
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing that they are "less reliable" than other sources, because I don't blindly trust any source of news, but they make political donations.

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

If you are a news organization, you have absolutely no business endorsing, or promoting politicians.

I know lots of others have done it, but it's dirty, and it means that they are absolutely not reliable as an objective, unbiased source of news.

I'm trying to think of an objective, unbiased source of news here in the US,


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Show me evidence that the Epoch Times is any less reliable than any source you rely on and I'll consider this a reasonable criticism. Lol.
The epoch times pushes conspiracy, theories, election denialism, and QAnon.

They mixing legitimate news stories, but they are not a legitimate news source.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


I'm a star
I'm not arguing that they are "less reliable" than other sources, because I don't blindly trust any source of news, but they make political donations.

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

If you are a news organization, you have absolutely no business endorsing, or promoting politicians.

I know lots of others have done it, but it's dirty, and it means that they are absolutely not reliable as an objective, unbiased source of news.

When NBC calls them the biggest Trump advocate, all that means is that they report on the good things he does, not spin everything he ever does as bad and even make up bad things like all the other "news outlets". This is more an indictment of the mefia when they have to spin objective reporting as advocacy.


Staff member
When NBC calls them the biggest Trump advocate, all that means is that they report on the good things he does, not spin everything he ever does as bad and even make up bad things like all the other "news outlets". This is more an indictment of the mefia when they have to spin objective reporting as advocacy.
They spent $1.5 million on ads for Trump on Facebook. That's what the article link was for. The rest of it, I trust NBC just as little as the rest of them, so I took it as opinion.


I'm a star
I'm trying to think of an objective, unbiased source of news here in the US,

I doubt we have news outlets any more. But when a source is labeled "far-right" I read "right" as a synonym for "correct".

When the courts constantly affirm that "fact-checkers" are indeed "opinion-givers" it's hard to take anything the mefia says as anything other than opinion. In contrast to that fantasy land they've created, anything that approaches objectivity automatically becomes "right wing" by comparison.


I'm a star
They spent $1.5 million on ads for Trump on Facebook. That's what the article link was for. The rest of it, I trust NBC just as little as the rest of them, so I took it as opinion.

"according to data from Facebook’s advertising archive"

Facebook told NBC that Epoch Times spent 1.5 million on "pro-Trump" ads. I'll translate: Facebook considers everything the Epoch Times reports "pro-trump", so they either block the links to their site, or down-boost any posts that link to their articles. In order for outlets like Epoch Times, DailyWire, etc, to get any screen time on Facebook they have buy ads. Compare that to all the free boosting that Facebook does for the things they approve of, distorting the public's perception of what is acceptable, artificially shifting the overton window towards facebook's, and their partners in the FBI, bias. As such, Epoch Times buying ads to get people to go to their site is considered by Facebook as spending 1.5 million on "pro-trump" ads.


Staff member
"according to data from Facebook’s advertising archive"

Facebook told NBC that Epoch Times spent 1.5 million on "pro-Trump" ads. I'll translate: Facebook considers everything the Epoch Times reports "pro-trump", so they either block the links to their site, or down-boost any posts that link to their articles. In order for outlets like Epoch Times, DailyWire, etc, to get any screen time on Facebook is to buy ads. As such, Epoch Times buying ads to get people to go to their site is considered by Facebook as spending 1.5 million on "pro-trump" ads.

That's an interesting take. Not sure I buy it though.


Inordinately Right
They spent $1.5 million on ads for Trump on Facebook. That's what the article link was for.
You have to be careful when reading trash outlets like NBC though. They use clever and vague wording, in this case "$1.5 million on about 11,000 pro-Trump advertisements".

The only advertisement NBC provided in their hit piece on a rival media outlet was this:

So that's a pro Trump advertisement according to NBC. To me, it looks like an advertisement for the epoch times itself.

How about you?


Staff member
You have to be careful when reading trash outlets like NBC though. They use clever and vague wording, in this case "$1.5 million on about 11,000 pro-Trump advertisements".

The only advertisement NBC provided in their hit piece on a rival media outlet was this:
View attachment 408506

So that's a pro Trump advertisement according to NBC. To me, it looks like an advertisement for the epoch times itself.

How about you?
It's a gray area.

It doesn't look unbiased to me.


Staff member
Just reporting the facts. You always have the right to disregard any facts you want.
I don't trust people who think they have all the facts and have a full understanding of what is and isn't true.

You have an opinion, and I have an opinion. I'm just not arrogant enough to say mine is "facts".


I'm a star
It's a gray area.

It doesn't look unbiased to me.

Like I said, show me evidence they are any less reliable than any other source. Objective reporting on Trump will necessarily appear to be biased when the standard "reporting" is biased against him.

But at least you are willing to step back the claim of advocacy for Trump down to biased for Trump.


I'm a star
I don't trust people who think they have all the facts and have a full understanding of what is and isn't true.

You have an opinion, and I have an opinion. I'm just not arrogant enough to say mine is "facts".

I don't trust anyone who can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion, or who accuse people of thinking they have all the facts simply because they do know the difference between fact and opinion.