

Well-Known Member
Generally speaking if you get this virus and have problems and end up in the ICU and can get o2 or a ventilator with viral meds you'll probably live. But that is not the biggest threat of this virus. This virus overwhelms the medical system and is exactly what were seeing in Italy right now. The vast number that end up in ICU take all the resources and limited beds and the ones left waiting are how the number of dead add up. The same thing will shortly happen in the US. This is just beginning still.
In 3, 2, 1....



Well-Known Member
I didn't compare it to polio your liberal comrade did, and then you defended the same position.

Ttku demwit.

Trump is really screwing this up. He’s fired anyone and everyone who isn’t a sycophant...there’s almost no one left who wants to tell him bad news.

Love it when he stands onstage with the experts you say he’s listening to, and he contradicts them two minutes later on the same stage.


Was it just last week when he said we’d be down to zero cases by this week?

Guess he had a ‘hunch’.

Trump is giving us a Master-Class in incompetence.


Engorged Member
never forget democrats were playing politics when trump closed down flights from china

Never Forget: Trump has nothing right No ideas, no plan forward. Admit it, you and your fellow dopes were conned.

The problem with Reality TV is that it's fake. You can't be a pretend president when it hits the fan.

Just one more thing...


Inordinately Right
Trump is really screwing this up. He’s fired anyone and everyone who isn’t a sycophant...there’s almost no one left who wants to tell him bad news.

Love it when he stands onstage with the experts you say he’s listening to, and he contradicts them two minutes later on the same stage.


Was it just last week when he said we’d be down to zero cases by this week?

Guess he had a ‘hunch’.

Trump is giving us a Master-Class in incompetence.
If any of that were true you would be correct. Carry on fren.


Well-Known Member
Never Forget: Trump has nothing right No ideas, no plan forward. Admit it, you and your fellow dopes were conned

I hate to be a contrarian, but the presumptive Democratic nominee has absolutely NOTHING as far as ideas that will save the middle class.


Well-Known Member
libs cant help theirselves right now. their rooting for an epidemic that kills a lot of old trump voters and puts a senile bidens running mate into the presidency

That’s true.

Do you remember your worst Christmas?

You know, because you grew up so poor...


Well-Known Member
If any of that were true you would be correct. Carry on fren.

Sadly it's all true...I wish it weren't.

Your TDS is really just amazing.

In your world, Trump listens to his experts, follows their lead, and is single handedly responsible for staving off the worst of this virus due to his fearless and courageous leadership when he banned travel from China.

Lmao, if only any of that were true