

Inordinately Right
4,102 dead Americans, 190,000+ known infected. DIDO like his master Trump both decided to,”ride the virus like a cowboy, ride right through it.” Both have ridden cowboys.

Joe Biden on Trump's China travel ban:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,”


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt he said anything about Corona before February 2nd that was before the superbowl. But I'm definitely the first on here to mention it. And you give no credit I was warning people 2 months ago. You could of least said wow you did try to warn us you even started your own thread. You people


Staff member
Joe Biden on Trump's China travel ban:

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,”
You'd probably be able to reason with Joe Biden better than you can with this clown.
You must really be getting under his skin for him to mention you by name, though... Lol.


Staff member
I highly doubt he said anything about Corona before February 2nd that was before the superbowl. But I'm definitely the first on here to mention it. And you give no credit I was warning people 2 months ago. You could of least said wow you did try to warn us you even started your own thread. You people
We can add "egomaniac" to paranoid and delusional.

The President restricted travel to China On January 31st.
At the time less than 10K people even had it.


Well-Known Member
Nanny piglosi of the nanny state was in contact 4 days ago that tested positive yesterday. She should be quarantined because she is very old I can't stand her but I give her credit she definitely not staying inside and still doing her job. All politicians are taking health risks and the risk of bringing it home. And most are old. Illinois should of delay the primary the governor of Louisiana should of canceled Mardi Gras and not wait for trump. It's time for governor's to govern and take things into their own hand and make big boy decisions.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
We can add "egomaniac" to paranoid and delusional.

The President restricted travel to China On January 31st.
At the time less than 10K people even had it.
I'm asking for credit when credit is due I gave you a post on February 2nd 30 days into year. I was reading this stuff on info wars thegatewaypundit.Com and redstate.Com and a few other sites


Well-Known Member
You still want to see the death certificate. And now it's only a rumor that another driver at our facility died of covid19 so it's definitely 1 but rumors today was that another guy died. The had to move the whole control room at cach because someone last week tested positive. So I need 2 death certificate for bad idea girl to believe me.


Well-Known Member
We can add "egomaniac" to paranoid and delusional.

The President restricted travel to China On January 31st.
At the time less than 10K people even had it.
10k people first of Chinese ain't people 2nd of your quoting the communist Chinese. 10 k you probably believe we have more cases then the country with over a billion people.


Staff member
You still want to see the death certificate. And now it's only a rumor that another driver at our facility died of covid19 so it's definitely 1 but rumors today was that another guy died. The had to move the whole control room at cach because someone last week tested positive. So I need 2 death certificate for bad idea girl to believe me.
I already posted that the one had become confirmed. I spoke with higher ups (ha!) at the hall, and they confirmed it was COVID-19 related.

I'm not telling you you are absolutely wrong.
I'm saying you are a maroon for just spreading gossip and rumors.
Edit: And especially for treating said rumors as fact.