

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Prove me wrong! Please do research on the :censored2: our government has done to the people then tell me these people was whacked and paranoid. The link is a good place to start but that’s not all.
15 Illegal Experiments The US Government Has Done On Its Own Citizens
But I know we wouldn’t do anything like that anymore, now would we?
They need another staff meeting for a different murder for money plan.
They need to kill them sooner. Hospital beds are needed for every day things and brand new covid patients.
3- 4 weeks average stays for covid.
It just makes better business sense to kill someone in a few days.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
ur words not mine.

im saying they are all sheep and being lead to the slaughter but at least they use to be multi colored in my old city
Your not up with the times or is it just a USA thing? If you are white you are racist even if you don’t know it. That’s why they want to teach Critical Race Theory here. So they can show the white children just how racist they and all white people are. I’m still not sure just how racist a mixed person is (half white/ half black) and I’m wondering if the white in the person hates the black in that same person? Amazes me the many whites and blacks that are couples since we are told all whites are racist and the many white couples that adopt black children but I’m sure I just don’t understand and that’s why the government is so willing to educate us all.
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Well-Known Member
Your not up with the times or is it just a USA thing? If you are white you are racist even if you don’t know it. That’s why they want to teach Critical Race Theory here. So they can show the white children just how racist they and all white people are. Im still not sure just how racist a mixed person (half white/ half black) is and I’m wondering if the white in the person hates the black in that same person? Amazes me the many whites and blacks that are couples since we are told all whites are racist and the many white couples that adopt black children but I’m sure I just don’t understand and that’s why the government is so willing to educate us all.
check out cornel west.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
They need another staff meeting for a different murder for money plan.
They need to kill them sooner. Hospital beds are needed for every day things and brand new covid patients.
3- 4 weeks average stays for covid.
It just makes better business sense to kill someone in a few days.
When one factors in the length of stay, the average hospital charge increased the longer patients were there, and they continued to vary by age group. The cost of hospital stays over 15 days jumped significantly.
Commercial payers are expected to bear the majority of those costs, with Avalere projecting they could pay between $5.6 billion and $9.9 billion. Medicare will pay the second largest portion, between $3.5 billion and $6.2 billion, which also includes the treatment of uninsured patients. Federal and state Medicaid payments are expected to range from $440 million to $780 million.

The cost of hospitalizations, on top of any other required treatments for COVID-19, could total $546.6 billion

Kaiser Family Foundation looked at average Medicare payments for hospital admissions for the existing diagnosis-related groups and noted that the “average Medicare payment for respiratory infections and inflammations with major comorbidities or complications in 2017 … was $13,297. For more severe hospitalizations, we use the average Medicare payment for a respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support for greater than 96 hours, which was $40,218.”
That’s a heck of an insensitive to put a person on a ventilator.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
When one factors in the length of stay, the average hospital charge increased the longer patients were there, and they continued to vary by age group. The cost of hospital stays over 15 days jumped significantly.
Commercial payers are expected to bear the majority of those costs, with Avalere projecting they could pay between $5.6 billion and $9.9 billion. Medicare will pay the second largest portion, between $3.5 billion and $6.2 billion, which also includes the treatment of uninsured patients. Federal and state Medicaid payments are expected to range from $440 million to $780 million.

The cost of hospitalizations, on top of any other required treatments for COVID-19, could total $546.6 billion

Kaiser Family Foundation looked at average Medicare payments for hospital admissions for the existing diagnosis-related groups and noted that the “average Medicare payment for respiratory infections and inflammations with major comorbidities or complications in 2017 … was $13,297. For more severe hospitalizations, we use the average Medicare payment for a respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support for greater than 96 hours, which was $40,218.”
That’s a heck of an insensitive to put a person on a ventilator.
@DriveInDriveOut ... all those thumbs down, I take it you believe all this?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Hospitals are not a place to go to get better from COVID anymore. You are worth more if you die from COVID and the hospital is guaranteed the money. A hospital is the last place I would go to if I had COVID. I would die at home before stepping into a hospital now.

Staff meetings are real simple. You follow what you are told to do. You administer what you are told to administer. Patients come in and their oxygen levels are not low enough (not in bad enough shape) to do what you are told to do and administer what you have been told to administer so you send them home. When they are sick enough (oxygen levels low enough) they come back. Now you can do as you are told and administer what you have been told to administer. Remdesivir can now be given then the patients kidneys shut down (side affect of Resdesivir) so the fluid backs up in the body and lungs so a person can’t breathe so you then put them on a ventilator and then the person drowns in their own fluid. The cause of death is COVID and a $39,000 payout is guaranteed to the hospital.
Why send patients home until they are sick enough (oxygen levels low enough)? it is known the quicker you treat COVID the better. but they are told the protocol they will follow and not to ask question in those staff meetings And that protocol does not treat early symptoms.

Yep, you got it. some pretty :censored2:ty staff meetings to not look into early treatment but that’s where we are. Money makes the rules and decisions.

I have heard it from nurses and doctors that will not participate and lost their jobs and also have heard from multiple patients that request another treatment and are denied.

Prove me wrong! Please do research on the :censored2: our government has done to the people then tell me these people was whacked and paranoid. The link is a good place to start but that’s not all.
15 Illegal Experiments The US Government Has Done On Its Own Citizens
But I know we wouldn’t do anything like that anymore, now would we?
@DriveInDriveOut Do you believe this is true?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
@DriveInDriveOut Do you believe this is true?
All looks good to me 😀. Why wouldn’t anyone believe? You Can’t prove that any of the statements and statistics are not true. Everything stated has been verified by nurses and doctors that had nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling it. Yet the other side has nothing to lose and everything to gain so I guess we know who I’m going to believe.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
All looks good to me 😀. Why wouldn’t anyone believe? You Can’t prove that any of the statements and statistics are not true. Everything stated has been verified by nurses and doctors that had nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling it. Yet the other side has nothing to lose and everything to gain so I guess we know who I’m going to believe.
No doubt.🙃