

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Two covid winters. No one got the flu.
Covid is gone. Chances of getting the flu this winter is 12 times what it was.
Lions and tigers and bears...Oh my...I better get that shot.


I'm a star
well more sick people because the weather is cooler earlier because global warming is.....
hey wait a minute..

They might have the early part right, but I guess the "writer" skipped data analysis class. The slope from this year is basically identical to 2019 and 2017. 2016 and 2018 looks like they started later and we can't see much on that graph. I wonder why 2021 is so different. Lol. It's not spreading faster. I bet if we go and look at a wider set of years there will be others that started this early and earlier.

Oh, wait, sorry. I forgot, we're supposed to blame whoever's President. Or is that only when it's an anti-establishment guy. These Democrat rules are so incongruous and confusing.


I'm a star

Which is it? Covid deniers? Or selling fake covid cures (that the NIH silently added to the list of covid treatments)? Opinion pieces aren't news. The only reason the daily beast isn't guilty of defamation is that no reasonable person would accept that this tripe is anything other than a horribly uninformed opinion.
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Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Which is it? Covid deniers? Or selling fake covid cures (that the NIH silently added to the list of covid treatments)? Opinion pieces aren't news. The only reason the daily beast isn't guilty of defamation is that no reasonable person would accept that this tripe is anything other than a horribly uninformed opinion.


  • The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials (AIIa).


I'm a star


  • The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials (AIIa).
Last Updated: April 29, 2022


  • IVM 200–600 μg/kg PO as a single dose or a once-daily dose for up to 5 days"
Still in clinical trials, and the FDA does not recommend its use. But remdesivir, which has been proven to kill people with the approved protocol, got approval immediately. Amazing! Lol.

Seems like the FDA is slow rolling back its position too.

FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation

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Staff member
Show me evidence that the Epoch Times is any less reliable than any source you rely on and I'll consider this a reasonable criticism. Lol.
I'm not arguing that they are "less reliable" than other sources, because I don't blindly trust any source of news, but they make political donations.

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

If you are a news organization, you have absolutely no business endorsing, or promoting politicians.

I know lots of others have done it, but it's dirty, and it means that they are absolutely not reliable as an objective, unbiased source of news.