

Strength through joy

(Natural News) Now that most of Australia has received all required doses of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” as mandated by the government, the country’s hospital system is overflowing with patients suffering from a variety of health problems.

One expert revealed that there has been a 40 percent rise in “Code 1s,” as well as lots of “unexplained” heart attacks, chest pains, and respiratory ailments. The situation sounds truly dire, but nobody seems to want to identify the elephant in the room, which is the injection.


Strength through joy

Concern is growing that the spread of COVID cases and city lockdowns in China will have massive downstream effects for global supply chains that could dwarf previous disruptions since the start of the pandemic.

Last May, the huge Yantian container terminal at the Port of Shenzhen throttled down to 30% of normal productivity for a month to stamp out a handful of positive cases there. Hundreds of thousands of shipments that couldn’t enter the port accumulated in factories and warehouses, and many vessels skipped the port to avoid waiting seven days or more at anchor. It took weeks after the port reopened to clear the cargo backlog. The effects cascaded to the U.S. and Europe, resulting in port traffic jams, transit times triple the norm and missed retail deliveries for the holidays.

The difference this time is that an entire metropolis — and highly interconnected global trade center — is essentially shut down. Not since the initial 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan have lockdowns been this extensive in China.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Concern is growing that the spread of COVID cases and city lockdowns in China will have massive downstream effects for global supply chains that could dwarf previous disruptions since the start of the pandemic.

Last May, the huge Yantian container terminal at the Port of Shenzhen throttled down to 30% of normal productivity for a month to stamp out a handful of positive cases there. Hundreds of thousands of shipments that couldn’t enter the port accumulated in factories and warehouses, and many vessels skipped the port to avoid waiting seven days or more at anchor. It took weeks after the port reopened to clear the cargo backlog. The effects cascaded to the U.S. and Europe, resulting in port traffic jams, transit times triple the norm and missed retail deliveries for the holidays.

The difference this time is that an entire metropolis — and highly interconnected global trade center — is essentially shut down. Not since the initial 2020 COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan have lockdowns been this extensive in China.
That’s why they’re locking down


Strength through joy
Shanghai is one of the largest manufacturing centers in China, with heavy concentrations of automotive and electronics suppliers. It is home to the largest container port in the world and a major airport that serves inbound and outbound air cargo. Exports produced in Shanghai account for 7.2% of China’s total volume and about 20% of China’s export container throughput moves through the port there.

One can not shutdown this city and not expect a major ripple effect throughout the entire global transportation network.


Strength through joy
Rhode Island Democrats want to punish the parents of children who refused to submit to the COVID vaccine mandates.
If passed, the bill will financially cripple individuals by doubling their personal income tax and requiring them to pay a monthly fine of $50.

State Senator Samuel Bell is the lead legislator backing the bill, which mandates all Rhode Island residents, workers, and taxpayers receive a COVID-19 vaccine as well as any subsequent boosters that the state’s director of the department of health shall require.
The law will apply to every person “of at least 16 years of age” as well as every person “under 16 years of age” and over 10 years of age.

In order to receive an exemption for a minor, an extremely strict requirement has been drafted into the bill. Parents will need to have three different doctors state on record that the child is “not fit for immunization” and the child themselves will have to place their signature on the form.


I'm a star
Rhode Island Democrats want to punish the parents of children who refused to submit to the COVID vaccine mandates.
If passed, the bill will financially cripple individuals by doubling their personal income tax and requiring them to pay a monthly fine of $50.

State Senator Samuel Bell is the lead legislator backing the bill, which mandates all Rhode Island residents, workers, and taxpayers receive a COVID-19 vaccine as well as any subsequent boosters that the state’s director of the department of health shall require.
The law will apply to every person “of at least 16 years of age” as well as every person “under 16 years of age” and over 10 years of age.

In order to receive an exemption for a minor, an extremely strict requirement has been drafted into the bill. Parents will need to have three different doctors state on record that the child is “not fit for immunization” and the child themselves will have to place their signature on the form.

Those people are insane, and apparently illiterate.


I'm a star

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

Another reason children should have been in school through Covid… They need to build up immunities through exposure to other children.
While not totally disagreeing regarding immunities, hepA immunity is only acquired through infection or immunization, and can permanently damage the liver. Vaccinations that have been proven effective, such as DTaP, are necessary.


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