

Well-Known Member

for example just in case you have a fair bone in your body which I know is asking a lot


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The hospitalization rate is more a factor of lack of testing ... 1455 cases and 35 deaths with no clusters.
The deaths are spread out all over the state as well as hospitalization which is 333.
The positive rate on testing is 25% while states with many more tested is around 10%.
I question if Erica did well in math or statistics if she even took them.
Yeah, the Guv looks like most every other Governor before they grasp the seriousness of COVID-19 including Cuomo.


It’s pretty obvious you have no idea what pandemic means. Everyone isn’t shocked.
Tobacco kills over 8,000,000 people a year. Tobacco spans the entire globe. That’s a pandemic. You selective choose who you think should die. Just like you support killing innocent babies. You’re ignorance shines through with blatant stupidity. You say “everyone” in your post. You are alone. You, are you’re everyone.
Tobacco kills over 8,000,000 people a year. Tobacco spans the entire globe. That’s a pandemic. You selective choose who you think should die. Just like you support killing innocent babies. You’re ignorance shines through with blatant stupidity. You say “everyone” in your post. You are alone. You, are you’re everyone.

Folks we have a dope! Tobacco is a choice. Covid19 is not. You’re an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco kills over 8,000,000 people a year. Tobacco spans the entire globe. That’s a pandemic. You selective choose who you think should die. Just like you support killing innocent babies. You’re ignorance shines through with blatant stupidity. You say “everyone” in your post. You are alone. You, are you’re everyone.
No, he didn’t. He purposely left that out, that’s international. To get his uneducated dope followers to believe it’s America.

I'd say he was pretty straightforward in his answer.