
Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Now I’m definitely not getting the vaccine.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
not allowed to ask why you pick cotton. You shut your mouth and pick if you want to enjoy your stay on the democrat plantation.

Very interesting.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What adverse effects? These mRNA vaccines have a great safety record. Billions of shots given globally. I wish aspirin had this good of a safety record.
From the link I supplied you:
"We believe that the public should be fully informed that vaccines, though effective in preventing infections, may have long term adverse effects. An educated public will probably increasingly demand proper safety studies before widespread immunisation. We believe that the outcome of this decision will be the development of safer vaccine technology."

The Driver

I drive.
From the link I supplied you:
"We believe that the public should be fully informed that vaccines, though effective in preventing infections, may have long term adverse effects. An educated public will probably increasingly demand proper safety studies before widespread immunisation. We believe that the outcome of this decision will be the development of safer vaccine technology."
Nice find from 1999 about vaccine technology and our understanding about them.

El Correcto

god is dead
Experts will admit that a very small percentage of people will experience adverse side effects that can be life altering from vaccines. Nicki Minaj ignoring the swollen balls comment made a very good point. There could be risk involved in getting this vaccine, you need to come to that conclusion on your own terms, wether accepting the advise of medical community or whatever, but you need to be the one to makes that choice.

I wouldn’t be at peace with that decision and the consequences if I felt pressured into something and it goes wrong. Only if I had accepted the possible outcomes of my decision and made that choice would I be at peace.


I'm a star
well you can list some more id be interested in hearing some.

Having a swab soaked with an irritating chemical inserted into your nostril up to your brain and rubbed around is a disincentive.

Using unreliable tests which can cause you to be forced into quarantine against your will when you aren't even sick.

Getting tested adds to the statistics, which are manipulated, then used to manipulate low IQ consumers into believing the descent into totalitarianism is both necessary and desirable, and no sane person should want to participate in the mechanism of their own enslavement.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Nicki’s head is bloodied but unbowed.
She decided to be the master of her fate and captain of her soul.

The left absolutely despises these kinds of people, especially blacks.
They can’t tolerate the free expression of ideas because theirs are either wacky or outright lies. Historically the left has always had to use lies and crisis to gain power. That’s why they won’t let go of the covid virus. Even though around the world other countries are debating wether or not the so called vaccine is worth it, and they’re using alternative therapeutics to treat the virus. The left wing media here suppresses any and all debate, Facebook, google, Twitter and all the mainstream media are all propaganda outlets for the Democrats. We better wake up because it’s getting real late.


Well-Known Member
Having a swab soaked with an irritating chemical inserted into your nostril up to your brain and rubbed around is a disincentive.

Using unreliable tests which can cause you to be forced into quarantine against your will when you aren't even sick.

Getting tested adds to the statistics, which are manipulated, then used to manipulate low IQ consumers into believing the descent into totalitarianism is both necessary and desirable, and no sane person should want to participate in the mechanism of their own enslavement.
im skeptical of all 3 of these

but its true govt doesnt prefer freedom.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Having a swab soaked with an irritating chemical inserted into your nostril up to your brain and rubbed around is a disincentive.
We are told how contagious this virus is and that we must wear mask because a droplet of moisture might escape our mouth or nose with the virus attached to the moisture droplet. Then why can’t they just get a mouth swab to find a virus particle? That seems strange that they must jam a swab up to your brain barrier. Many say that this breaks that thin barrier doing this. A conspiracy theorist might ask why they have to search so hard to find something so easy to find?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
People say a lot of stupid things.
Why do they have to dig up to your brain (I know it’s not actually to your brain I don’t want you to deflect off on that) to find something that is in your saliva? That’s the question. But I do like your deflection.
“A Covid-19 nasal swab test punctured a US woman's brain lining, causing fluid to leak from her nose and putting her at risk of life-threatening infection, doctors reported in a medical journal Thursday.“
This was from liberal Yahoo news. They went on to say she had a rare disease and try to explain away the incident. The point is why do they have to do this?
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Why do they have to dig up to your brain (I know it’s not actually to your brain don’t want you to deflect off on that) to find something that is in your saliva? That’s the question. I do like your deflection.
I was tested last month, they only swab at the entrance to the sinus cavity, no big deal anymore