you there are people on here that have repeated this BS. These are the same ones that parroted what the sheepherders told them about Trump Telling people to inject bleach.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
You guys still crying about things not returning back to normal. If you’d get your vaccine we could continue on with our lives and go back to normal. Pretty simple concept.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
You guys still crying about things not returning back to normal. If you’d get your vaccine we could continue on with our lives and go back to normal. Pretty simple concept.
Just 30 days to slow the spread, just please wear a mask until the hospitals are not overwhelm, just please wear a mask until a vaccine, just please take a vaccine so you won‘t have to wear a mask, just please wear a mask and vaccine so we can get this under control, please get a vaccine to protect yourself, please get a vaccine to protect others, this won’t work until most volunteer to get the vaccine, You will get a vaccine to work, to be continued…
This will never end because people have shown they will fall for one step at a time with no definite end. If you are getting shots and wearing mask you have made this the new normal so stop waiting for something to get back to a normal that you walked away from.
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
it doesnt touch your brain.
Not suppose to but Tell that to this lady,
“A Covid-19 nasal swab test punctured a US woman's brain lining, causing fluid to leak from her nose and putting her at risk of life-threatening infection, doctors reported in a medical journal Thursday.“