

Well-Known Member
This is such a deadly virus that the the illegals don’t have to be vaccinated or even checked to see if they have the virus before being put on planes and distributed through out the USA. If this was really a pandemic this would not and could not happen. Uncle Joe and the Dems that voted to not check or even enforce these people to get vaccinated are not one bit concerned about this “deadly” disease. Watch what people do, not what they say, to tell you how they really feel about this disease. It seems like they need to keep the infection rate growing so they can keep the fear growing. You can get people to comply with anything as long as there is fear involved. We are seeing that happening right in front of our eyes now.
Fake news


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Fake news
You would think that the same people who are for masking your kids and segregating society by vaccine status would be for Illegal Immigrants receiving a COVID test before being released… WRONG!
Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) introduced legislation on Wednesday that would have required illegal migrants to have a negative COVID-19 test before being released from Customs and Border Protection detention. House Democrats voted against the legislation.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You would think that the same people who are for masking your kids and segregating society by vaccine status would be for Illegal Immigrants receiving a COVID test before being released… WRONG!
Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) introduced legislation on Wednesday that would have required migrants to have a negative COVID-19 test before being released from Customs and Border Protection detention. House Democrats voted against the legislation.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
At this point it is what it is. As American citizens we need to turn these new immigrants into freedom loving Americans. If you come across them point out the tyrannical governance they just left compared with the freedom that they now have. Freedom from an all-powerful centralized government.


Well-Known Member
You would think that the same people who are for masking your kids and segregating society by vaccine status would be for Illegal Immigrants receiving a COVID test before being released… WRONG!
Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) introduced legislation on Wednesday that would have required illegal migrants to have a negative COVID-19 test before being released from Customs and Border Protection detention. House Democrats voted against the legislation.
Fake news


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
At this point it is what it is. As American citizens we need to turn these new immigrants into freedom loving Americans. If you come across them point out the tyrannical governance they just left compared with the freedom that they now have. Freedom from an all-powerful centralized government.
This is not the plan. As you can see they are teaching Americans to hate the USA so why would illegals not hear the same propaganda? If someone breaks into your house and squats in it you don’t say “it is what it is and I will teach them to love my family and they will change to my standards”
When someone breaks the law you don’t say “it is what it is”and we have to make them comfortable.
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El Correcto

god is dead
You tell me
How many?
The president has a crackhead son that was his bag man while he was Vice President cashing out on daddy’s public office.
The Vice President is a whore who got her start sucking Willie Brown.
A lot of American cities were looted during a race riot because cops subdued an ODing black man resisting arrest.
These people are just flat out liars or deniers of fact.

El Correcto

god is dead
Kind of silly they all accused don jr of being high on cocaine during the RNC, while for a fact(that they refuse to cover in any meaningful way) Hunter Biden gets higher than giraffe pusillanimous and films himself screwing prostitutes and telling them all his secrets lol.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Because of lack of good governance we have all the hot issues right now. Both branches of government are like raccoon catchers. You pay them to get the raccoon out of your attic, and after they leave they let them loose just down the street so that the problem always returns.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Kind of silly they all accused don jr of being high on cocaine during the RNC, while for a fact(that they refuse to cover in any meaningful way) Hunter Biden gets higher than giraffe pusillanimous and films himself screwing prostitutes and telling them all his secrets lol.
It is nice to see who was outraged at Trump when he was in office but now not saying a word when the other side is doing the same exact thing. Lets us know how full of :censored2: they really are.
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Well-Known Member
Quoted directly from Bill O'Reilly.
Nope, just my observations from listening to a lot of different people, including on here. Why is it that Israel had a huge study that proved natural immunity is much more effective than the vaccines yet for some reason in the U.S. vaccines are the only acceptable method to control the virus?


Well-Known Member
This is not the plan. As you can see they are teaching Americans to hate the USA so why would illegals not hear the same propaganda? If someone breaks into your house and squats in it you don’t say “it is what it is and I will teach them to love my family and they will change to my standards”
When someone breaks the law you don’t say “it is what it is”and we have to make them comfortable.
A Haitian was asked the other day why he didn't stay in Chile? Wasn't it better than Haiti? He said yes, 1000 times better. He was then asked why was he in Mexico trying to get into the U.S.? He said because the U.S. is a million times better than Chile. I guarantee that most of those coming here illegally don't hate the U.S. and after their own experiences elsewhere are highly likely to not understand why anyone hates the U.S.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
A Haitian was asked the other day why he didn't stay in Chile? Wasn't it better than Haiti? He said yes, 1000 times better. He was then asked why was he in Mexico trying to get into the U.S.? He said because the U.S. is a million times better than Chile. I guarantee that most of those coming here illegally don't hate the U.S. and after their own experiences elsewhere are highly likely to not understand why anyone hates the U.S.
Americans didn’t hate America a few years ago. Americans didn’t hate statues a few years ago. Americans didn’t think racism was only if you was white a few years ago but propaganda can change the minds of people. Throw in “you are a victim and need reparations” and mind sets can change fast. Why would anyone coming here want to become like an American when the current administration is saying how bad we are and we need to change? What is that change? What does it look like? We don’t know but we know it isn’t American.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Because of lack of good governance we have all the hot issues right now. Both branches of government are like raccoon catchers. You pay them to get the raccoon out of your attic, and after they leave they let them loose just down the street so that the problem always returns.
I always shot raccoons


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Why was uncle Joe taking a shot in a fake whitehouse prop? Why do we believe the shot isn’t fake? Why does the MSM go alone with this? Don’t ask questions just believe what you are told and be a good sheep. They only have your best interest at heart.
